Surviving 1st Gen Diesel Locomotives in Michigan, United States

And a few other noteworthy locomotive models

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List of 1st Gen Diesel Locomotives in Michigan, United States

No.ModelRailroad LineLocationStatusBuilder InfoNotes
21RS-1Ann Arbor Lewanee Hwy, Adrian, MI
Alco, 11/1950Southern Michigan Railroad Operated in 2009.
1804RSD-12LS&I ship yard, Escanaba, MI
Alco, 10/1963Purchased by the shipyard so that its prime mover could be transferred into a tugboat.
4040RS-4-TCUS Air Force Michigan Transit Museum, Mt. Clemens, MI
Baldwin, 02/1954
401RS-1Consumers Power (Rutland) Saginaw Railway Museum, Saginaw, MI
Alco, 03/1951
20RS-1Ann Arbor park, Shepard, MI
Alco, 11/1950
201DS-4-4-100E&LS Escanaba & Lake Superior Railroad, Wells, MI
101DS-4-4-660E&LS Escanaba & Lake Superior Railroad, Wells, MI
71BF7BCMStP&P Escanaba & Lake Superior Railroad, Wells, MI
EMD, 07/1950From the Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN.
1216 (3816)RF-16AD&H (NYC) Escanaba & Lake Superior Railroad, Wells, MI
1205 (3805)RF-16AD&H (NYC) Escanaba & Lake Superior Railroad, Wells, MI

Resources for 1st Gen Diesel Locomotives in Michigan, United States

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris