Surviving 1st Gen Diesel Locomotives in Minnesota, United States

And a few other noteworthy locomotive models

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List of 1st Gen Diesel Locomotives in Minnesota, United States

No.ModelRailroad LineLocationStatusBuilder InfoNotes
4211F9AErie Mining Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
EMD, 1956
2500A (7001)FP7AMStP&SSM (EMD) Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
EMD, 11/1949Withdrawn from service in 1986 and donated to the LSRM. Restored to operational condition in 1995.
900HH-1000Oliver Iron Mining Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
Alco, 06/1940
192NW5GN Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
EMD, 1946
101RS-1Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
Alco, 1945
7243 (403)S-12Erie Mining Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
Baldwin, 10/1956
320SW1MStP&SSM Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
EMD, 1939
80 (8031)RS-23Minnesota Commercial (CP) Minnesota Commercial, Fridley, MN
MLW, 09/1959
32A (202A)E9AW&S (CMStP&P) Minneapolis Junction, Minneapolis, MN
EMD, 04/1956From Milwaukee, WI, then Janesville, WI.
305RS-3Green Bay & Western Gopher State Railway Museum, New Prague, MN
Alco, 05/1951
16 (306B)F3BGN Jackson Street Roundhouse, St. Paul, MN
EMD, 10/1948
454AF7AGN Jackson Street Roundhouse, St. Paul, MN
EMD, 03/1950
316 (904)RS-27MNNR (C&NW) Minnesota Commercial, St. Paul, MN
Alco, 03/1962
318 (901)RS-27MNNR (C&NW) Minnesota Commercial, St. Paul, MN
Alco, 03/1962

Resources for 1st Gen Diesel Locomotives in Minnesota, United States

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris