Surviving 1st Gen Diesel Locomotives in Tennessee, United States

And a few other noteworthy locomotive models

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List of 1st Gen Diesel Locomotives in Tennessee, United States

No.ModelRailroad LineLocationStatusBuilder InfoNotes
520RS-3SRR (Reading) New Rivers siding, Briceville, TN
Alco, 08/1951 Abandoned on site in 2008 after engine failure.
913RS-1Hartford & Slocumb (Atlanta & St. Andrews Bay) TVRM Grand Junction, Chattanooga, TN
Alco, 1950
8669RSD-1US Army TVRM Grand Junction, Chattanooga, TN
6914E8ASRR TVRM Soule Shops, Chattanooga, TN
EMD, 12/1953
814F7ANC&StL TVRM Soule Shops, Chattanooga, TN
EMD, 04/1949
919F7BNC&StL TVRM Soule Shops, Chattanooga, TN
EMD, 06/1950
852F7BClinchfield TVRM Soule Shops, Chattanooga, TN
EMD, 02/1949
109RS-3Central of Georgia TVRM Soule Shops, Chattanooga, TN
Alco, 09/1950
8021RSD-1US Army TVRM Soule Shops, Chattanooga, TN
8677RSD-1US Army TVRM Soule Shops, Chattanooga, TN
Alco, 02/1945
8014RSD-1US Army TVRM Soule Shops, Chattanooga, TNscrappedAlco
36 (7467)VO-1000Tennessee Valley (US Air Force) TVRM Soule Shops, Chattanooga, TN
Baldwin, 08/1943
27VO-1000Tennessee Valley (US Navy) TVRM Soule Shops, Chattanooga, TN
Baldwin, 02/1945
578 (4087C)F7ALV (C&NW) TVRM storage, Chattanooga, TN
EMD, 12/1949 Previously owned by the United Railroad Historical Society. Abandoned by Iowa Pacific in Canton, MS. Acquired by the TVRM in 2021.
576 (4073C)F7ALV (C&NW) TVRM storage, Chattanooga, TN
EMD, 07/1949 Previously owned by the United Railroad Historical Society. Abandoned by Iowa Pacific in Canton, MS. Acquired by the TVRM in 2021.
4064E8ANYC Tennessee Central Railway Museum, Nashville, TNunknownEMD, 06/1953Current location unknown.
9912 (9987B)E9ABN (CB&Q) Tennessee Central Railway Museum, Nashville, TN
EMD, 12/1955
819 (719A)F7AL&N (B&LE) Tennessee Central Railway Museum, Nashville, TN
EMD, 06/1952Restored in 2021.
815 (715)F7AL&N (B&LE) Tennessee Central Railway Museum, Nashville, TN
EMD, 06/1952To be restored to L&N 815
719F7BL&N (B&LE) Tennessee Central Railway Museum, Nashville, TN
EMDUnsure of current location.
715F7BL&N (B&LE) Tennessee Central Railway Museum, Nashville, TN
EMDUnsure of current location.
605 (310)FA-2LIRR (L&N) Tennessee Central Railway Museum, Nashville, TN
Alco, 06/1956Owned by the Southern Appalachia Railroad Museum but stored at the TCRM, Nashville, TN.
405 (2302)GP7L&N Tennessee Central Railway Museum, Nashville, TN
EMD, 1951
4800 (9014)SW1Westvaco (IC) Tennessee Central Railway Museum, Nashville, TN
EMD, 12/1939
52 (2038)SW8Tennessee Central (US Army) Tennessee Central Railway Museum, Nashville, TN
EMD, 06/1951
102 (1306)C420Little Rock & Western (L&N) Southern Appalachia Railroad Museum, Oak Ridge, TN
Alco, 08/1966 From the Arkansas Railroad Museum, Pine Bluff, AR. Moved in 2023.
6913E8ASARL (SRR) Southern Appalachia Railroad Museum, Oak Ridge, TN
EMD, 12/1953
8016 (800)F3AC&O (Clinchfield) Southern Appalachia Railroad Museum, Oak Ridge, TN
EMDFrom the North Carolina Transportation Museum, Spencer, NC.
800 (8016)F3AClinchfield (C&O) Southern Appalachia Railroad Museum, Oak Ridge, TN
EMD, 12/1948 From the Potomic Eagle Scenic, Romney, WV.
637 (97C)FP7ADL&W (CMStP&P) Southern Appalachia Railroad Museum, Oak Ridge, TN
EMD, 01/1951From Steamtown, Scranton, PA.
39-5308 (105)RS-2SARL (E.I. Dupont) Southern Appalachia Railroad Museum, Oak Ridge, TN
Alco, 06/1951
512RS-3Reading Southern Appalachia Railroad Museum, Oak Ridge, TN
Alco, 07/1952Owned by Vintage Locomotives, Inc

Resources for 1st Gen Diesel Locomotives in Tennessee, United States

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris