Surviving 1st Gen Diesel Locomotives in Texas, United States

And a few other noteworthy locomotive models

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List of 1st Gen Diesel Locomotives in Texas, United States

No.ModelRailroad LineLocationStatusBuilder InfoNotes
442 (842)RSD-15Austin & Texas Central (AT&SF) Austin Steam Train Association, Austin, TX
Alco, 06/1960
401B (66C)F3AM-K-T Red River Museum, Denison, TX
6913DDA40XUP Museum of the American Railroad, Frisco, TX
2260DS-4-4-100AT&SF Museum of the American Railroad, Frisco, TX
Baldwin, 02/1948From Sacramento
4903GG1PRR Museum of the American Railroad, Frisco, TX
PRR, 1940
59LPA-1AT&SF Museum of the American Railroad, Frisco, TX
Alco, 10/1948
8000 (231)RSD-1Texas Industries (NYS&W) Museum of the American Railroad, Frisco, TX
Alco, 06/1942Built as an RS-1.
2016 (2044)FL9NYNH&H Grapevine Vintage Railroad, Grapevine, TX
EMD, 10/1960
2014 (2041)FL9NYNH&H Grapevine Vintage Railroad, Grapevine, TX
EMD, 10/1960
510DS-4-4-750Texas MexicanGulf Coast Chapter NRHS, Houston, TX
Baldwin, 07/1949
2350S-2AT&SFGulf Coast Chapter NRHS, Houston, TX
Alco, 1945
14S-2HB&TGulf Coast Chapter NRHS, Houston, TX
Alco, 1945
9920 (9990)E9ABN (CB&Q) Old Town, Keller, TX
EMD, 07/1954
7 (608)RS-2Texas State (Union) Texas State Railroad, Palestine, TX
2301HH-600AT&SF Temple Railroad & Heritage Museum, Temple, TX
Alco, 07/1937

Resources for 1st Gen Diesel Locomotives in Texas, United States

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris