Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006.
One by one these localbahn engines came on the property, the first in 1881, the last in 1902. 509L had fewer tubes (a total of 50.6 sq m) but a deeper firebox (3.7 sq m) over a smaller grate (0.98 sq m). Together with the 507L-508L, the 509L served the Lokalbahn KÿnigshanvSchatzlar.
Only one was carried into the CSD after World War One. As 300.102, this engine was withdrawn in 1928.
Data from [], last accessed 20 August 2006.
If engine numbers are any indication, these were the first locomotives to go into service with the DBE,.a north Bohemian railway that connected Bodenbach with the brown coal fields of Dux, Brnx und Komotau. (Sounds like a German law firm.)
After World War One, the 2 remaining locomotives were CSD 312.6, but were retired by 1925.
Data from [], accessed 16 August 2006.
Wikipedia explains that the class was subdivided according to builder as follows:
Vb Strousberg of Hannover (works numbers 504-523 in 1871)
Vc Schwartzkopff in Berlin (works numbers 203-214 in 1871)
Vd & Ve Floridsdorf in Vienna. (The first of these was the first for this firm.Works numbers were 1-16, 22-31)
All 58 were delivered in 1871-1872, and for that time, had relatively large boilers and grates, but relative small fireboxes.
Locobase isn't certain, but believes that the class received a modified firebox in 1886 within which the direct heating surface rose to 8.3 sq m (89.31 sq ft); total evaporative surface increased to 137.6 sq m (1,481 sq ft). Boiler pressure also increased to 8.5 bar (120 psi).
An 1891 boiler modification saw the tubes shortened in favor of a combustion chamber. As a result, the new firebox heating surface rose to 8.3 sq m (89.31 sq ft) while total evaporative surface dropped to 134.9 sq m (1,452 sq ft). Boiler pressure rose once more to 10 bar (142 psi).
After World War One, the CSD classed those left in service as 312.2; some of these lasted in Czech hands until 1949. Others were passed along to the M-V in Hungary as class 351.
Data from [], last accessed 2 September 2006.
A little six-coupled tank design from Wiener Neustadt that first appeared on the +NWB's Lokalbahn Gro+priesen-Wernstadt-Ausch, the 162 satisfied requirements on several other railways over the next 15 years. Three years after the GWA purchase, the ONWB purchased 2 more for the CastolowitzvReichenauvSolnitz lokalbahn.
The Bÿhmische Nordbahn bought 8 in 1895-1905 and added 3 more for its Bÿhmisch Leipa-Steinschÿna lokalbahn. Reichenberg-Gablonz-Tannwalder Eisenbahn acquired 7 in 1894 and added one each in 1903 and 1909. Finally, the kkStB itself bought 3 for its StarkenbachvRochlitz localbahn.
Small drivers under long tanks, steam dome over the leading driving axle, enclosed cab, and a broad, spark-arresting "hat" on the stack were the salient features in a photo.
After World War One, the CSD took over all of this class and designated 313.4 . In 1938, the Deutches Reichsbahn numbered the 18 survivors as BR 98.1211-BR 98.1228. A few survived World War II. The last two retired from Turnov and Ceska Lipa in 1966.
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006.
Delivered to this little localbahn as the MELNIK, MSENO, and LABE, this trio of tanks actually represents two orders. The first two were produced by Krauss Linz in 1893, while the later engine came from Prague's Bÿhmisch-MShrische Maschinenfabrik in 1903. The Wikipedia photo shows a compact engine with spindly eccentric-driven valve gear operating outside of the drivers.
When the Austro-Hungarian Empire broke up after World War One, among the titanic tectonic shifts was the acquisition of these three engines by Czechoslovakia's CSD as their class 311.4. The last of the little tanks was withdrawn in 1937.
Data from [], accessed 16 August 2006.
Sigl, StEG, and Wiener Neustadt all contributed locomotives to this second part of the DBEB's 6-coupleds. Compared to the earlier engines, this nonet deleted 4 fire tubes but gained a respectable amount of direct heating surface in return.
Their post-World War One careers were similar to most other kkStB locomotives. Some went to Poland, which almost immediately discarded them. The twenty that wound up with the CSD were class 314.0 and operated into the 1930s.
Data from [], accessed 20 August 2006. The article notes that 3 more identical locomotives went to the +sterreichische Nordwestbahn
Showing the classic outside frame, overhanging springs with equalizers, steam dome over the first axle, tall, capped, flared stack. They were designated Class 35 when the KFJB was nationalized in 1884.
After World War One, the kkStB was superseded by the Oesterreichische Bundesbahnen , which retained 23 Class 35s and ran some until 1930.
Italy received some of the surviving engines as their FS 195. Of the successor national railways, the JD- only briefly operated their allotment and never gave them a class ID. The CSD designated theirs 312.3 and ran some until 1930.
Data from [], last accessed 22 August 2006. Both Floridsdorf and Wiener Neustadt produced locomotives to this design over a 4-year period.
They were the first to be designed by Hermann von Littrow, who enjoyed a long career in both steam and street railways. Like most of the Austrian locomotives of the time, the design's main rod (connecting rod) was exposed outside of a heavy plate frame. The succeeding Class 56 (Locobase 1206) went inside.
Although most of the class (15) remained with the kkStB's successor, the BBO, a few stocked the Polish PKP briefly while a few more went to Italy as war reparations and were grouped as FS 223.
Data from [], last accessed 24 June 2007
Built originally for the SWK Lokalbahn, they served the kKStB only a short while. After World War One, the successor Czech national railway CSD took possession classed them as 300.3. Unlike the very similar and older 293s, however, this pair was soon withdrawn in 1926.
Data from [], accessed 16 August 2006.
A photo from the kkStB era shows "51.03" (later 50.26) with characteristic stack topped by a large, basket-shaped spark-arrestor, the cylindrical steam dome with flared cover over the first axle, square sand box over the second axle, outside springs, outside cylinders and inside valve gear.
Twenty-five of these locomotives originally served the Prag-Duxer Eisenbahn which connected Bohemia's capital with the brown-coal district to the north. It was independent until 1892. Five others went to the Kronprinz-Rudolfsbahn-Gesellschaft as that railway's class IV.
The 23 survivors from the PDEB went to the Czech CSD after World War One as their class 312.0. Their retirements came in the 1930s. The 3 surviving KRB engines initially went to Italy as war reparations and given FS 219 as their class ID. The CSD later took them over too, but didn't designate them.
Data from [], last accessed 22 August 2006.
These six-coupleds had the same power dimensions and boilers as the Class 48s that had been supplied a few years earlier (see Locobase 1205), but the grate was a bit smaller. More important, difficulties with producing a crank axle had been solved and all of the motion could thus be tucked between the frames. The data represent a later series with 2 more tubes and more firebox area.
Floridsdorf, StEG, and Wiener Neustadt all supplied locomotives from 1888 to 1900 and the class operated throughout the Austro-Hungarian rail network. Naturally, when the Empire broke up after World War One, most of the surviving engines went to ssuccessor railways or to Italy as reparations. The Italian engines were given a class ID of FS 261. Czech engines became Class 324.1, Polish locomotives took Th 20, and Yugoslavian examples fel under class 127. The kkStB's successor retained 38 locomotives.
The Third Reich's Anschluss of Austria meant the incorporation of 13 locomotives as CBR 53.7131 - 53.7143.
Data from [], last accessed 23 August 2006.
The first design by Karl Golsdorf, the 59s used the same boiler as the earlier 56, but combined it with cross-compounding (the first Austrian compounds) and Heusinger valve gear outside. He also changed the design of the sand dome.
The 59s were a big success, being built by all major Austrian locomotive builders and operated throughout all of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After the Empire's dissolution, the kkStB's successor BBO retained 36 engines. 30 others went to the Czech State Railways (CSD). Still others went to the Polish State Railways (PKP) as Th 24 and to Italy (FS 127) as war reparations. Four were designated BR 53.7201-53.7204 by the Deutsche Reichsbahn after the Third Reich took over Austria.
Data from [], last accessed 29 August 2006.
Stubby little engines with short tanks, this pair served until 1928 and 1937. After World War One, the Czech national railway CSD classed them as 300.2.
Data from [], accessed 16 August 2006.
Sigl, StEG, and Wiener Neustadt all contributed locomotives to the DBEB's stud of 6-coupleds. There are two entries because the last 9 in the class had a different firebox.
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006.
The kkStB's class 96 held several localbahn locomotive designs. The lowest-numbered of these came from the LFF, which wound up pulling traffic around Vienna.
Always an Austrian pair, this class soldiered on for decades. 96.01 survived World War II and was scrapped only in 1953 on orders of the Soviet government then occupying Austria.
Data from A E Durrant The Steam Locomotives of Eastern Europe (Newton Abbot:David & Charles, 1972) and Tomasz Galka's [] (23 July 2004).
Tables on Dr Jonathan Smith's website ([]) show a grate area of 10.76 sq ft (after conversion) and engine weight of 63,933 lb.
Builders were Floridsdorf, Krauss Linz, +sterreich-Ungarien Staatseisenbahn-Ges, Wiener Neustadt in Austria and BMF (aka PCM, after its Czech name) Bohemia and production lasted until 1913. After World War I, 135 were given to the Czech State Railways (CSD) as their class 310.0 and 12 (or more) went to Poland as TKh12s. The latter were retired before 1939, but the last Czech 310 didn't leave service until 1968.
Data from [], last accessed 20 August 2006.
The first six of these light six-coupled goods engines were procured by the N+SWB in the 1870s, the later engines were procured for the same lines by the kkStB after nationalization in 1884.
As small as they were, the 92s were a good design that served the kkStB's successor BBO until 1939 and the CSD (as its class 321.0).
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006.
Data on origins from Josef Pospichal's Lokstatistic site -- [], last accessed 1 August 2006. The latter site notes that Florisdorf supplied the first 4 (works# 94-97), while Wiener-Neustadt contributed the other 4 (1741-1744).
All of the class had names when in MGB service; in order, these were Grulich, Hannsdorf, Eisenberg, Blauda, Frankstadt, Liebau, Neustadt, and Sternberg. Like many Austrian engines, these engines carried their Stephenson link motion outside.
By 1905, when the kKStB renumbered and reclassified, 4904-4905 had been retired. Four later went into Czech Railway service as CSD class 323 (49.02-03 and 49.06-07). Of these, 323.04 (which started out as MGB 9) was the last to retire in 1929.
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006.
These locomotives were bought as part of the development of rural railway service using lighter rail and smaller engines. By 1894, when the state took it over, the +LEG was the largest private localbahn operator in the Empire.
Data from [], last accessed 20 August 2006.
Sigl supplied 16 of the engines delivered to the BWB and had the larger cylinders shown in the specs. Maffei contributed the other 14, which had 422-mm (16.65") cylinders.
Data from wikipedia [], last accessed 24 June 2007.
Pospischal's website on Austrian locomotives -- [], last accessed 31 August 2006 -- shows that the class was delivered in two batches. Works #2575-2577 in 1881 and 2613-2614 in 1882.
The first of the seven went to the Bozen - Meraner Bahn, the other six to Bÿhmische Commercialbahnen. In 1906, the BMB engine was taken into the kKStB followed by the BCBs in 1909-1910. After World War One, the 4 survivors were taken in by the Czech State Railway as their class 310.2 until 1930.
Data from [], accessed 20 August 2006. See Pospichal's lokstatistic [
], last accessed 19 October 2022 for full details on StEG production.
The StEG built 101 of these freight engines for its own service. 24 others went to the Rakonitz-Protivfner Bahn and the Tarnow-Leluchówer Staatsbahn in 1875; in addition to StEG, Floridsdorf and Wiener Neustadt supplied these engines. When these railways were nationalized as part of the kkStB, 91 were left to be redesignated Class 32.
The division of locomotives after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire included assigning 8 RPB engines as 311.0 and 40 StEG locomotives as 311.1 to the CSD, which operated some of them until 1937. The BBO inherited 3 StEG and 2 TLSB engines, scrapping them in 1925. The PKP received some RPB and TLSB, but did not keep them long.
Data from [], accessed 20 August 2006.
The photograph at the head of this Wikipedia article shows a quaint design. A big steam dome with hemispheric cap and safety-valve, continuous and wavy splasher over the wheels, tall slender stack, outside cylinders, inside valves, and the crew dressed in a set of quite martial uniforms.
These had relatively tall drivers compared to other freight locomotives so they could also pull passenger trains. On the other hand, the design was among the smallest 0-6-0s to enter service in Europe during this period. In 1886, the class was rebuilt with a larger, stronger boiler.
Data from [], last accessed 24 June 2007.
Built from 1879 to 1891, this class of little tanks remained essentially unchanged except for a growth in cylinder diameter from 300 mm (11.9") in the first 11, 320 mm (12.6") in the 1882-1883 locomotives, and the 370 mm (14.57") of the balance delivered from 1883-1891. Loaded weight varied by about a ton.
By 1897, the StEG had redesignated the earlier locomotives as 300s, the next batch 310, and the last, largest batch 320. Twenty in Austrian service were designated Type 195. After World War One, only 14 locomotives remained of which 13 were classed by the CSD as 300.4; the other stayed with the kKStB's successor, the BB+. The latter was withdrawn in 1926 and the last of the Czech engines retired in 1938.
Data from [], accessed 20 August 2006. Locobase 8420 describes an earlier class that was presented at the 1878 Paris Exposition. The design was allowed to grow a bit before this batch was produced.
This class adapted easily to both freight and passenger haulage, the latter permitted by their relatively tall drivers taking the train up to 70 km/h (43 mph). After the First World War, the CSD took over the entire class and redesignated them 333.0. As such, they were quite satifactory, it seems, with some running until 1953.
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006. Works numbers were 1601 in 1881; 1621-1622 in 1882; 1688-1697, 1715-1724 in 1883; 1872-1875 in 1885; 1904 in 1886; 1948-1952 in 1887; 1987-1988 in 1888; 2115-2122, 2127-2131 in 1890; 2249-2252 in 1892
Although originally procured for the private Hungarian StEG railway, the class was later divided in 1891 between the kkStB (40 locomotives) and the new Hungarian national railway, the MAV, which received 22. The MAVs bore road numbers 3221-3242 followed by two later renumberings: 3922-3942 and 3977-3997.
After World War One, the MAV retained its stud as 350 001-350 021while the Austrian engines were distributed between the kkStB's successor (the BBO), which received 23, and the Czech CSD, which incorporated 16 as their class 334.5.
Data from "kkStB 197" in Wikipedia at [], last accessed 24 September 2022. Wiener Neustadt works numbers were 3208-3209, 3228-3381 in 1888; 3381-3383 in 1889; 3471-3475 in 1890, 3476-3478 in 1891, 3614-3618 in 1892, 3880 in 1896, 4095-4097 in 1898, 4269-4270 in 1900, 4429-4430 in 1901, 4598-4599 in 1905. Floridsdorf works numbers were 952-956 in 1895, 1298-1299 in 1899.
[] (27 June 2004), which noted that the minimum curve radius was a constricted 90 meters. Maximum speed was 40 kph (25 mph). 33 of the 43 operated on the main lines, two on KFNB Lokalbahns, and eight others to Mutenitz-Gaya, Otrokowitz-Zlin-Wisowitz and Lundenburg-Eisgrub lokalbahns operated by the KFNB.
During the great distribution of Austro-Hungarian railway assets after its collapse in 1918-1919, 40 came under the Czech State Railways as their 310.1 class. Of the 21 taken over by the Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR) in 1938 and designated BR 98 7711, all but one were soon discarded. A few went to work in 1944 as Bohler-Kapfenberg works engines.
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006.
The kkStB's class 96 held several localbahn locomotive designs. Kuttenberg's sugar factory obtained this pair to work the yards. After 1905, the pair went to the Lokalbahn Polna-Polna-Stadt.
Although very similar (but somewhat larger) than the LFF engines shown in Locobase 4638, this pair had much shorter lives. Although the CSD went to the trouble of designating them 300.5, it retired them by 1925.
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006.
Always a single engine, this little tank originally served a localbahn in western Hungary. Numbered 462.01 by the kkStB, Koritschan went to the CSD after World War One as their 302.001 and operated for that railway until 1950.
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006. Works numbers were 58-69 in 1872, 116-117
Data on origins from Josef Pospichal's Lokstatistic site -- [], last accessed 1 August 2006. The latter site gives the builder as Floridsdorf (works# 58-69 in 1872, 116-117) . In MSCB service, their names were Max, Tegetthoff, Gay Lussac, Watt, Stephenson, Galilei, Toricelli, Humboldt, Archimedes, Aristoteles, Leblanc, Kepler, Reaumur, and Jacquard, respectively.
Most of this class eventually wound up on Poland's PKP (Th17) as part of the post-World War One dampflok diaspora. Others served with the CSD as class 313.1.
Data from [], accessed 16 August 2006.
Sigl, StEG, and Wiener Neustadt all contributed locomotives to this second part of the DBEB's 6-coupleds. Compared to the earlier engines, this nonet deleted 4 fire tubes but gained a respectable amount of direct heating surface in return.
Their post-World War One careers were similar to most other kkStB locomotives. Some went to Poland, which almost immediately discarded them. The twenty that wound up with the CSD were class 314.0 and operated into the 1930s.
Data from [], accessed 16 August 2006.
Compared to the earlier BNB locomotives in this class, this later group had longer tubes and probably a combustion chamber. The result was the biggest boiler of all those locomotives that would later be put in the kkStB's Class 53.
Data from [], last accessed 9 August 2006. Works numbers were 3363-3364 in 1890, 3547-3552 in 1891 3562-3567.
Ten of these fourteen goods locomotives used a cross-compound cylinder layout in a design Wikipedia states was intended to head up fast express trains. (Locobase interprets this to mean they would double-head to provide extra climbing power.)
The other four used two 450mm x 660 mm cylinders in each of two locomotives arranged in a a zwilling (twin) "back to back" semi-permanent coupling arrangement. The four power units were numbered 159.01-04.
In any event, the four zwillings were replaced by KFNB VIII locomotives and put to use in coal fields.
After the Austro-Hungarian Empire disintegrated in 1918-1919, all of this class fell under the new Czech State Railways as their 334.0s. 334.09 retired in July 1933. 234.07went out of service on 21 September 1942 (mostly due to war damage). The rest served into the 1950s an 1960s.
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006. Works numbers were 303-304 in 1880.
This pair of six-coupled tanks was supplied seven years after the Class 67 (as the kkStB would later designate them). Bearing the names HERMENEGILD and PETERSWALD, they joined their smaller brethren on the MShrisch-Ostrau-Dombrau mountain railway.
After World War One, both came to Czechoslovakia's CSD as class 304.1, but not for long. The CSD sold 304.102 (PETERSWALD) to a sugar factory in Gru+bach/Schÿnau, where it operated until 1968. Five years later the Kremsier sugar factory bought 304.101 (HERMENGILD) and operated it unitl 1963.
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006. Krauss Munich works numbers were 1127 in 1882, 1128 in 1883, 1558 in 1884, 1707 in 1886, 2125-2127 in 1889. Krauss Linz works numbers 1793-1794 in 1887, 3180 in 1895, 4621 in 1901, and 5363 in 1905.
Eleven of these tanks were delivered directly to the BNB by Krauss from its Munich and Linz factories over an extended period between 1882 and 1901. Another went initially to the MschenovUnter Cetno localbahn in 1903 and the 13th went to work in 1905 for Ignaz Fuchs, an industrial firm in Prague .
Twelve survived World War One and were absorbed by Czechoslovakia's CSD as their class 320.1. Some operated as late as 1951.
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006.
The 4 engines in this class operated on the MShrisch-Ostrau-Dombrau mountain railway. along with two larger, younger siblings (see Locobase 4626). When delivered to the MOD, they were named MICHALKOWITZ, PECHNIK, JAWORZNO, and HRANECZNIK.
After World War One, the four came to Czechoslovakia's CSD as class 304.0, but they small and old and withdrawn from service by 1923.
Data from [], last accessed 20 August 2006.
M-HRISCH OSTRAU, WITKOWITZ, JAKLOWETZ, and BURNIA came to this mountain railway in 1863. The MOD was absorbed by the Kaiser-Ferdinands-Nordbahn, which in turn was taken in by the +sterreichische Nordbahn, which came into the nationalized Kaiserlich-kÿnigliche ÿsterreichische Staatsbahnen in 1884.
Well before all of this, the KFNB had relegated the class to the Wien Nord. Once the CSD was established in 1919, it took the 3 survivors as its class 312.5 but operated them only until 1925.
Data from [], accessed 16 August 2006.
This was one of the most numerous classes to come into the kkStB on its formation in the 1890s. The KFNB had bought these locomotives over an 18-year period from Floridsdorf, StEG, and Wiener Neustadt. They were named alphabetically from Altenmarkt to Zator.
After the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the end of World War One, most of this class was widely distributed to successor nations' railways, although some were retained by the kkStB's successor, the BB+. Of the others, some went to the CSD as their class 312.1 and 313.0 -- some of these locomotives lasted into the 1960s. Others were designated Th 16 by the Polish PKP; these were tired by 1925. Romania's CFR also operated some ex-51s.
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006. Works numbers were 2693-2704.
Increasing train weights in the mountains led the KFNB to begin procuring these locomotives. The first 10 were as shown in the specs. The last 27 smaller engines appear Locobase 7800.
12 went to the Polish railway PKP as their class Tkh 17 following World War One, while the other 24 were taken up by the CSD as their class 314.3. One of the latter was withdrawn only in 1963.
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006. Works numbers were 2775-2778 in 1899, 2965-2970 in 1901, 3305-3310 in 1906, 3429-3432 in 1907, and 3564-3568 in 1908.
Locobase 4630 shows the first 12 of this class, which had noticeably larger boilers and grates. 12 went to the Polish railway PKP as their class Tkh 17 following World War One, while the other 24 were taken up by the CSD as their class 314.3. One of the latter was withdrawn only in 1963.
Data from [], accessed 20 August 2006. Works numbers were 713-722 in 1889, 863-868 in 1893, and 1304-1307 in 1899. (Each year's batch earned its own subclass ID: X1a, Xib, and XIc.)
The data above represent the first decade of this class as delivered in 1889. Floridsdorf supplied 6 more (251-256) in 1893 as XIb and 4 more (257-260) in 1899 as class XIc. The Wikipedia entry has a confusing table (possibly because the original was filled out in German).
See Locobase 7790 for a variation based on the data table for XIa.
Data from [], accessed 20 August 2006.
Locobase 4611 shows the first ten locomotives of this class as they were delivered in 1889. This entry shows a later version based on the data table shown in Wikipedia for this set of engines. A new boiler with more tubes
The Wikipedia entry notes that the driver size allowed these engines to be used for passenger service (local and slow, one suspects).
After World War One and the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the class was distributed to successor national railways. JD- (Yugoslavia) & PKP (Poland) disposed of of theirs quickly without ever given them new class IDs. Italy received some in reparations as their FS 262. CSD reclassed the 55s as 324.0 and operated them until 1940 and only retired its last work locomotive in 1943.
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006.
This class of six-coupled tanks came in two sizes. The smaller design, which appeared first, is represented in the current entry. The later, larger locomotives are shown in Locobase 7797.
Floridsdorf supplied the first 4, which for some reason were classed Xb and numbered 508-511. Schwartzkopff supplied eight (501-508) as Xa in 1882, and StEG added 10 in 1884.
Regardless of size and provenance, the successor to the kkStB in Czechoslovakia class them all as 314.2 and retained some until 1964.
Data from [], last accessed 27 August 2006.
As noted in Locobase 4624, this class of six-coupled tanks came in two sizes. The earlier locomotives are shown in Locobase 4624. When the kkStB returned to the basic design 6 years after the Xc, they enlarged the boiler considerably to 75.3 sq m of tube heating surface. At the same time, the firebox shrank slightly to 5.2 sq m. In a later update in 1903, the boiler lost a couple of tubes to account for the dimensions shown in the specifications. Boiler pressure for some measure 10 atmospheres (142 psi) while others retained the 12 atm setting.
Regardless of size and provenance, the successor to the kkStB in Czechoslovakia class them all as 314.2 and retained some until 1964.
Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media | |||||
Class | / 93 | 1 / 45 | 151 | 162 | 1M / 262 |
Locobase ID | 7799 | 4621 | 4603 | 4623 | 4627 |
Railroad | Oesterreichische Nordwestbahn (kKStB) | Dux-Bodenbacher Eisenbahn (kKStB) | Oesterreichische Nordwestbahn (kKStB) | kaiserlich-Koeniglichen Oesterreichischen StB (kKStB) | Lokalbahn MelnikvMscheno (kKStB) |
Country | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria |
Whyte | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0T |
Number in Class | 5 | 8 | 58 | 33 | 3 |
Road Numbers | 504L-509L | 1-8 | 38-57, 58-69, 70-89 | 1M-3M / 262.01-262.03 | |
Gauge | Std | Std | Std | Std | Std |
Number Built | 5 | 8 | 58 | 33 | 3 |
Builder | Koechlin | BMMF | |||
Year | 1881 | 1871 | 1871 | 1890 | 1903 |
Valve Gear | Stephenson | Stephenson | Heusinger | Stephenson | |
Locomotive Length and Weight | |||||
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m) | 7.38 / 2.25 | 9.84 / 3 | 10.83 / 3.30 | 9.19 / 2.80 | 8.53 / 2.60 |
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m) | 7.38 / 2.25 | 9.84 / 3 | 10.83 / 3.30 | 9.19 / 2.80 | 8.53 / 2.60 |
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m) | 7.38 / 2.25 | 33.39 / 10.18 | 33.90 / 10.33 | 9.19 / 2.80 | 8.53 / 2.60 |
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg) | |||||
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg) | 54,895 / 24,900 | 79,366 / 36,000 | 75,178 / 34,100 | 83,776 / 38,000 | 73,414 / 33,300 |
Engine Weight (lbs / kg) | 54,895 / 24,900 | 79,366 / 36,000 | 75,178 / 34,100 | 83,776 / 38,000 | 73,414 / 33,300 |
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg) | 56,879 / 25,800 | ||||
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg) | 132,057 / 59,900 | ||||
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML) | 1056 / 4 | 1980 / 7.50 | 1188 / 4.50 | 1109 / 4.20 | |
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) | |||||
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m) | 30 / 15 | 44 / 22 | 42 / 21 | 47 / 23.50 | 41 / 20.50 |
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort | |||||
Driver Diameter (in / mm) | 32.70 / 830 | 50.80 / 1290 | 46.70 / 1185 | 37.40 / 950 | 37.40 / 950 |
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa) | 174 / 1200 | 130.50 / 900 | 116 / 800 | 174 / 1200 | 174 / 1200 |
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm) | 12.6" x 15.75" / 320x400 | 17.72" x 25.59" / 450x650 | 17.13" x 24.88" / 435x630 | 16.54" x 18.9" / 420x480 | 14.17" x 19.69" / 360x500 |
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg) | 11,309 / 5129.68 | 17,545 / 7958.29 | 15,414 / 6991.68 | 20,447 / 9274.61 | 15,634 / 7091.47 |
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) | 4.85 | 4.52 | 4.88 | 4.10 | 4.70 |
Heating Ability | |||||
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flue/Tube length (ft / m) | |||||
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2) | 36.58 / 3.40 | 89.31 / 8.30 | 82.85 / 7.70 | 65.64 / 6.10 | 67.79 / 6.30 |
Grate Area (sq ft / m2) | 11.08 / 1.03 | 16.79 / 1.56 | 18.29 / 1.70 | 17.86 / 1.66 | 16.14 / 1.50 |
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 583 / 54.20 | 1469 / 136.50 | 1474 / 137 | 922 / 85.70 | 835 / 77.60 |
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2) | |||||
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 583 / 54.20 | 1469 / 136.50 | 1474 / 137 | 922 / 85.70 | 835 / 77.60 |
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume | 256.49 | 201.12 | 222.10 | 196.17 | 232.34 |
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information) | |||||
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation | 1928 | 2191 | 2122 | 3108 | 2808 |
Same as above plus superheater percentage | 1928 | 2191 | 2122 | 3108 | 2808 |
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area | 6365 | 11,655 | 9611 | 11,421 | 11,795 |
Power L1 | 3195 | 2898 | 2569 | 2885 | 3543 |
Power MT | 384.94 | 241.50 | 226.01 | 227.76 | 319.19 |
Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media | |||||
Class | 26 / 53.18 | 35 | 48 | 493 | 50 |
Locobase ID | 7787 | 4616 | 1205 | 8523 | 4607 |
Railroad | Dux-Bodenbacher Eisenbahn (kKStB) | Franz-Josefs-Bahn (kKStB) | kaiserlich-Koeniglichen Oesterreichischen StB (kKStB) | Sch~nbrunn Witkowitz K~nigsberg (kKStB) | kaiserlich-Koeniglichen Oesterreichischen StB (kKStB) |
Country | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria |
Whyte | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0 |
Number in Class | 8 | 56 | 23 | 2 | 30 |
Road Numbers | 26-34 / 53.18-53.26 | 51-106 | 493 01-02 | 50.01-50.28 | |
Gauge | Std | Std | Std | Std | Std |
Number Built | 8 | 56 | 23 | 2 | 30 |
Builder | several | Sigl | several | StEG | Floridsdorf |
Year | 1882 | 1868 | 1885 | 1911 | 1872 |
Valve Gear | Stephenson | Stephenson | Stephenson | Stephenson | Stephenson |
Locomotive Length and Weight | |||||
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m) | 10.37 / 3.16 | 10.37 / 3.16 | 10.37 / 3.16 | 9.51 / 2.90 | 10.17 / 3.10 |
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m) | 10.37 / 3.16 | 10.37 / 3.16 | 10.37 / 3.16 | 9.51 / 2.90 | 10.17 / 3.10 |
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m) | 34.22 / 10.43 | 34.30 / 10.46 | 34.78 / 10.60 | ||
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg) | |||||
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg) | 90,389 / 41,000 | 77,162 / 35,000 | 90,610 / 41,100 | 66,139 / 30,000 | 82,673 / 37,500 |
Engine Weight (lbs / kg) | 90,389 / 41,000 | 77,162 / 35,000 | 90,610 / 41,100 | 66,139 / 30,000 | 82,673 / 37,500 |
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg) | |||||
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg) | |||||
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML) | 1056 / 4 | ||||
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) | 1.70 / 2 | ||||
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m) | 50 / 25 | 43 / 21.50 | 50 / 25 | 37 / 18.50 | 46 / 23 |
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort | |||||
Driver Diameter (in / mm) | 46.30 / 1175 | 46.70 / 1185 | 49.50 / 1258 | 33.10 / 840 | 46.30 / 1175 |
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa) | 130.50 / 900 | 116 / 800 | 159.50 / 1100 | 188.50 / 1300 | 145 / 1000 |
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm) | 18.7" x 24.88" / 475x630 | 17.13" x 24.88" / 435x630 | 17.72" x 24.88" / 450x630 | 12.2" x 16.54" / 310x420 | 17.52" x 24.88" / 445x630 |
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg) | 20,844 / 9454.69 | 15,414 / 6991.68 | 21,397 / 9705.53 | 11,917 / 5405.47 | 20,329 / 9221.09 |
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) | 4.34 | 5.01 | 4.23 | 5.55 | 4.07 |
Heating Ability | |||||
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flue/Tube length (ft / m) | |||||
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2) | 96.84 / 9 | 88.23 / 8.20 | 92.54 / 8.60 | 59.18 / 5.50 | 92.54 / 8.60 |
Grate Area (sq ft / m2) | 16.57 / 1.54 | 15.82 / 1.47 | 20.87 / 1.94 | 15.06 / 1.40 | 19.91 / 1.85 |
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 1378 / 128.10 | 1315 / 122.20 | 1428 / 132.70 | 801 / 74.40 | 1432 / 133.10 |
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2) | |||||
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 1378 / 128.10 | 1315 / 122.20 | 1428 / 132.70 | 801 / 74.40 | 1432 / 133.10 |
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume | 174.24 | 198.15 | 201.08 | 357.93 | 206.28 |
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information) | |||||
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation | 2162 | 1835 | 3329 | 2839 | 2887 |
Same as above plus superheater percentage | 2162 | 1835 | 3329 | 2839 | 2887 |
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area | 12,638 | 10,235 | 14,760 | 11,155 | 13,418 |
Power L1 | 2371 | 2389 | 3503 | 5097 | 3054 |
Power MT | 173.49 | 204.77 | 255.69 | 509.70 | 244.32 |
Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media | |||||
Class | 56 | 59 | 5G / 293 | 9 / 53.01 | 96 |
Locobase ID | 1206 | 1207 | 4634 | 4609 | 4638 |
Railroad | kaiserlich-Koeniglichen Oesterreichischen StB (kKStB) | kaiserlich-Koeniglichen Oesterreichischen StB (kKStB) | Reichenberg-Gablonz-Tannwalder (kKStB) | Dux-Bodenbacher Eisenbahn (kKStB) | Lokalbahn FehringvFnrstenfeld (kKStB) |
Country | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria |
Whyte | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0T |
Number in Class | 153 | 193 | 2 | 17 | 2 |
Road Numbers | 5G-6G | 9-26 | 96.01-96.02 | ||
Gauge | Std | Std | Std | Std | Std |
Number Built | 153 | 193 | 2 | 17 | 2 |
Builder | Austria | Austria | Krauss Linz | several | Krauss |
Year | 1888 | 1893 | 1888 | 1871 | 1885 |
Valve Gear | Stephenson | Heusinger | Stephenson | Stephenson | |
Locomotive Length and Weight | |||||
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m) | 10.37 / 3.16 | 10.37 / 3.16 | 8.53 / 2.60 | 10.37 / 3.16 | 7.38 / 2.25 |
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m) | 10.37 / 3.16 | 10.37 / 3.16 | 8.53 / 2.60 | 10.37 / 3.16 | 7.38 / 2.25 |
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m) | 34.53 / 10.53 | 34.86 / 10.62 | 8.53 | 34.22 / 10.43 | 7.38 / 2.25 |
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg) | |||||
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg) | 91,492 / 41,500 | 92,594 / 42,000 | 62,832 / 28,500 | 90,389 / 41,000 | 49,604 / 22,500 |
Engine Weight (lbs / kg) | 91,492 / 41,500 | 92,594 / 42,000 | 62,832 / 28,500 | 90,389 / 41,000 | 49,604 / 22,500 |
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg) | |||||
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg) | |||||
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML) | 924 / 3.50 | 1056 / 4 | |||
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) | |||||
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m) | 51 / 25.50 | 51 / 25.50 | 35 / 17.50 | 50 / 25 | 28 / 14 |
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort | |||||
Driver Diameter (in / mm) | 49.50 / 1258 | 49.50 / 1258 | 37.40 / 950 | 46.30 / 1175 | 36.40 / 925 |
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa) | 159.50 / 1100 | 174 / 1200 | 174 / 1200 | 130.50 / 900 | 174 / 1200 |
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm) | 17.72" x 24.88" / 450x630 | 19.69" x 24.88" / 500x630 (1) | 14.17" x 19.69" / 360x500 | 18.7" x 24.88" / 475x630 | 11.81" x 19.69" / 300x500 |
Low Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm) | 29.13" x 24.88" / 740x632 (1) | ||||
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg) | 21,397 / 9705.53 | 19,782 / 8972.97 | 15,634 / 7091.47 | 20,844 / 9454.69 | 11,159 / 5061.64 |
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) | 4.28 | 4.68 | 4.02 | 4.34 | 4.45 |
Heating Ability | |||||
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flue/Tube length (ft / m) | 9.84 / 3 | ||||
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2) | 92.54 / 8.60 | 92.54 / 8.60 | 53.80 / 5 | 86.08 / 8 | 45.19 / 4.20 |
Grate Area (sq ft / m2) | 19.48 / 1.81 | 19.48 / 1.81 | 13.34 / 1.24 | 16.57 / 1.54 | 8.82 / 0.82 |
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 1445 / 134.30 | 1442 / 134 | 807 / 75 | 1394 / 129.60 | 497 / 46.20 |
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2) | |||||
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 1445 / 134.30 | 1442 / 134 | 807 / 75 | 1394 / 129.60 | 497 / 46.20 |
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume | 203.48 | 328.91 | 224.55 | 176.26 | 199.08 |
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information) | |||||
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation | 3107 | 3390 | 2321 | 2162 | 1535 |
Same as above plus superheater percentage | 3107 | 3390 | 2321 | 2162 | 1535 |
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area | 14,760 | 16,102 | 9361 | 11,233 | 7863 |
Power L1 | 3535 | 2849 | 3247 | 2323 | 3057 |
Power MT | 255.54 | 203.50 | 341.79 | 169.98 | 407.60 |
Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media | |||||
Class | 97 | A / 92 | CBM II / 49 | F / 93 | II, III / 40.70 |
Locobase ID | 1216 | 4622 | 4606 | 4637 | 4619 |
Railroad | kaiserlich-Koeniglichen Oesterreichischen StB (kKStB) | Nieder~sterreichische Sndwestbahnen (kKStB) | MShrische Grenzbahn (kKStB) | Oesterreichische LEB (kKStB) | Bohmische Westbahn (kKStB) |
Country | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria |
Whyte | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0 |
Number in Class | 233 | 16 | 8 | 5 | 30 |
Road Numbers | 92.01-16 | 3-10 / 4901-4908 | 4-8, 16-25, 27-41 / | ||
Gauge | Std | Std | Std | Std | Std |
Number Built | 233 | 16 | 8 | 5 | 30 |
Builder | Wiener Neustadt | Wiener Neustadt | several | Floridsdorf | Sigl |
Year | 1896 | 1876 | 1873 | 1881 | 1861 |
Valve Gear | Stephenson | Stephenson | Stephenson | Stephenson | |
Locomotive Length and Weight | |||||
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m) | 8.86 / 2.70 | 9.19 / 2.80 | 9.66 / 2.94 | 7.38 / 2.25 | 10.89 / 3.32 |
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m) | 8.86 / 2.70 | 9.19 / 2.80 | 9.66 / 2.94 | 7.38 / 2.25 | 10.89 / 3.32 |
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m) | 8.86 / 2.70 | 30.54 / 9.31 | 7.38 / 2.25 | 33.42 / 10.19 | |
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg) | |||||
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg) | 64,960 / 29,465 | 66,139 / 30,000 | 82,673 / 37,500 | 55,116 / 25,000 | 77,603 / 35,200 |
Engine Weight (lbs / kg) | 64,960 / 29,465 | 66,139 / 30,000 | 82,673 / 37,500 | 55,116 / 25,000 | 77,603 / 35,200 |
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg) | 44,092 / 20,000 | 46,297 / 21,000 | |||
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg) | 110,231 / 50,000 | 128,970 / 58,500 | |||
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML) | 1056 / 4 | 1742 / 6.60 | 1742 / 6.60 | 1056 / 4 | |
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) | |||||
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m) | 36 / 18 | 37 / 18.50 | 46 / 23 | 31 / 15.50 | 43 / 21.50 |
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort | |||||
Driver Diameter (in / mm) | 36.60 / 930 | 51.20 / 1300 | 49 / 1245 | 31.20 / 792 | 49.50 / 1258 |
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa) | 145 / 1000 | 145 / 1000 | 145 / 1000 | 174 / 1200 | 145 / 1000 |
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm) | 13.6" x 22.83" / 345x580 | 15.75" x 24.8" / 400x630 | 18.11" x 24.88" / 460x630 | 12.6" x 15.75" / 320x400 | 17.13" x 24.88" / 435x630 |
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg) | 14,220 / 6450.09 | 14,809 / 6717.26 | 20,525 / 9309.99 | 11,853 / 5376.44 | 18,178 / 8245.41 |
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) | 4.57 | 4.47 | 4.03 | 4.65 | 4.27 |
Heating Ability | |||||
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm) | 150 - 2.047" / 52 | ||||
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flue/Tube length (ft / m) | 12.63 / 3.85 | ||||
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2) | 46.81 / 4.35 | 85.76 / 7.97 | 87.16 / 8.10 | 49.50 / 4.60 | 85 / 7.90 |
Grate Area (sq ft / m2) | 11.20 / 1.04 | 15.17 / 1.41 | 18.29 / 1.70 | 12.91 / 1.20 | 17.54 / 1.63 |
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 636 / 59.11 | 1100 / 102.27 | 1438 / 133.60 | 592 / 55 | 1274 / 118.40 |
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2) | |||||
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 636 / 59.11 | 1100 / 102.27 | 1438 / 133.60 | 592 / 55 | 1274 / 118.40 |
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume | 165.69 | 196.70 | 193.86 | 260.45 | 191.97 |
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information) | |||||
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation | 1624 | 2200 | 2652 | 2246 | 2543 |
Same as above plus superheater percentage | 1624 | 2200 | 2652 | 2246 | 2543 |
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area | 6787 | 12,435 | 12,638 | 8613 | 12,325 |
Power L1 | 2005 | 3383 | 2991 | 3342 | 3062 |
Power MT | 204.14 | 338.30 | 239.28 | 401.04 | 260.96 |
Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media | |||||
Class | IIIs / 397 | IV / 32 | IVa | IVc / 300 / 195 | IVf / 131 |
Locobase ID | 4635 | 4615 | 4613 | 8521 | 4612 |
Railroad | kaiserlich-Koeniglichen Oesterreichischen StB (kKStB) | several (kKStB) | Oesterreichische Nordwestbahn (kKStB) | StEG (kKStB) | StEG (kKStB) |
Country | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria |
Whyte | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0 |
Number in Class | 7 | 125 | 32 | 45 | 27 |
Road Numbers | 34.51-77 | ||||
Gauge | Std | Std | Std | Std | Std |
Number Built | 7 | 125 | 32 | 45 | 27 |
Builder | Wiener Neustadt | several | Hartmann | StEG | StEG |
Year | 1881 | 1866 | 1858 | 1879 | 1887 |
Valve Gear | Stephenson | Stephenson | Gooch | ||
Locomotive Length and Weight | |||||
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m) | 8.86 / 2.70 | 10.20 / 3.11 | 10.01 / 3.05 | 8.53 / 2.60 | 11.22 / 3.42 |
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m) | 8.86 / 2.70 | 10.20 / 3.11 | 10.01 / 3.05 | 8.53 / 2.60 | 11.22 / 3.42 |
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m) | 8.86 / 2.70 | 8.53 / 2.60 | 35.08 / 10.69 | ||
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg) | |||||
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg) | 52,911 / 24,000 | 73,855 / 33,500 | 67,792 / 30,750 | 57,761 / 26,200 | 84,437 / 38,300 |
Engine Weight (lbs / kg) | 52,911 / 24,000 | 73,855 / 33,500 | 67,792 / 30,750 | 57,761 / 26,200 | 84,437 / 38,300 |
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg) | 59,084 / 26,800 | 54,785 / 24,850 | |||
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg) | 132,939 / 60,300 | 122,577 / 55,600 | |||
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML) | 766 / 2.90 | 2350 / 8.90 | |||
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) | 1.20 / 1 | ||||
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m) | 29 / 14.50 | 41 / 20.50 | 38 / 19 | 32 / 16 | 47 / 23.50 |
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort | |||||
Driver Diameter (in / mm) | 36.60 / 930 | 49.80 / 1265 | 54.70 / 1389 | 43.30 / 1100 | 57.30 / 1456 |
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa) | 145 / 1000 | 130.50 / 900 | 101.50 / 700 | 145 / 1000 | 145 / 1000 |
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm) | 12.8" x 18.9" / 325x480 | 16.54" x 24.8" / 420x630 | 16.14" x 24.02" / 410x610 | 14.57" x 18.11" / 370x460 | 17.72" x 25.59" / 450x650 |
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg) | 10,428 / 4730.07 | 15,112 / 6854.70 | 9869 / 4476.51 | 10,943 / 4963.67 | 17,283 / 7839.45 |
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) | 5.07 | 4.89 | 6.87 | 5.28 | 4.89 |
Heating Ability | |||||
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flue/Tube length (ft / m) | 11.48 / 3.50 | ||||
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2) | 43.04 / 4 | 96.88 / 9 | 82.85 / 7.70 | 48.42 / 4.50 | 113.95 / 10.59 |
Grate Area (sq ft / m2) | 10.76 / 1 | 20.45 / 1.90 | 13.45 / 1.25 | 10.01 / 0.93 | 27.87 / 2.59 |
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 540 / 50.20 | 1302 / 121 | 1003 / 93.20 | 604 / 56.10 | 1302 / 120.97 |
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2) | |||||
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 540 / 50.20 | 1302 / 121 | 1003 / 93.20 | 604 / 56.10 | 1302 / 120.97 |
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume | 191.84 | 211.11 | 176.34 | 172.83 | 178.25 |
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information) | |||||
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation | 1560 | 2669 | 1365 | 1451 | 4041 |
Same as above plus superheater percentage | 1560 | 2669 | 1365 | 1451 | 4041 |
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area | 6241 | 12,643 | 8409 | 7021 | 16,523 |
Power L1 | 2373 | 3137 | 2306 | 2533 | 3549 |
Power MT | 296.62 | 280.92 | 224.98 | 290.04 | 277.99 |
Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media | |||||
Class | IVm / 32 / 166 | IX/197 / 310.1 | KLB 1087K-1088K / 96 | Koritschan / 462 | MSCB / 54.50 |
Locobase ID | 4625 | 4633 | 7798 | 4629 | 4610 |
Railroad | StEG (kKStB) | Kaiser Ferdinands-Nordbahn (kKStB) | Kuttenberger Lokalbahn (kKStB) | Lokalbahn NemotitzvKoritschan (kKStB) | MShrisch - Schlesische Centralbahn (kKStB) |
Country | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria |
Whyte | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0 |
Number in Class | 62 | 40 | 2 | 1 | 15 |
Road Numbers | 860-921/166.01-16.40 | 912-957197.01-197.43 | 96.05-96.06 | 1-14 / 5450-5464 | |
Gauge | Std | Std | Std | Std | Std |
Number Built | 62 | 40 | 2 | 1 | 15 |
Builder | StEG | Floridsdorf | Krauss | Floridsdorf | Floridsdorf |
Year | 1881 | 1898 | 1885 | 1907 | 1872 |
Valve Gear | Allan | Stephenson | |||
Locomotive Length and Weight | |||||
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m) | 11.81 / 3.60 | 8.86 / 2.70 | 7.38 / 2.25 | 7.87 / 2.40 | 10.01 / 3.05 |
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m) | 11.81 / 3.60 | 8.86 / 2.70 | 7.38 / 2.25 | 7.87 / 2.40 | 10.01 / 3.05 |
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m) | 11.81 / 3.60 | 7.38 / 2.25 | 7.87 / 2.40 | 33.59 / 10.24 | |
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg) | |||||
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg) | 90,389 / 41,000 | 56,218 / 25,500 | 46,517 / 21,100 | 75,398 / 34,200 | 85,980 / 39,000 |
Engine Weight (lbs / kg) | 90,389 / 41,000 | 56,218 / 25,500 | 46,517 / 21,100 | 75,398 / 34,200 | 85,980 / 39,000 |
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg) | |||||
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg) | |||||
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML) | 1320 / 5 | 792 / 3 | 845 / 3.20 | 1056 / 4 | |
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) | 1.20 / 1.10 | ||||
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m) | 50 / 25 | 31 / 15.50 | 26 / 13 | 42 / 21 | 48 / 24 |
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort | |||||
Driver Diameter (in / mm) | 56.70 / 1440 | 39.40 / 1000 | 36.60 / 930 | 36.60 / 930 | 46.50 / 1180 |
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa) | 130.50 / 900 | 174 / 1200 | 174 / 1200 | 174 / 1200 | 145 / 1000 |
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm) | 17.72" x 25.59" / 450x650 | 12.6" x 18.11" / 320x460 | 11.81" x 19.69" / 300x500 | 14.96" x 20.47" / 380x520 | 17.52" x 24.88" / 445x630 |
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg) | 15,720 / 7130.48 | 10,793 / 4895.63 | 11,098 / 5033.97 | 18,513 / 8397.37 | 20,242 / 9181.63 |
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) | 5.75 | 5.21 | 4.19 | 4.07 | 4.25 |
Heating Ability | |||||
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flue/Tube length (ft / m) | |||||
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2) | 73.17 / 6.80 | 40.90 / 3.80 | 45.19 / 4.20 | 64.56 / 6 | 118.36 / 11 |
Grate Area (sq ft / m2) | 15.82 / 1.47 | 11.52 / 1.07 | 8.93 / 0.83 | 14.10 / 1.31 | 19.37 / 1.80 |
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 972 / 90.30 | 568 / 52.80 | 585 / 54.40 | 894 / 83.10 | 1549 / 144 |
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2) | |||||
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 972 / 90.30 | 568 / 52.80 | 585 / 54.40 | 894 / 83.10 | 1549 / 144 |
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume | 133.07 | 217.33 | 234.33 | 214.67 | 223.13 |
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information) | |||||
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation | 2065 | 2004 | 1554 | 2453 | 2809 |
Same as above plus superheater percentage | 2065 | 2004 | 1554 | 2453 | 2809 |
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area | 9549 | 7117 | 7863 | 11,233 | 17,162 |
Power L1 | 2259 | 3377 | 3448 | 3101 | 3465 |
Power MT | 165.29 | 397.29 | 490.24 | 272.02 | 266.54 |
Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media | |||||
Class | V / 53.31 | V / 53.50 | V e/ 159/334 | VI / 167 | VI / 362 |
Locobase ID | 7788 | 7789 | 4605 | 4626 | 4628 |
Railroad | Bohmische Nordbahn (kKStB) | B~hmische Nordbahn (kKStB) | Kaiser-Ferdinands-Nordbahn (kKStB) | Kaiser-Ferdinands-Nordbahn (kKStB) | Bhmische Nordbahn (kKStB) |
Country | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria |
Whyte | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0T |
Number in Class | 19 | 14 | 14 | 2 | 13 |
Road Numbers | 57-75 / 53.31-53.49 | 76-89 / 53.50-53.63 | 511-518, 519-524/159.01-04, 11-20 | 385-386 | 61, 92-100, 103/362.01-362.11 |
Gauge | Std | Std | Std | Std | Std |
Number Built | 19 | 14 | 14 | 2 | 13 |
Builder | Wiener Neustadt | Wiener Neustadt | Wiener Neustadt | Floridsdorf | Krauss |
Year | 1871 | 1890 | 1890 | 1880 | 1882 |
Valve Gear | Stephenson | Stephenson | Stephenson | Stephenson | |
Locomotive Length and Weight | |||||
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m) | 10.37 / 3.16 | 10.37 / 3.16 | 11.48 / 3.50 | 10.17 / 3.10 | 9.02 / 2.75 |
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m) | 10.37 / 3.16 | 10.37 / 3.16 | 11.48 / 3.50 | 10.17 / 3.10 | 9.02 / 2.75 |
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m) | 33.81 / 10.30 | 33.81 / 10.30 | 35.10 / 10.70 | 10.17 / 3.10 | 9.02 / 2.75 |
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg) | |||||
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg) | 84,657 / 38,400 | 85,098 / 38,600 | 91,271 / 41,400 | 90,389 / 41,000 | 67,461 / 30,600 |
Engine Weight (lbs / kg) | 84,657 / 38,400 | 85,098 / 38,600 | 91,271 / 41,400 | 90,389 / 41,000 | 67,461 / 30,600 |
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg) | 70,989 / 32,200 | ||||
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg) | 162,260 / 73,600 | ||||
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML) | 3168 / 12 | 1214 / 4.60 | 1056 / 4 | ||
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) | |||||
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m) | 47 / 23.50 | 47 / 23.50 | 51 / 25.50 | 50 / 25 | 37 / 18.50 |
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort | |||||
Driver Diameter (in / mm) | 46.30 / 1176 | 46.30 / 1176 | 55.10 / 1400 | 46.70 / 1186 | 46.30 / 1175 |
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa) | 145 / 1000 | 145 / 1000 | 174 / 1200 | 149.40 / 1030 | 145 / 1000 |
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm) | 18.7" x 24.88" / 475x630 | 18.7" x 24.88" / 475x630 | 18.11" x 25.98" / 460x660 (1) | 17.09" x 24.88" / 434x630 | 14.96" x 24.88" / 380x630 |
Low Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm) | 29.13" x 18.11" / 740x460 (1) | ||||
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg) | 23,160 / 10505.21 | 23,160 / 10505.21 | 14,713 / 6673.71 | 19,760 / 8963.00 | 14,822 / 6723.15 |
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) | 3.66 | 3.67 | 6.20 | 4.57 | 4.55 |
Heating Ability | |||||
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flue/Tube length (ft / m) | |||||
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2) | 92.54 / 8.60 | 100.07 / 9.30 | 102.26 / 9.50 | 65.64 / 6.10 | 46.27 / 4.30 |
Grate Area (sq ft / m2) | 17.75 / 1.65 | 20.23 / 1.88 | 23.68 / 2.20 | 16.14 / 1.50 | 13.56 / 1.26 |
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 1501 / 139.50 | 1509 / 140.20 | 1437 / 133.50 | 1032 / 95.90 | 911 / 84.70 |
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2) | |||||
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 1501 / 139.50 | 1509 / 140.20 | 1437 / 133.50 | 1032 / 95.90 | 911 / 84.70 |
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume | 189.79 | 190.80 | 371.05 | 156.23 | 179.98 |
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information) | |||||
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation | 2574 | 2933 | 4120 | 2411 | 1966 |
Same as above plus superheater percentage | 2574 | 2933 | 4120 | 2411 | 1966 |
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area | 13,418 | 14,510 | 17,793 | 9807 | 6709 |
Power L1 | 2778 | 2843 | 4457 | 2394 | 2525 |
Power MT | 217.03 | 220.96 | 322.97 | 175.17 | 247.55 |
Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media | |||||
Class | VI / 67 | Vd / 43 | Vd / 51 | X - early / 66 | X - later / 66 |
Locobase ID | 4631 | 4620 | 4608 | 4630 | 7800 |
Railroad | kaiserlich-Koeniglichen Oesterreichischen StB (kKStB) | Montanbahn MShrisch Ostrau Dombrau (kKStB) | Kaiser-Ferdinands-Nordbahn (kKStB) | Kaiser-Ferdinands-Nordbahn (kKStB) | Kaiser-Ferdinands-Nordbahn (kKStB) |
Country | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria |
Whyte | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0T |
Number in Class | 4 | 4 | 120 | 12 | 25 |
Road Numbers | 387-390 | 283-286 | 391-510 | 35-46 | 47-71 |
Gauge | Std | Std | Std | Std | Std |
Number Built | 4 | 4 | 120 | 12 | 25 |
Builder | Wiener Neustadt | several | StEG | StEG | |
Year | 1884 | 1863 | 1871 | 1898 | 1900 |
Valve Gear | Stephenson | Stephenson | Stephenson | Stephenson | Stephenson |
Locomotive Length and Weight | |||||
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m) | 10.17 / 3.10 | 10.89 / 3.32 | 10.63 / 3.24 | 11.15 / 3.40 | 11.15 / 3.40 |
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m) | 10.17 / 3.10 | 10.89 / 3.32 | 10.63 / 3.24 | 11.15 / 3.40 | 11.15 / 3.40 |
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m) | 10.17 / 3.10 | 31.66 / 9.65 | 35.03 / 10.68 | ||
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg) | |||||
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg) | 90,389 / 41,000 | 77,162 / 35,000 | 81,571 / 37,000 | 92,594 / 42,000 | 92,153 / 41,800 |
Engine Weight (lbs / kg) | 90,389 / 41,000 | 77,162 / 35,000 | 81,571 / 37,000 | 92,594 / 42,000 | 92,153 / 41,800 |
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg) | 46,297 / 21,000 | 55,116 / 25,000 | |||
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg) | 123,459 / 56,000 | 136,687 / 62,000 | |||
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML) | 1056 / 4 | 2086 / 7.90 | 2376 / 9 | 1478 / 5.60 | 1478 / 5.60 |
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) | |||||
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m) | 50 / 25 | 43 / 21.50 | 45 / 22.50 | 51 / 25.50 | 51 / 25.50 |
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort | |||||
Driver Diameter (in / mm) | 46.70 / 1186 | 49.80 / 1266 | 46.70 / 1186 | 46.70 / 1186 | 46.70 / 1186 |
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa) | 159.50 / 1100 | 145 / 1000 | 159.50 / 1100 | 188.50 / 1300 | 188.50 / 1300 |
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm) | 16.14" x 24.88" / 410x630 | 17.13" x 24.88" / 435x630 | 17.09" x 24.88" / 434x630 | 16.93" x 23.62" / 430x600 | 16.93" x 23.62" / 430x600 |
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg) | 18,816 / 8534.80 | 18,069 / 8195.97 | 21,096 / 9569.00 | 23,228 / 10536.06 | 23,228 / 10536.06 |
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) | 4.80 | 4.27 | 3.87 | 3.99 | 3.97 |
Heating Ability | |||||
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm) | |||||
Flue/Tube length (ft / m) | |||||
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2) | 67.79 / 6.30 | 81.78 / 7.60 | 100.07 / 9.30 | 81.78 / 7.60 | 64.56 / 6 |
Grate Area (sq ft / m2) | 16.14 / 1.50 | 17.97 / 1.67 | 20.87 / 1.94 | 17.22 / 1.60 | 15.06 / 1.40 |
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 977 / 90.80 | 1289 / 119.80 | 1505 / 139.90 | 1115 / 103.60 | 990 / 92 |
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2) | |||||
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 977 / 90.80 | 1289 / 119.80 | 1505 / 139.90 | 1115 / 103.60 | 990 / 92 |
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume | 165.83 | 194.23 | 227.84 | 181.18 | 160.87 |
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information) | |||||
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation | 2574 | 2606 | 3329 | 3246 | 2839 |
Same as above plus superheater percentage | 2574 | 2606 | 3329 | 3246 | 2839 |
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area | 10,813 | 11,858 | 15,961 | 15,416 | 12,170 |
Power L1 | 2773 | 3079 | 3769 | 3633 | 3130 |
Power MT | 202.90 | 263.91 | 305.59 | 259.50 | 224.64 |
Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media | ||||
Class | XIa/b/c / 55 | XIb, XIc 1908/ 55 | Xa-Xc / 163 | Xd-Xe / 163 |
Locobase ID | 4611 | 7790 | 4624 | 7797 |
Railroad | Oesterreichische Nordwestbahn (kKStB) | Oesterreichische Nordwestbahn (kKStB) | Oesterreichische Nordwestbahn (kKStB) | Oesterreichische Nordwestbahn (kKStB) |
Country | Austria | Austria | Austria | Austria |
Whyte | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0 | 0-6-0T | 0-6-0T |
Number in Class | 10 | 20 | 21 | 30 |
Road Numbers | 241-250 | 241-260 | 501-521 | 522-541, 551-554, 561-566 |
Gauge | Std | Std | Std | Std |
Number Built | 10 | 21 | 30 | |
Builder | Floridsdorf | Floridsdorf | several | |
Year | 1889 | 1908 | 1881 | 1890 |
Valve Gear | Stephenson | Stephenson | Stephenson | Stephenson |
Locomotive Length and Weight | ||||
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m) | 10.83 / 3.30 | 10.83 / 3.30 | 9.51 / 2.90 | 9.51 / 2.90 |
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m) | 10.83 / 3.30 | 10.83 / 3.30 | 9.51 / 2.90 | 9.51 / 2.90 |
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m) | 34.88 / 10.63 | 34.88 / 10.63 | 9.51 / 2.90 | 9.51 / 2.90 |
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg) | ||||
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg) | 91,933 / 41,700 | 91,933 / 41,700 | 74,648 / 33,860 | 88,405 / 40,100 |
Engine Weight (lbs / kg) | 91,933 / 41,700 | 91,933 / 41,700 | 81,262 / 36,860 | 88,405 / 40,100 |
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg) | 68,343 / 31,000 | 68,343 / 31,000 | ||
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg) | 160,276 / 72,700 | 160,276 / 72,700 | ||
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML) | 2851 / 10.80 | 2851 / 10.80 | 475 / 1.80 | 475 / 1.80 |
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) | ||||
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m) | 51 / 25.50 | 51 / 25.50 | 41 / 20.50 | 49 / 24.50 |
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort | ||||
Driver Diameter (in / mm) | 54.50 / 1384 | 54.50 / 1384 | 40 / 1015 | 40 / 1015 |
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa) | 145 / 1000 | 174 / 1200 | 145 / 1000 | 174 / 1200 |
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm) | 18.5" x 24.88" / 470x630 | 18.5" x 24.88" / 470x630 | 13.46" x 19.69" / 342x500 | 16.14" x 19.69" / 410x500 |
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg) | 19,257 / 8734.84 | 23,108 / 10481.62 | 10,992 / 4985.89 | 18,965 / 8602.39 |
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) | 4.77 | 3.98 | 6.79 | 4.66 |
Heating Ability | ||||
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm) | ||||
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm) | ||||
Flue/Tube length (ft / m) | ||||
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2) | 96.84 / 9 | 92.54 / 8.60 | 58.10 / 5.40 | 55.95 / 5.20 |
Grate Area (sq ft / m2) | 20.55 / 1.91 | 20.55 / 1.91 | 13.13 / 1.22 | 13.13 / 1.22 |
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 1453 / 135 | 1595 / 148.20 | 756 / 70.30 | 849 / 78.90 |
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2) | ||||
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2) | 1453 / 135 | 1595 / 148.20 | 756 / 70.30 | 849 / 78.90 |
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume | 187.71 | 206.06 | 233.14 | 182.09 |
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information) | ||||
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation | 2980 | 3576 | 1904 | 2285 |
Same as above plus superheater percentage | 2980 | 3576 | 1904 | 2285 |
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area | 14,042 | 16,102 | 8425 | 9735 |
Power L1 | 3296 | 4202 | 3120 | 2808 |
Power MT | 237.12 | 302.30 | 276.43 | 210.08 |