Grazi-Tsaritsin 0-8-0 Locomotives in Russia

Class Details by Steve Llanso of Sweat House Media

Class 68 - compounded (Locobase 15791)

Data from Mr. Thomas Urquhart, "On the Compounding of Locomotives Burning Petroleum Refuse in Russia", Institute of Mechanical Engineers (London, IME, 1890), pp. 107, 110.

Urquhart's discussion concerned the conversion of already operating locomotives as two-cylinder compounds. At the time of its compounding, the class was rated to pull 720 tons up a 1 in 125 (0.8%) grade. Urquhart had already begun converting many of his locomotives to waste oil burning. Although he extended the stroke on this class compared to the 0-6-0s he'd already converted (Locobase 15791) and reversed the layout to put the LP cylinder on the right-hand side, he still arrived at a very low compounding ratio of less than two.

Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media
Class68 - compounded
Locobase ID15791
Number in Class1
Road Numbers68
Number Built
Valve Gear
Locomotive Length and Weight
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m)12.86 / 3.92
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m)12.86 / 3.92
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase1
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m)
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg)
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg)107,520 / 48,770
Engine Weight (lbs / kg)107,520 / 48,770
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg)
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg)
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML)
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT)
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m)45 / 22.50
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort
Driver Diameter (in / mm)48 / 1219
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa)135 / 930
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm)20" x 26" / 508x660 (1)
Low Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm)27.56" x 26" / 700x660 (1)
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg)16,286 / 7387.21
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) 6.60
Heating Ability
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm)207 - 2" / 51
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm)
Flue/Tube length (ft / m)15.75 / 4.80
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2)118 / 10.96
Grate Area (sq ft / m2)19 / 1.77
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1815 / 168.62
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2)
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1815 / 168.62
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume383.97
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information)
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation2565
Same as above plus superheater percentage2565
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area15,930
Power L12894
Power MT237.36

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris