NORTE: Almansa a Valencia y Tarragona / Asturias a Galicia y Leon / Lerida a Reus y Tarragona / Minas de San Juan de las Abadesas / Norte / Parcocha Iron Ore & Railway de Vizcaya / Zaragoza a Barcelona / Zaragoza a Pamplona y Alsasua 0-6-0 Locomotives in Spain

Class Details by Steve Llanso of Sweat House Media

Class 030-0215 (Locobase 3402)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. Works numbers were 2742-2745 in 1891.

Taken into RENFE in 1941 and, sometime after 1950, transferred to the Empresa Nacional Siderrgica Sociedad Anonima (ENSIDESA), a national steel-making conglomerate.

As of 2010, all four of this class were described as preserved in hopes of repair.

Class 030-2060 (Locobase 3412)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. Works numbers were 1162-1169, 1172-1173 in 1863.

Almost 80 years old when the first two were taken into the RENFE in 1941, these engines were the survivors of the AVT's decade of French-built locomotives.

Class 030-2372 (Locobase 3438)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway.

Both Linden-Hannover and Egestorff supplied six-coupled locomotives to the Norte in the same period. The Egestorff engines, which had smaller-diameter boilers and smaller drivers, are described in Locobase 5515.

The quintet shown in this entry arrived in 1882, 1883, and 1885. The design exerted somewhat less tractive effort than the Egestorffs because of the taller drivers, which also probably suited them for local passenger work.

Class 030-2457 (Locobase 3445)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. Works numbers were 2976-2981 in 1881 and 3680-3687 in 1891.

A photo of this class shows that it was fitted with a Belpaire firebox.

Class 030-2537 (Locobase 5515)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. (21 April 2003).

For some reason, the Norte bought this trio of 6-coupleds from Egestorff in the same period that it bought 5 from Linden-Hannover; the latter are described in Locobase 3438.

This batch had smaller boilers and smaller drivers, but the same heating surface, firebox, and cylinder dimensions. Easily surpassing the 70-year mark, the trio was scrapped in 1955 (030-2538), 1956 (030-2537), and 1959 (030-2539).

Class 1427/030-2486 (Locobase 3450)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. Works numbers were 1525-1528, 1537-1538 in 1864. (road number order for those works numbers were 1427-1428, 1432, 1429-1431).

Class 1691/030-2464 (Locobase 3447)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. See also Pere Comas and Alfred Puig, Breve Historia de la Traccion Vapor en Norte, Trensim TS10H001, Noviembre de 2010, pp. 73, 87. Works numbers were 1050-1054 in 1879, 1499-1501 in 1887

Typical Spanish six-coupleds. Like many other Spanish railway classes, these engines carried names: La Garriga, Balanza, Torello, Sant Quince, San Juan, Catalunya, and Barcelona.

Remarkably persistent, as were most Spanish engines because of a chronic shortage of funds to buy their replacements, these locomotives ran into the 1960s with 030-2468 retiring last in 1966.

Class 1719/030-2223 (Locobase 3430)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. Works numbers were 3680-3687 in 1891.

These six-coupleds used small boilers that were set to a low pressure compared to most other small freight designs. But the abruptly squared shoulders of the Belpaire firebox large cab as well as a relatively long wheelbase in a plate frame gave it a very English and quite purposeful appearance.

Class 23/1481/030-2114 (Locobase 3420)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. Works numbers were 899-900 in 1885.

According to Reder (1974), this was an elaboration of the "Bourbonnais" design with Gooch valve and Belpaire firebox. 1481-1482 built for the Lerida-Rues-Tarragona Railroad before its absorption by the Norte. They followed twenty similar locomotives (1461-1480) built by Hartmann and described on Locobase 3415. Suffered from derailments until the suspension was adjusted properly. Outwardly resembled the SIMPLON.

Class 301/030-2128 - later boiler (Locobase 3426)

Data from [link] . See also Pere Comas and Alfred Puig, Breve Historia de la Traccion Vapor en Norte, Trensim TS10H001, Noviembre de 2010, pp. 20, 83-84.

Locobase 20154 describes the original six-coupled goods engines delivered in 1859-1860 by Creusot, Graffenstaden, and Societe Austriaca.

By the time they went into RENFE decades later, the class had been fitted with a new boiler with a slightly lower tube count, but larger square-shouldered Belpaire firebox. The boiler's setting was also 31 psi (2 bar) higher. All was accomplished with a relatively small penalty in weight gain.

Three of the class--1305, 1318, and 1342--went to the Murcia a Mula y Caravaca in the 1930s, only to return to the Norte and then to RENFE in 1941 as their 2206-2208.

Class 301/030-2128 -original boiler (Locobase 20154)

Data from Schneider Catalogue, last accessed 27 August 2018 at [link], p. 15. See also Pere Comas and Alfred Puig, Breve Historia de la Traccion Vapor en Norte, Trensim TS10H001, Noviembre de 2010, pp. 20, 83-84.

Built by Grafenstaden, Haswell, Schneider and Norte's own works.

Schneider-Creusot Type 39 works numbers were 441-448 (road 301-308) and 470-479 (313-322) in 1860; 669-678 (331-340) and 691-701 (341-351) in 1862. 305, 316, and 342 were originally sold to the Murcia a Mula y Caravaca.

Grafenstaden were 81-84 (309-312) in 1860, 231-236 (352-357) in 1863, and 238-241 (359-362) in 1864.

Sociedad Austriarca were 682-688 (363-369) in 1863.

This design was a six-coupled freight design that entered service on the Madrid-Irun line. Built along similar lines to a set of 70 Series 100 2-4-0s supplied for passenger service, the freight engines were given the names of rivers. The link motion was carried outside on the middle axle.

By the time they went into RENFE decades later, the class had been fitted with a new boiler; see Locobase 3426.

Class 37/1409/030-2092 (Locobase 3416)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway.See also Angel Rivera, "Historias del vapor (XXII): Las primitivas "mamut" catalanas (RENFE 030-2101/2106, 030-2092/2098 y 030-2004/2012)", 1 November 2015 entry of the Trenes y Tiempos blog, last accessed 20 February 2017 at [link] . Works numbers 1238-1239, 1254-1257, and 1262-1263 in 1861.

Rivera describes the three RENFE classes in his title (Locobases 3416, 3417, and 3410) as "primitive Mammoths", referring to the earlier six-coupled engines that first entered service in France (Locobase 10468). All three RENFEs were first delivered to the ZB, which later merged with the Pamplona & Barcelona as the Zaragoza a Pamplona y Barcelona, which joined the Norte in 1882.

Of the three classes, these "Sharpies" had the smallest boilers but the largest grates (although not by much).

Class 53/1403/030-2101 (Locobase 3417)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. See also Angel Rivera, "Historias del vapor (XXII): Las primitivas "mamut" catalanas (RENFE 030-2101/2106, 030-2092/2098 y 030-2004/2012)", 1 November 2015 entry of the Trenes y Tiempos blog, last accessed 20 February 2017 at [link] . Works numbers were 515-520 in 1861.

Rivera describes the three RENFE classes in his title (Locobases 3416, 3417, and 3410) as "primitive Mammoths", referring to the earlier six-coupled engines that first entered service in France (Locobase 10468). All three RENFEs were first delivered to the ZB, which later merged with the Pamplona & Barcelona as the Zaragoza a Pamplona y Barcelona, which joined the Norte in 1882.

Belgian-built, th 53 class had the most tubes (each of which was the shortest of the three classes) and the smallest grates.

These long-lived six-coupled were taken in bloc into RENFE in 1941.

They were finally retired in 1955 (1238), 1956 (1239), 1958 (1240-1242), and 1959 (1237).

Class 61/1417/030-2004 (Locobase 3410)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. See also Angel Rivera, "Historias del vapor (XXII): Las primitivas "mamut" catalanas (RENFE 030-2101/2106, 030-2092/2098 y 030-2004/2012)", 1 November 2015 entry of the Trenes y Tiempos blog, last accessed 20 February 2017 at [link] . Works numbers were 510-519 in 1862.

Rivera describes the three RENFE classes in his title (Locobases 3416, 3417, and 3410) as "primitive Mammoths", referring to the earlier six-coupled engines that first entered service in France (Locobase 10468). All three RENFEs were first delivered to the ZB, which later merged with the Pamplona & Barcelona as the Zaragoza a Pamplona y Barcelona, which joined the Norte in 1882.

63 class engines had the fewest number of tubes, each the longest of the three, the most tube heating surface area, and the least cylinder volume.

The 1947 RENFE Material Rodante diagram book contains a photo that shows the class with a relatively small Belpaire firebox.

Class 66/030-2451 (Locobase 3444)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. Works numbers were 190-193, 200-201 in 1876.

The photograph in RENFE's Material Rodante diagram book emphasizes the design's stubbiness, even though its engine wheelbase is about a metre longer than most of the other six-coupled Spanish designs. Its big cab and bulky Belpaire firebox contributed to the impression.

Class Atorga/030-2393 (Locobase 6299)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. Works numbers were 892-898 in 1865.

Compared to the Sharp, Stewart six-coupled sextet delivered to the Norte in the same year (Locobase 3450), these Alsatian engines had smaller drivers, a slightly larger boiler and a significantly smaller grate and firebox heating surface.

They were in fact duplicates of the Neilsons that had been delivered in 1863 (Locobase 3440) and also were named for stations: Astorga, Ponferrada, Campo Largo, Nava Ladra, Caudal, Nalón, Mieres.

Of the original seven, six were taken into RENFE 76 years later.

Class Clase 18/1453/030-2124 (Locobase 3422)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. See also Juan Peris Torner, "Zaragoza á Pamplona y Alsasua" at [link], last accessed 12 July 2014. Works numbers were 1221-1224 in 1863.

Typical of Spanish locomotives, this class remained in service for 90 years before being scrapped (desguazado) in 1954 (030-2127) and 1955 (the other three).

Class El Agueda/030-0203 (Locobase 5962)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway (19 March 2004). See also Pere Comas and Alfred Puig, Breve Historia de la Traccion Vapor en Norte, Trensim TS10H001, Noviembre de 2010, pp. 20, 83-84. Works numbers were 742-746 in 1864.

Originally purchased by the "original" Norte's when its main line ran from Madrid to Avila to Miranda de Ebro to the Catalan border town of Irun, these six-coupled tank shunting locomotives were renumbered in the 1600 range. Their names all were headed by the Arabic-derived "El" El Agueda, El Tera, El Gua, El Selmo, El Burbia.

Comas and Puig offer two possibilities for the surviving tank--originally 602, La Tera--being called "Tarraco". One refers to its basing in Tarragona, the other perhaps simply in owing to an error in atttaching the name plates during some repair opportunity in one of the depots. (Locobase paraphrases the Spanish sentence.) Tarraco was regarded as special as it was the only one with a green casing lined in yellow and black. It is preserved at the Museo del Ferrocarril de Vilanova i la Geltru.

When RENFE redesignated these venerable tanks in 1941, the class became 030-0203 to 0207.

Class Juneda/030-2108 (Locobase 20330)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. See also Pere Comas and Alfred Puig, Breve Historia de la Traccion Vapor en Norte, Trensim TS10H001, Noviembre de 2010, pp. 18, 72-73. Works numbers were 1261-1263 in 1881.

See Locobases 3419 and 20329 for the other locomotives in Koechlin's ten-engine order diverted from the Memphis, El Paso & Pacific after the railway and the builder disagreed on payment terms. According to Comas and Puig, the three locomotives came from the Sabine River railroad, possibly after the collapse of the MEP&P.

Named Sarria, Orense, and La Perruca by the Asturias, the engines took the nickname "Perrucas" after the tunnel.

Class Juneda/030-2108 (Locobase 3419)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. See also Pere Comas and Alfred Puig, Breve Historia de la Traccion Vapor en Norte, Trensim TS10H001, Noviembre de 2010, pp. 18, 78. Works numbers were 1256-1257 in 1880 (1391-1392)

According to another RENFE page, this class originally was produced for the Memphis Railroad ("la compania Memphis" (sic)) in the United States. They were delivered as a good deal to the Lerida after the builder and the railroad failed to agree on terms of payment. Although cleverly disguised as a North American engine by a tall diamond stack, cowcatcher pilot, and large cab, the locomotives easily betrayed their European origins in the choice of wheel arrangement, steam dome over the first driven axle and sand dome over the second, and general appearance of the running gear.

Comas and Puig list the names of this pair as Juneda and Borjas in 1880. They later operated on the Montblanc a Lerida, then absorbed by the Norte in 1890. Whatever their limitations (allegedly, the drivers were too tall for freight and the boiler was too small for passenger work), their bargain price ensured a long life. 392 was withdrawn in 1955, 391 in 1964.

Class Noroeste/030-2381 (Locobase 3440)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. Works numbers were 871-877 in 1863.

British builders figured prominently in Spanish rosters throughout the 19th century. These seven engines had relatively large boilers for the time. All had names: Noroeste, Palencia, Villada, Leon, Fausto Miranda, Paredes, and Sah+n

See Locobase 3439 for a repeat order of four engines in 1880. Remarkably, everyone of these locomotives, all of which had first operated almost 80 years before, was taken into RENFE in 1941.

Class Parana/030-2377 (Locobase 3439)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. Works numbers were 2458-2459, 2456-2457 in 1880.

This quartet of Scottish-built six-coupleds were repeats of a septet built by the same company seventeen years earlier (Locobase 3440). The dome sat just ahead of the cab and over the firebox.

Like all AGL locomotives, these had names when they arrived on the AGL: Parana, las Puentes, Cave, and Neira.

Class Serie 301/030-2413 (Locobase 3443)

Data from [link] . See also Pere Comas and Alfred Puig, Breve Historia de la Traccion Vapor en Norte, Trensim TS10H001, Noviembre de 2010, pp. 18, 87. Kessler delivered the first ten (works numbers were 1826-1835 in 1881), Hartmann added ten more in 1881 (works numbers 1104-1113) and eleven in 1882 (works numbers 1173-1183). Kessler finished the class with six in 1882 (works 1896-1900). All were named

Comas and Puig pronounce this design as one of the best-placed and advanced of those that were employed by Spanish railways. Although resembling the classic Bourbonnais six-coupleds, of which over 1,000 operated throughout Europe, they had their fireboxes mounted over the third driven axle rather than behind it. Thus, they did not bob and weave as much and used their relatively tall drivers to reach speeds of up to 60 km/h (37 mph) with greater stability,

Class Villaba/030-2067 (Locobase 3415)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. See also Pere Comas and Alfred Puig, Breve Historia de la Traccion Vapor en Norte, Trensim TS10H001, Noviembre de 2010, pp.85-86. Works numbers were 1146-1165 in 1882 and 1394, 1393, 1395, 1503-1504 in 1887.

Reder (1974) mentions this class in his discussion of the Vulcan-built pair (Locobase 3420) that followed it on the LRT.

All of these engines were delivered with names: Villalba, Pozuelo, Remisa, Cantos Negros, Torrelodones, Las Zorreras, Zarzalejo, Robledo, Las Navas, Navalperal, La Ca'ada, Navalgrande, Guimorcondo, Mingorria, Velayos, Sanchidrián, Ataquines, Gomez-Narro, Pozáldes, and Matapozuelos in 1882 and Utiel, Chiva-Cheste, Requena, Cabrillas, and Valencia in 1887.

/The 1947 RENFE diagram book shows a photo from the Norte days. The 1469 had a Belpaire firebox, square sandbox in the middle of the boiler, regulator box and outside pipes just behind the gumdrop dome, which sat over the leading driver and outside

All were later taken into the Norte and into RENFE in turn.

Class unknown (Locobase 12120)

Data from M A Mallet, "Developpment de L'Application du System Compound", Memoirs ...Societe des Ingenieurs Civils, Annee [Juillet] 1890, Vol II (Paris: SIC, 1890). table pp. 42-43.

Mallet's own 2-cylinder cross-compounding system.

Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media
Locobase ID3402 3412 3438 3445 5515
RailroadParcocha Iron Ore & Railway de Vizcaya (Norte)Almansa a Valencia y Tarragona (Norte)NorteAlmansa a Valencia y Tarragona (Norte)Norte
Number in Class410563
Road Numbers1607-16101727-1736/030-2060 a 20611737-1741/030-2372 a 030-23761713-1718/030-2457 a 030-24621396-1398/2537-2539
Number Built410563
BuilderDubs & CoCailLinden-HannoverSharp, StewartEgestorff
Valve GearStephensonStephensonStephensonAllanStephenson
Locomotive Length and Weight
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m)10.50 / 3.2011.27 / 3.4410.30 / 3.1414.50 / 4.4210.30 / 3.14
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m)10.50 / 3.2011.27 / 3.4410.30 / 3.1414.50 / 4.4210.30 / 3.14
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase11111
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m)10.50 / 3.2034.43 / 10.4935.05 / 10.6837.19 / 11.3435.05 / 10.68
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg)27,558 / 12,50027,558 / 12,50028,660 / 13,00028,881 / 13,10028,660 / 13,000
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg)79,366 / 36,00074,737 / 33,90083,776 / 38,00083,555 / 37,90083,776 / 38,000
Engine Weight (lbs / kg)79,366 / 36,00074,737 / 33,90083,776 / 38,00083,555 / 37,90083,776 / 38,000
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg)61,729 / 28,00061,729 / 28,00062,721 / 28,45061,729 / 28,000
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg)136,466 / 61,900145,505 / 66,000146,276 / 66,350145,505 / 66,000
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML)1320 / 52376 / 92640 / 102904 / 112643 / 10.01
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) 2.20 / 27 / 6 5.60 / 5 6.70 / 6 5.60 / 5
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m)44 / 2242 / 2147 / 23.5046 / 2347 / 23.50
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort
Driver Diameter (in / mm)42 / 106753.50 / 135952.60 / 133660 / 152448.40 / 1229
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa)130.50 / 900116 / 800130.50 / 900130.50 / 900140.70 / 970
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm)14.88" x 20" / 378x50817.32" x 23.62" / 440x60017.91" x 23.7" / 455x60219.02" x 25.98" / 483x66017.91" x 23.62" / 455x600
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg)11,695 / 5304.7713,059 / 5923.4716,032 / 7272.0017,376 / 7881.6318,721 / 8491.71
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) 6.79 5.72 5.23 4.81 4.47
Heating Ability
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm)142 - 1.969" / 50167 - 1.969" / 50171 - 1.969" / 50204 - 1.969" / 50171 - 1.969" / 50
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm)
Flue/Tube length (ft / m) 9.51 / 2.9013.12 / 414.30 / 4.3611.29 / 3.4414.30 / 4.36
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2)67.71 / 6.2981.38 / 7.5694.69 / 8.8097.09 / 9.0294.72 / 8.80
Grate Area (sq ft / m2) 9.15 / 0.8515.39 / 1.4317 / 1.5824 / 2.2317.01 / 1.58
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)695 / 64.591098 / 101.991228 / 114.081166 / 108.311228 / 114.08
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2)
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)695 / 64.591098 / 101.991228 / 114.081166 / 108.311228 / 114.08
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume172.65170.47177.70136.48178.30
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information)
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation11941785221931322393
Same as above plus superheater percentage11941785221931322393
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area8836944012,35712,67013,327
Power L123452417281725232804
Power MT195.42213.89222.39199.71221.37

Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media
Class1427/030-24861691/030-24641719/030-222323/1481/030-2114301/030-2128 - later boiler
Locobase ID3450 3447 3430 3420 3426
RailroadNorteMinas de San Juan de las Abadesas (Norte)Almansa a Valencia y Tarragona (Norte)Lerida a Reus y Tarragona (Norte)Norte
Number in Class678286
Road Numbers1427-1432/030-2486 a 030-24911691-1697/030-2464 a 030-24701719-1726/030-2223 a 030-223023-24/1481-1482/030-2114 a 21151301-1386/2128-2205, 2206-2208
Number Built6782
BuilderSharp, StewartHartmannSharp, StewartVulcan Foundryseveral
Valve GearStephensonStephensonAllanAllanStephenson
Locomotive Length and Weight
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m)12.50 / 3.8111.25 / 3.4314.50 / 4.4211.81 / 3.6011.55 / 3.52
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m)12.50 / 3.8111.25 / 3.4314.50 / 4.4211.81 / 3.6011.55 / 3.52
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase11111
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m)34.15 / 10.4132.98 / 10.0537.19 / 11.3434.68 / 10.5732.58 / 9.93
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg)29,321 / 13,30028,660 / 13,00031,747 / 14,40029,762 / 13,50023,810 / 10,800
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg)85,980 / 39,00081,571 / 37,00084,657 / 38,40087,523 / 39,70069,886 / 31,700
Engine Weight (lbs / kg)85,980 / 39,00081,571 / 37,00084,657 / 38,40087,523 / 39,70069,886 / 31,700
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg)58,224 / 26,41052,029 / 23,60062,721 / 28,45057,982 / 26,30049,714 / 22,550
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg)144,204 / 65,410133,600 / 60,600147,378 / 66,850145,505 / 66,000119,600 / 54,250
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML)2321 / 8.791901 / 7.202904 / 112191 / 8.301848 / 7
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) 6.60 / 6 6.60 / 6 6.70 / 6 6.60 / 6 6.60 / 6
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m)48 / 2445 / 22.5047 / 23.5049 / 24.5039 / 19.50
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort
Driver Diameter (in / mm)52 / 132151.20 / 130060 / 152459.10 / 150151.20 / 1300
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa)127.60 / 880127.60 / 880113.10 / 780127.60 / 880130.50 / 900
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm)18.98" x 24.02" / 482x61017.72" x 25.59" / 450x65019.02" x 25.98" / 483x66018.11" x 23.62" / 460x60017.32" x 23.62" / 440x600
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg)18,048 / 8186.4417,021 / 7720.6015,059 / 6830.6614,217 / 6448.7315,351 / 6963.10
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) 4.76 4.79 5.62 6.16 4.55
Heating Ability
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm)223 - 1.969" / 50196 - 1.969" / 50199 - 1.969" / 50208 - 1.969" / 50156 - 1.969" / 50
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm)
Flue/Tube length (ft / m)11.88 / 3.6213.94 / 4.2511.81 / 3.6014.50 / 4.4213.65 / 4.16
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2)121.85 / 11.3293.86 / 8.72104.09 / 9.67102.15 / 9.4987.73 / 8.15
Grate Area (sq ft / m2)26.69 / 2.4817.22 / 1.6022.17 / 2.0622.17 / 2.0615.28 / 1.42
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1351 / 125.501362 / 126.501194 / 110.951501 / 139.401075 / 99.87
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2)
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1351 / 125.501362 / 126.501194 / 110.951501 / 139.401075 / 99.87
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume171.76186.47139.76213.15166.90
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information)
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation34062197250728291994
Same as above plus superheater percentage34062197250728291994
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area15,54811,97711,77313,03411,449
Power L127562730227035912617
Power MT212.00221.35177.34271.36247.67

Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media
Class301/030-2128 -original boiler37/1409/030-209253/1403/030-210161/1417/030-200466/030-2451
Locobase ID20154 3416 3417 3410 3444
RailroadNorteZaragoza a Barcelona (Norte)Zaragoza a Barcelona (Norte)Zaragoza a Barcelona (Norte)Almansa a Valencia y Tarragona (Norte)
Number in Class8686106
Road Numbers301-38637-42/1409-1416/030-2092-209853-60/1403-1408/030-2101-210661-70/1417-1426/030-2004-201266-71/1707-1712/030-2451 a 030-2456
Number Built8686106
BuilderseveralSharp, StewartCMIGouinNasmyth Wilson
Valve GearStephensonStephensonStephensonStephensonAllan
Locomotive Length and Weight
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m)11.55 / 3.5211.75 / 3.5811.48 / 3.5011.48 / 3.5014.48 / 4.42
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m)11.55 / 3.5211.75 / 3.5811.48 / 3.5011.48 / 3.5014.48 / 4.42
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase11111
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m)32.58 / 9.9335.24 / 10.7433.04 / 10.0711.48 / 3.5036.89 / 11.24
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg)23,810 / 10,80023,149 / 10,50023,986 / 10,88026,191 / 11,88030,865 / 14,000
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg)66,139 / 30,00065,433 / 29,68064,110 / 29,08075,442 / 34,22083,776 / 38,000
Engine Weight (lbs / kg)66,139 / 30,00065,433 / 29,68064,110 / 29,08075,442 / 34,22083,776 / 38,000
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg)49,714 / 22,55057,541 / 26,10051,147 / 23,20055,138 / 25,01058,173 / 26,387
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg)115,853 / 52,550122,974 / 55,780115,257 / 52,280130,580 / 59,230141,949 / 64,387
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML)1848 / 72297 / 8.701848 / 71980 / 7.502160 / 8.18
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) 6.60 / 6 6.60 / 6 6.60 / 6 6.60 / 6 6.30 / 6
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m)37 / 18.5036 / 1836 / 1842 / 2147 / 23.50
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort
Driver Diameter (in / mm)51.20 / 130053.90 / 137054.10 / 137455.10 / 140060 / 1524
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa)98.60 / 680113.10 / 780116 / 800113.10 / 780127.60 / 880
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm)17.32" x 23.62" / 440x60017.52" x 24.02" / 445x61017.8" x 23.62" / 452x60017.32" x 23.62" / 440x60019.02" x 25.98" / 483x660
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg)11,598 / 5260.7713,150 / 5964.7513,640 / 6187.0112,362 / 5607.3216,989 / 7706.09
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) 5.70 4.98 4.70 6.10 4.93
Heating Ability
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm)164 - 1.89" / 48168 - 1.969" / 50188 - 1.969" / 50191 - 1.969" / 50199 - 1.969" / 50
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm)
Flue/Tube length (ft / m)13.65 / 4.1613.65 / 4.1612.99 / 3.9614.27 / 4.3512.86 / 3.92
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2)84.50 / 7.8590.53 / 8.4193.43 / 8.6878.58 / 7.3092.89 / 8.63
Grate Area (sq ft / m2)15.28 / 1.4215.18 / 1.4113.89 / 1.2914.42 / 1.3416.15 / 1.50
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1145 / 106.401155 / 107.331227 / 114.031343 / 124.751280 / 118.87
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2)
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1145 / 106.401155 / 107.331227 / 114.031343 / 124.751280 / 118.87
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume177.77172.33180.36208.51149.82
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information)
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation15071717161116312061
Same as above plus superheater percentage15071717161116312061
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area833210,23910,838888711,853
Power L120482437260527992605
Power MT204.80246.33268.74245.38205.66

Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media
ClassAtorga/030-2393Clase 18/1453/030-2124El Agueda/030-0203Juneda/030-2108Juneda/030-2108
Locobase ID6299 3422 5962 20330 3419
RailroadNorteZaragoza a Pamplona y Alsasua (Norte)NorteAsturias a Galicia y Leon (Norte)Lerida a Reus y Tarragona (Norte)
Number in Class74532
Road Numbers1644-1650/030-2393 a 030-239832-35/1453-1456/030-2124 a 030-21271601-1605/030-0203 a 030-02071651-1653, 1391-139215-16/391-392
Number Built74532
Valve GearStephensonStephensonStephensonStephensonGooch
Locomotive Length and Weight
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m)10.50 / 3.2011.38 / 3.47 8.86 / 2.7011.42 / 3.4811.42 / 3.48
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m)10.50 / 3.2011.38 / 3.47 8.86 / 2.7011.42 / 3.4811.42 / 3.48
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase11111
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m)31.36 / 9.5633.27 / 10.14 8.86 / 2.7034.91 / 10.6434.91 / 10.64
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg)28,660 / 13,00026,455 / 12,00021,605 / 980030,865 / 14,00030,865 / 14,000
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg)77,603 / 35,20077,162 / 35,00060,848 / 27,60087,744 / 39,80087,744 / 39,800
Engine Weight (lbs / kg)77,603 / 35,20077,162 / 35,00060,848 / 27,60087,744 / 39,80087,744 / 39,800
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg)46,848 / 21,25050,927 / 23,10055,049 / 24,97055,049 / 24,970
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg)124,451 / 56,450128,089 / 58,100142,793 / 64,770142,793 / 64,770
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML)1584 / 61874 / 7.10792 / 32191 / 8.302191 / 8.30
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) 6.60 / 6 6.60 / 6 1.10 / 1 6.60 / 6 6.60 / 6
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m)43 / 21.5043 / 21.5034 / 1749 / 24.5049 / 24.50
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort
Driver Diameter (in / mm)48 / 122052.20 / 132639.40 / 100059.80 / 151959.80 / 1519
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa)116 / 800116 / 800113.10 / 780116 / 800116 / 800
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm)18.11" x 24.02" / 460x61017.72" x 25.59" / 450x65013.78" x 17.32" / 350x44018.11" x 25.59" / 460x65018.11" x 25.59" / 460x650
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg)16,182 / 7340.0415,178 / 6884.638025 / 3640.0813,838 / 6276.8213,838 / 6276.82
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) 4.80 5.08 7.58 6.34 6.34
Heating Ability
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm)207 - 1.969" / 50197 - 1.969" / 50116 - 1.969" / 50195 - 1.969" / 50195 - 1.969" / 50
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm)
Flue/Tube length (ft / m)13.52 / 4.1213.88 / 4.2310.89 / 3.3214.63 / 4.4614.63 / 4.46
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2)89.13 / 8.2891.28 / 8.4855.11 / 5.1298.49 / 9.1598.49 / 9.15
Grate Area (sq ft / m2)16.36 / 1.5216.04 / 1.49 8.83 / 0.8216.79 / 1.5616.79 / 1.56
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1389 / 129.081359 / 126.30641 / 59.571421 / 132.061421 / 132.06
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2)
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1389 / 129.081359 / 126.30641 / 59.571421 / 132.061421 / 132.06
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume193.96186.06214.41186.26186.26
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information)
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation1898186199919481948
Same as above plus superheater percentage1898186199919481948
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area10,33910,588623311,42511,425
Power L123772508227729002900
Power MT202.58214.97247.50218.59218.59

Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media
ClassNoroeste/030-2381Parana/030-2377Serie 301/030-2413Villaba/030-2067unknown
Locobase ID3440 3439 3443 3415 12120
RailroadNorteAsturias a Galicia y Leon (Norte)Asturias a Galicia y Leon (Norte)Lerida a Reus y Tarragona (Norte)Norte
Number in Class743625
Road Numbers1637-1643/0303-2381 a 030-23871633-1636/030-2377 a 030-2380301-336/654-689/1654-1689/2413-24491461-1480, 1483-1487
Number Built743625
BuilderNeilson & CoNeilson & CoseveralHartmannMallet
Valve GearStephensonStephensonStephensonStephensonStephenson
Locomotive Length and Weight
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m)10.50 / 3.2010.50 / 3.2011.19 / 3.4111.81 / 3.60
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m)10.50 / 3.2010.50 / 3.2011.19 / 3.4111.81 / 3.60
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase1111
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m)30.89 / 9.4131.15 / 9.4930.88 / 9.4134.68 / 10.57
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg)26,455 / 12,00026,896 / 12,20028,660 / 13,00031,747 / 14,400
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg)75,839 / 34,40079,807 / 36,20083,335 / 37,80089,948 / 40,80071,650 / 32,500
Engine Weight (lbs / kg)75,839 / 34,40079,807 / 36,20083,335 / 37,80089,948 / 40,80071,650 / 32,500
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg)47,289 / 21,45047,289 / 21,45057,982 / 26,30057,982 / 26,300
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg)123,128 / 55,850127,096 / 57,650141,317 / 64,100147,930 / 67,100
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML)1637 / 6.201637 / 6.202191 / 8.302191 / 8.30
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) 6.60 / 6 6.60 / 6 6.60 / 6 6.60 / 6
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m)42 / 2144 / 2246 / 2350 / 2540 / 20
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort
Driver Diameter (in / mm)47.60 / 121047.60 / 121054.70 / 139059.10 / 150151.20 / 1300
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa)116 / 800116 / 800145 / 1000127.60 / 880101.50 / 700
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm)17.99" x 24.02" / 457x61017.99" x 24.02" / 457x61017.72" x 24.02" / 450x61017.32" x 23.62" / 440x60017.32" x 23.62" / 440x600 (1)
Low Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm)23.62" x 23.62" / 600x600 (1)
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg)16,103 / 7304.2116,103 / 7304.2116,994 / 7708.3613,003 / 5898.077765 / 3522.15
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) 4.71 4.96 4.90 6.92 9.23
Heating Ability
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm)207 - 1.969" / 50207 - 1.969" / 50212 - 1.969" / 50208 - 1.969" / 50
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm)
Flue/Tube length (ft / m)13.55 / 4.1313.55 / 4.1311.81 / 3.6014.50 / 4.42
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2)89.13 / 8.2891.92 / 8.5486.11 / 7.98102.69 / 9.54
Grate Area (sq ft / m2)16.36 / 1.5216.58 / 1.5421.96 / 2.0422.71 / 2.1114.20 / 1.32
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1389 / 129.081392 / 129.341248 / 115.871501 / 139.451190 / 110.60
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2)
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1389 / 129.081392 / 129.341248 / 115.871501 / 139.451190 / 110.60
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume196.56196.98182.03233.04369.51
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information)
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation18981923318428981441
Same as above plus superheater percentage18981923318428981441
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area10,33910,66312,48613,103
Power L12389241132363931
Power MT208.34199.81256.82289.05

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris