Ciudad Real a Badajoz / MTrida a Sevilla / Madrid, Zaragoza & Alicante / Tarragona-Barcelona-Francia 0-8-0 Locomotives in Spain

Class Details by Steve Llanso of Sweat House Media

Class 040-2011 (Locobase 5534)

Data from [link] (21 April 2003), the web site of the Spanish National Railway. See also Pere Comas, Breve Historia de la Traccion Vapor en MZA, Trensim TS10H002, Julio de 2011, pp. 30-31 Works numbers were 2779-2784 in 1878, 2851-2854 in 1879; 2898-2899, 2896-2897 in 1880.

A total of fourteen of these compact-looking engines with their high boilers was supplied to the Tarragona, Barcelona, and Francia Railroad (TBF) -- a 5-ft, 6-in gauge railroad -- in 1878. When that railroad was absorbed by the Madrid, Zaragoza, and Alicante, they were renumbered 562-575. The power dimensions matched ten larger Cockerills (Locobase 3456) ordered in the same year. The Sharpie boilers were much shorter, however, and had fewer tubes while the grates were significantly (40%) bigger.(Overall firebox heating surface grew by only 14%, so these were much shallower.)

The class was delivered over a three-year period (1878-1880). At the time of RENFE's stand-up in 1941, 13 remained in service and most of these carried on until the 1960s.

Identical engines entered service on the Barry Railway in Britain as the first 8-couples to run in the British Isles. These 2 engines were part of a 17-unit order for the Norway and Sweden railroad that fell through in 1888. Sharp sold 10 of the engines to the Baden State Railroad and the Palatinate purchased 5 more.

Class 040-2271 (Locobase 3465)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway.

Representing the very first design to be built in numbers in Spain, this class of freight engines was based on the Cockerill-built locomotives that operated on the Merida-Sevilla railway. But the new design had a larger boiler that generated steam at a higher pressure. In Service in Catalonia, they were later dispersed to several other areas including the Cordoba-Almorchon grade, the Cordoba-Cercadilla line, Guadix, Madrid-Atocha, and Merida.

All were scrapped between 1964 and 1967. The one potential museum candidate was allowed to rust away.

Class 040-2301 (Locobase 3467)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. See also Pere Comas, Breve Historia de la Traccion Vapor en MZA, Trensim TS10H002, Julio de 2011, pp. 32-33.

These were from the second batch of heavy freight locomotives supplied by Sharp, Stewart to the TBF and owed much of their design features to the earlier class shown in Locobase 5533. But as Comas pointed out, the later boiler's boiler pressure increased by 32 psi (2.2 bar) while the driver diameters shrank slightly by 15 mm. A higher-pitched boiler gave it a more modern look.

Like the others, they were transferred to the MZA in 1898 and carried on the rolls right up until the formation of RENFE in 1941. The class ID now read 040-2301 and the engines were assigned to the Vilanova and Gerona sheds, where they operated until their retirements in 1964-1968.

Class 040-2401 & 040-2441 (Locobase 5536)

Data from [link] ... (15 May 2003). Henschel

Works numbers:

Road numbers Builder works numbers Year

741-750 Henschel 8383-8392 1907

751-760 Maffei 2732-2741 1907

761-770 Maffei 3061-3070 1909

771-780 Henschel 8939-8948 1909

1001-1015 Henschel 1911

1016-1030 Maffei 1911

Follow-ons to the successful 700 series that were among the most powerful 0-8-0s put in service in Spain. Compared to the earlier locomotives, these were bigger in all respects and their higher boiler pressure generated even more tractive effort. Maffei and Henschel split the orders, which were filled in 1907-1909 and in 1911-1913. The last two were fitted with a superheater.

RENFE's creation in 1941 led to the absorption of 34 of the earlier series (040-2401-2434) and 23 of the 30 from the latter batch.

Class 1001/537/040-2061 (Locobase 3456)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway. See also Pere Comas, Breve Historia de la Traccion Vapor en MZA, Trensim TS10H002, Julio de 2011,p. 24, ; and MATERIAL MOTOR RENFE 1947 diagram book posted by carlos lavagoneta arroba and retrieved from Picasa [link], last accessed 1 June 2014., p. 97. Works numbers were 1001-1010 in 1879.

According to Pere Comas, this particular design was presented at the Exposición Internacional de Parfs de 1878 and frequently mentioned in contemporary journals. (Locobase suspects this publicity represented reports on the locomotive and used the same original materials.).

The engine had a long boiler with all of the top hamper (stack, dome, and sand box) placed well forward. It used a Belpaire firebox. When the Madrid, Zaragoza, & Alicante (MZA) took over the class from the MTrida a Sevilla, the MZA renumbered them 537-546.

Class 101/040-2031 (Locobase 6298)

Data from [link], the web site of the Spanish National Railway and from [link], last accessed 13 July 2004. See also Locomotoras y tenderes nums. 040-2031/040-2052", Via Libre's continuing series of datacards, last accessed as PDF at [link], 31 December 2017; and Trenes y Tiempos blog, "Historias del vapor (XXVII): Las 040 del Ciudad Real-Badajoz (RENFE 040-2031/040-2052)", posted 14 February 2016 and archived at [link], last accessed 31 December 2017. Comas, Breve Historia

Supplied by Parent-Schaken/Cail and Creusot to the FC Ciudad Real a Badajoz as their 101-136. The Via Libre card notes that the railway's "undulating" profile led it to order thirty-six locomotives of similar capacity to those that had just entered Norte service. Differences included moving the dome back along the boiler and behind the regulator and outside steam pipes leading from the regulator to the valve chest and out to the smokebox. Via Libre also noted that the photograph illustrating this class showed the Belpaire firebox later fitted by the MZA.

They were given names of provinces or cities:Extremadura, Badajoz, MTrida, Montijo,

Villanueva de la Serena, Castuera, Ciudad Real, Cabeza del Buey, AlmadTn, Puertollano, Medellfn, Don Benito and 113-126 (Parent-Schaken/Cail); Andalucfa, Guadiato, BTlmez, Granjuela, Valsequillo, Almorchan, Fuenteovejuna, Belalcázar, Pe'arroya, Terrible (Creusot).

Trenes y Tiempo says that the expected increase in traffic didn't happen, which prompted the Ciudad Real to sell fourteen of the class in 1872 to two other railways. Ten went to the C=rdoba-Belmez, which later joined the Andaluces and then eight to RENFE as 040-2201/040-2208). Four more went to the Zaragoza-Pamplona-Barcelona (ZPB), which was in desperate need of such power. The ZPB later was absorbed The ZPB was taken over by the Norte as road numbers 2591-2594 and these four became RENFE class 040-2001 in 1941.

The CRB was later absorbed by the MZA in 1880, at which point 101-112 became 501-512 and 127-136 were renumbered as 527-536.

Class 701/040-2351 (Locobase 5535)

Data from [link] (15 May 2003). See also Pere Comas, Breve Historia de la Traccion Vapor en MZA, Trensim TS10H002, Julio de 2011,p. 107; and MATERIAL MOTOR RENFE 1947 diagram book posted by carlos lavagoneta arroba and retrieved from Picasa [link], last accessed 1 June 2014., p. 109. Works numbers were 2317-2336 in 1903, 2442-2461 in 1905.

In his description of locomotives shedded at Aguilas, JM Morales comments that in their day, these Belpaire-firebox draft horses were the most powerful 0-8-0s in Spain.

Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media
Class040-2011040-2271040-2301040-2401 & 040-24411001/537/040-2061
Locobase ID5534 3465 3467 5536 3456
RailroadMadrid, Zaragoza & Alicante (MZA)Madrid, Zaragoza & Alicante (MZA)Tarragona-Barcelona-Francia (MZA)Madrid, Zaragoza & Alicante (MZA)MTrida a Sevilla (MZA)
Number in Class141587010
Road Numbers213-226 / 562-575547-561576-583741-780, 1001-1030537-546/040-2061 a 040-2070
Number Built141587010
BuilderSharp, StewartMTMSharp, StewartseveralCMI
Valve GearStephensonWalschaertStephensonWalschaertWalschaert
Locomotive Length and Weight
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m)15.14 / 4.6213.58 / 4.1415.42 / 4.7013.58 / 4.1413.58 / 4.14
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m)15.14 / 4.6213.58 / 4.1415.42 / 4.7013.58 / 4.1413.58 / 4.14
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase11111
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m)36.35 / 11.0835.37 / 10.7836.80 / 11.2237.69 / 11.4936.22 / 11.04
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg)28,373 / 12,87028,550 / 12,95028,612 / 12,97832,849 / 14,90025,838 / 11,720
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg)105,134 / 47,688108,137 / 49,050110,694 / 50,210127,868 / 58,000102,030 / 46,280
Engine Weight (lbs / kg)105,134 / 47,688108,137 / 49,050110,694 / 50,210127,868 / 58,000102,030 / 46,280
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg)46,628 / 21,15055,116 / 25,00050,530 / 22,92083,776 / 38,00052,470 / 23,800
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg)151,762 / 68,838163,253 / 74,050161,224 / 73,130211,644 / 96,000154,500 / 70,080
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML)1848 / 72376 / 92376 / 93701 / 14.022323 / 8.80
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) 3.30 / 3 5.50 / 5 3.30 / 3 4.40 / 4 5.50 / 5
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m)44 / 2245 / 22.5046 / 2353 / 26.5043 / 21.50
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort
Driver Diameter (in / mm)54.60 / 138851.30 / 130450.90 / 129351.30 / 130351.30 / 1303
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa)113.10 / 780149.40 / 1030145 / 1000171.10 / 1180116 / 800
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm)20" x 25.98" / 508x66019.69" x 25.59" / 500x65020" x 25.98" / 508x66019.69" x 25.59" / 500x65019.69" x 25.59" / 500x650
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg)18,297 / 8299.3924,559 / 11139.7925,163 / 11413.7628,126 / 12757.7519,069 / 8649.56
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) 5.75 4.40 4.40 4.55 5.35
Heating Ability
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm)190 - 1.969" / 50211 - 1.969" / 50200 - 1.969" / 50248 - 1.969" / 50217 - 1.969" / 50
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm)
Flue/Tube length (ft / m)13.02 / 3.9713.91 / 4.2413.06 / 3.9813.45 / 4.1016.73 / 5.10
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2)136.06 / 12.64109.90 / 10.21124.43 / 11.56129.17 / 12119.48 / 11.10
Grate Area (sq ft / m2)28.09 / 2.6128.31 / 2.6326.05 / 2.4232.29 / 320.02 / 1.86
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1283 / 119.161622 / 150.651335 / 1241677 / 155.761990 / 184.85
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2)
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1283 / 119.161622 / 150.651335 / 1241677 / 155.761990 / 184.85
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume135.82179.85141.32185.95220.66
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information)
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation31774230377755252322
Same as above plus superheater percentage31774230377755252322
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area15,38816,41918,04222,10113,860
Power L121393076254837682845
Power MT179.42250.85202.99259.86245.89

Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media
Locobase ID6298 5535
RailroadCiudad Real a Badajoz (MZA)Madrid, Zaragoza & Alicante (MZA)
Number in Class3640
Road Numbers101-136/501-512, 527-536/040-2031 a 2052701-740/040-2351 a 040-2390
Number Built3640
Valve GearStephensonWalschaert
Locomotive Length and Weight
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m)13.58 / 4.1413.58 / 4.14
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m)13.58 / 4.1413.58 / 4.14
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase11
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m)35.76 / 10.9037.56 / 11.45
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg)24,515 / 11,12030,975 / 14,050
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg)97,268 / 44,120117,176 / 53,150
Engine Weight (lbs / kg)97,268 / 44,120117,176 / 53,150
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg)45,966 / 20,85080,138 / 36,350
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg)143,234 / 64,970197,314 / 89,500
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML)1795 / 6.803696 / 14
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) 3.90 / 4 3.30 / 3
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m)41 / 20.5049 / 24.50
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort
Driver Diameter (in / mm)52 / 132051.30 / 1302
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa)116 / 800171.10 / 1180
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm)19.69" x 25.59" / 500x65019.69" x 25.59" / 500x650
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg)18,812 / 8532.9928,126 / 12757.75
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) 5.17 4.17
Heating Ability
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm)209 - 1.969" / 50211 - 1.969" / 50
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm)
Flue/Tube length (ft / m)16.73 / 5.1013.91 / 4.24
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2)107.64 / 10109.90 / 10.21
Grate Area (sq ft / m2)20.45 / 1.9028.31 / 2.63
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1909 / 177.341472 / 136.71
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2)
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1909 / 177.341472 / 136.71
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume211.67163.22
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information)
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation23724844
Same as above plus superheater percentage23724844
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area12,48618,804
Power L127283279
Power MT247.33246.77

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris