Alar del Rey a Santander 4-4-0 Locomotives in Spain

Class Details by Steve Llanso of Sweat House Media

Class 24 (Locobase 11330)

Data from Charles Alfred Opperman, Traite Complet des Chemins de Fer Economiques D' Interet Local (Paris: Imprimerie Pillet Fils Aine, 1873), pp.164-165. See [link] for a detailed narrative of the planning, construction, and operation of the FC Alar del Rey a Santander.

Works numbers were 196-198, 234-241.

See Locobase 11157 for a description of Vaessen's radial truck, which allowed the locomotive to negotiate sharper curves.

Opperman notes that the Alar del Rey (also called the Isabel II) was a short line (139 km) between Alar del Rey and the Biscayan port of Santander that scaled several significant grades and negotiated many curves. In the Barcena-Reinosa section, a segment he admits is an extreme example, the line traveled 34 km to connect two towns that lay 16 km as the crow flew (a vol d'oiseau) and measured 559 metres from its lowest to its highest point.

The Alar del Rey bought at least two types of Vaessen-truck locomotives. This class had the taller drivers and Eight-wheeler layout suitable for a passenger engine. The locomotives were named Agricultura, Industria, Comercio, 2 de mayo, Iberia, Burgos, Valladolid, Las Flores, Barcena, Reinosa, and Torrelavega

Principal Dimensions by Steve Llanso of Middle Run Media
Locobase ID11330
RailroadAlar del Rey a Santander (Isabelle II)
Number in Class10
Road Numbers24-33
Number Built10
BuilderSA Saint Leonard
Valve Gearvarious
Locomotive Length and Weight
Driver Wheelbase (ft / m) 7.55 / 2.30
Engine Wheelbase (ft / m)18.37 / 5.60
Ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase 0.41
Overall Wheelbase (engine & tender) (ft / m)18.37 / 5.60
Axle Loading (Maximum Weight per Axle) (lbs / kg)
Weight on Drivers (lbs / kg)58,422 / 26,500
Engine Weight (lbs / kg)98,106 / 44,500
Tender Loaded Weight (lbs / kg)
Total Engine and Tender Weight (lbs / kg)
Tender Water Capacity (gals / ML)1188 / 4.50
Tender Fuel Capacity (oil/coal) (gals/tons / Liters/MT) 2.20 / 2
Minimum weight of rail (calculated) (lb/yd / kg/m)49 / 24.50
Geometry Relating to Tractive Effort
Driver Diameter (in / mm)66.30 / 1685
Boiler Pressure (psi / kPa)113.10 / 780
High Pressure Cylinders (dia x stroke) (in / mm)18.11" x 24.02" / 460x610
Tractive Effort (lbs / kg)11,423 / 5181.39
Factor of Adhesion (Weight on Drivers/Tractive Effort) 5.11
Heating Ability
Tubes (number - dia) (in / mm)200 - 1.969" / 50
Flues (number - dia) (in / mm)
Flue/Tube length (ft / m)11.22 / 3.42
Firebox Area (sq ft / m2)105.45 / 9.80
Grate Area (sq ft / m2)29.27 / 2.72
Evaporative Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1262 / 117.25
Superheating Surface (sq ft / m2)
Combined Heating Surface (sq ft / m2)1262 / 117.25
Evaporative Heating Surface/Cylinder Volume176.23
Computations Relating to Power Output (More Information)
Robert LeMassena's Power Computation3310
Same as above plus superheater percentage3310
Same as above but substitute firebox area for grate area11,926
Power L13123
Power MT235.70

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris