2-8-2 "Mikado" Locomotives in the USA

"Mikado" is the name generally assigned to the steam locomotives of the 2-8-2 wheel arrangement. The general, and reasonable assumption, is that this appellation stems from the construction of locomotives of this wheel arrangement by Baldwin in 1893. These locomotives were of the three foot six inch gauge, and were constructed for Nihon Tetsudo (Japan Railways), a private railway at the time. The class of these first locomotives was "Bt4/6". "B" was for "Baldwin", "t" meant "with tender", "4" stood for drivers, and "6" was for total axles. In 1906, 17 private railways, including Nihon Tetsudo became part of the Imperial Japanese Government Railways. It should be pointed out that after Pearl Harbor, in an excess of patriotic zeal, some railroads (most prominently the B&O and Union Pacific) renamed their locomotives of this wheel arrangement as "MacArthurs".

The first known example of this wheel arrangement in North America was on the Lehigh Valley. In 1883, that road rebuilt one of two center cab 2-10-0s into a 2-8-2. The thought here was to reduce flange wear on the final set of drivers. The Lehigh Valley was one of the early pioneers of the 2-8-2, purchasing no less than 47 center cab Wooten firebox equipped locomotives between 1902 and 1905. While other anthracite roads, and the Lehigh Valley itself, were to purchase further Wooten equipped Mikados, this group was the only class to fall into the category of "Camelback - Mother Hubbard".

Early installations of locomotives of the 2-8-2 wheel arrangement, both narrow gauge and industrial, such as logging, were ordered with a trailing axle to permit ease in bi-directional operation. But, for road service, the Mikado was considered to be developed from the 2-8-0 and the 2-6-2, just as the Pacific was a product of both the 4-4-2 and the 4-6-0. Bruce ("The Steam Locomotive In America") gives credit to an Alco built class for the Northern Pacific of 1905, which had 63 inch drivers. This, he regards as a development of 2-6-2s, of which the NP had a considerable fleet. The additional axle and the larger boiler permitted by the longer wheel base resulting in the 2-8-2 having the potential to haul the same trains as the 2-6-2 but on heavier grades. Another authority (Robert LeMassena, ("America's Workhorse Locomotive, the 2-8-2") points out that the NP sort of 2-8-2 had a smaller grate than contemporary 2-8-0s with 63 inch drivers, and the first true example of the 2-8-2 was a class built for the Virginian Railway in 1909, which had a deep firebox, supported by the trailing truck and a large superheated boiler.

Whatever the ancestry, the 2-8-2 became the principal freight locomotive of North America. Dealing only with standard gauge locomotives of common carrier railroads, Bruce gives a total of 9500 having been built for service in the United States. To this should be added 497 of the type on the roster of the Canadian National, and 253 for the Canadian Pacific, plus an uncertain number for smaller Canadian roads. Although the Nacionales de Mexico ultimately purchased many 2-8-2s from US railroads. One record shows an order for 40 57-inch driver locomotives in 1921/23. The North American total, then, as of about 1945, when pretty much all built would still have been in service, is somewhere in excess of 10,000 locomotives. Reasonably, then, about one out of every five locomotives in service on North American common carrier railroads was a Mikado (or MacArthur).

What were the characteristics that made this class so popular and successful? It was relatively a large locomotive - few were built with axle loadings of less than 50,000 lbs, and at least half were at 60,000 lbs and above, which resulted, at normal adhesion, in starting tractive efforts substantially over 50,000 lbs. In other words, when dealing with general purpose freight service, the ability to handle trains of 3000 to 5000 tons at good track speeds was accomplished with Mikados. It was a beautifully balanced design with the lead axle and the two front driving axles being equalized with the two rear driving axles and the trailing axles. Grate areas were in the general area of 65 to 70 square feet, although there were larger ones, including some giants on the Great Northern with an incredible 98.5 square foot grate. Railroads which desired to burn anthracite equipped their Mikados with Wooten fireboxes, which were large but shallow. Although some early examples were built as saturated engines, and some were compounds, it is safe to assume that all of the 10,000 Mikados were superheated and simple by 1945. Such appliances as boosters and feedwater heaters, if not original equipment, were frequently retrofitted, and with the obvious exception of oil burners, it is safe to say that almost all Mikados fell within the Interstate Commerce Commission's requirement that all locomotives with a weight of 160,000 (passenger) or 175,000 (freight) lbs or more on drivers would require a mechanical stoker.

Some coal haulers, the Virginian for one, stayed with 56/57 inch drivers for their Mikados. For the most part, however, driver diameters fell between a range of 61.5 inches (Reading) and 64 inches (B&O, Burlington). These diameters are really a matter of the preference of the various roads, thus, the Pennsylvania and the B&O both preferred even numbered diameters, but the PRR rounded down to 62 inches and the B&O, up to 64. The Reading went into the Twentieth Century with 55.5 inches as a standard wheel diameter for freight locomotives. When they ordered their first 27 Mikados in 1913, as fast freight engines, they got daring and fitted them with 61.5 inch drivers. Then, timidity took over, and the 1917 order for an additional 30 reverted to the 55.5 inch coal hauling diameter. Subsequently, they took a deep breath and installed 61.5 inch diameter drivers on the newer Mikados. With drivers in these diameters, and reasonably sized cylinders and big boilers, the Mikado was easily capable of 50mph and higher speeds. Mikados were built as freight engines, with one exception. The Union Pacific, whose first 2-8-2s had 57 inch drivers, received a second order with 63 inch drivers which were intended for mountain passenger service. One odd feature of these "passenger" engines was this; they were equipped with "Vanderbilt" type tenders, common on the UP at that period, and had a dummy vestibule fitted to the rear of the cylindrical water space. This was to line up with the vestibule of the first car attached behind the tender, and was conceived of as a method of reducing sway, to what effect remains obscure. When the larger Pacifics, and Mountains, were assigned to passenger service on the UP, these Mikados had the vestibules removed and went into freight work. But, Mikados did work passenger trains, particularly on heavy grades and, for example on the B&O and the Pennsylvania, were frequently used as passenger helpers.

Obviously, the type was in widespread use, to the extent that Mikados were the main freight locomotive of the North American railroads. Of course, there were exceptions. Lines which never owned 2-8-2s, included the Boston & Maine, the Delaware and Hudson, the Norfolk & Western, and others. One interesting exception to the domination of Mikados was the Southern Pacific. That system owned 162 Mikados and an impressive 182 2-10-2s (called "decapods" on the SP, for obvious reasons.)

Information for this introduction to Mikados provided by the late Edward Weinstein.

Builders of 2-8-2 "Mikado" Type Locomotives (by Richard Duley)

Railroad LineALCOBLWLimaOtherFrom Other Railroads
Aberdeen & Rockfish2 SV, 1 M&W, 1 Kanawha
Akron, Canton & Youngstown75NKP
Alabama & Vicksburg13
Alabama Great Southern2467 Erie
Alaska Railroad32 NP
Algoma Central7 WAB, 2 VGN, 8 M&St.L
Alton & Southern511 CCC&StL, 1DL&W 8 Wabash
Ann Arbor8
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe3032 AT&SF3 PRR
Atlanta & St Andrews Bay1 M&W 4 NYC
Atlanta & West Point15
Atlanta, Birmingham & Coast176 CCC&StL, 5 NYC
Atlantic Coast Line4017 AB&C
Baltimore & Ohio6073 B&O8 CI&W, 48 BR&P
Bismark, Washburn & Great Falls3
Bonhomie & Hattiesburg Southern2
Boone & Scenic Valley1 Datong from HR
Boston & Albany326 NYC&U
Boston & Maine5 Erie
Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh48
California Western Railroad2 Medford Corp
Canadian National Railway963 CNR, 190 CLC
Canadian Pacific22430 CPR, 20 CFC, 60 CLC
Cambria & Indiana534 P&LE, 2 PRR
Central New England3
Central of Georgia825252 C of G10 IC
Central Railroad of New Jersey6620
Charleston & Western Carolina2 ACL, 8 Clinchfield
Chesapeake & Ohio20616 HV, 45 PM
Chicago & Alton655 Standard Oil
Chicago & Eastern Illinois70
Chicago & Illinois Midland442 SV, 1 M&W, 2 DL&W
Chicago & North Western310
Chicago Great Western40
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy383
Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville55
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific24020060 CMStP&P
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific1259811 T&P
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha502 C&NW
Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific5360
Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western 8
Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis2042560
Clinchfield1091 C&I, I-Sp-Am Iron Co
Colorado & Southern56 CB&Q
Colorado, Wyoming & Eastern1
Cowilitz, Chehalis & Cascade1
Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad8 D&RGW
Delaware, Lackawanna & Western112
Denver & Rio Grande Western103910 D&RGW10 D&SL
Denver & Salt Lake28
Detroit & Toledo Shore Line83
Detroit, Toledo & Ironton122 PRR
Dollywood4 WP&Y
Duluth & Northern Minnesota on the NSSRR 1
Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range10226 EJ&E
Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic1 B&A, 4 NYC
Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific1
Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge1 C&TS, 8 D&RGW
East Broad Top6
El Paso & Southwestern25
Elgin , Joliet & Eastern61145
Erie Railroad1001065
Eureka Springs & North Arkansas1
Florida East Coast15
Fort Smith & Western6
Fort Worth & Denver25
Georgia Northern1
Georgia Railroad112 CCC&StL, 4 Clinchfield
Georgia, Ashburn, Sylvester & Camilla 1
Gilmore & Pittsburgh2
Grand Cayon1 CB&Q
Grand Trunk System1432510 CLC
Great Northern419070 GN5 El Paso & SW, 1 W&SF
Green Bay & Western6
Greenbrier & Eastern1
Gulf, Mobile & Northern12
Hocking Valley11
Illinois Central2523525775 IC4 A&V, 9 VS&P
Illinois Terminal3
Indiana Harbor Belt3529
International & Great Northern10
Interstate Railroad2 PRR
Kanawha & Michigan5
Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf18
Kentucky & Tennessee121 Southern
Lake Champlain & Moriah3
Lake Erie & Western15
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern69
Laramie, Hahn Peak & Pacific4
Lehigh & Hudson River8
Lehigh & New England4 PRR
Lehigh Valley6516920 LV
Litchfield & Madison5
Louisiana & Arkansas651 Denkman Lumber Co.
Louisville & Nashville217241896 L&N
Magma Arizona1 T&G
Maine Central32
McCloud River31 SFT, 1 PP&C, 1 UM&S, 2 CR&NW
Michigan Central652625 LS&MS
Midland Valley12
Minarets & Western2
Minneapolis & St. Louis35
Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie351 BW&GF, 4 CRIP, 8 CI&L
Missouri & North Arkansas76 AB&C
Missouri Pacific232312310 I-GN
Mobile & Ohio1526176 P&LE 9 PMcK&Y
Mt. Rainer Scenic Railroad1 PofGH, 1 Hammond. Lum, 1Polson Log
Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis1041
National Railways of Mexico252025 NKP, 17 P&LE, 2 D&RGW
New Orleans & North Eastern5
New York Central & Hudson River51616020 NYC
New York, Chicago & St. Louis357115 LE&W
New York, New Haven & Hartford303 CNE
Newfoundland Railway246 North British
Northern Pacific3606 NP
Oahu Rail & Land Co.4
Pacific Great Eastern4 CLC
Peninsular Railway 1 Hammond Lumber
Pennsylvania Railroad520525344 PRR
Pere Marquette10105 Erie, 14 IHB, 11 NYC&HR, 5 Wabash
Philadelphia & Reading561 P&R
Pittsburgh & Lake Erie3610
Pittsburgh & Shawmut189 CI&L
Pittsburgh & West Virginia3 1 CI&L, 4 CRRNJ
Pittsburgh McKeesport & Youghiogheny45
Raritan River5
Rio Golden Railroad 1 Ulrich
Rockton, Rion & Western3
Santa Maria Valley1
Seaboard Air Line87741 SAL8 Wabash
Sierra Railroad11
Southern Pacific20812212 SP25 EP&SW, 2 N&W, 2 NVRR
Southern Railway1621135 Southern
Spokane Portland & Seattle15 GN, 11 NP
St. Louis-San Francisco385207 SL-SF10 IHB
Steamtown National Historical Site2 CNR
Sumpter Valley Railway23
Sumter & Choctaw1
Temiskaming & Northern Ontario17 CLC
Tennesee, Alabama & Georgia31 Bay Line, 3 CI&L, 4 GM&N, 4 NYC, 1 Sou
Tennesee Central123 CCC&StL, 3 NYC
Texas & Pacific1111
Texas State Railroad1 Magma Arizona
Toledo & Ohio Central15
Toledo, Peoria & Western4
Tremont and Gulf 30
Tweetsie Railroad1 WP&Y
Uintah Railway2
Union Pacific7426325
Valley Railroad1 A&R
Virginian675 VGN
Wabash135285 WP
Western Pacific365
Western Railway of Alabama16
Wheeling & Lake Erie20
White Pass & Yukon167 D&RGW, 2 Sumpter Val.
Yreka Western 1 McCloud

Total 2-8-2 Built
Sub Total "Big Three"10067
Other Builders1080
Total Built11147

Number of 2-8-2 "Mikado" Type Locomotives Built by Year (by Richard Duley)

Aberdeen & RockfishNo New
Akron, Canton & Youngstown22217
Alabama & Vicksburg1124
Alabama Great Southern6610830
Alaska Railroad213
Algoma CentralNo New
Alton & Southern211116
Ann Arbor358
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe15293012553130202020131515305
Atlanta & St Andrews BayNo New
Atlanta & West Point22116
Atlanta, Birmingham & Coast27817
Atlantic Coast Line20103740
Baltimore & Ohio162501105010050503512610
Bismark, Washburn & Great Falls33
Bonhomie & Hattiesburg Southern112
Boone & Scenic ValleyNo New
Boston & Albany6810832
Boston & MaineNo New
Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh715161048
California Western RailroadNo New
Canadian National Railway1118365311054530215289
Canadian Pacific2520207520101052015202512202512334
Cambria & Indiana111328
Central New England33
Central of Georgia155218101060
Central Railroad of New Jersey101125202086
Charleston & Western CarolinaNo New
Chesapeake & Ohio149610050206
Chicago & Alton302015570
Chicago & Eastern Illinois2515201070
Chicago & Illinois Midland22318
Chicago & North Western15453725628402058310
Chicago Great Western1010101040
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy5010851515402635793160383
Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville2510461055
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific201352025505050505050500
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific5025209841025223
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha1515246850
Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific251010251825113
Cincinnati, Indianapolis & Western88
Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis524616252550252525289
Colorado & Southern55
Colorado, Wyoming & Eastern11
Cowilitz, Chehalis & Cascade11
Cumbres & Toltec Scenic RailroadNo New
Delaware, Lackawanna & Western12151510102525112
Denver & Rio Grande Western151410106459
Denver & Salt Lake8210
Detroit & Toledo Shore Line314311
Detroit, Toledo & Ironton44412
DollywoodNo New
Duluth & Northern Minnesota on the NSSRR 11
Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range63312
Duluth, South Shore & AtlanticNo New
Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific11
Durango & Silverton Narrow GaugeNo New
East Broad Top1111116
El Paso & Southwestern5551025
Elgin , Joliet & Eastern201858156880
Erie Railroad10707515401211
Eureka Springs & North Arkansas11
Florida East Coast1515
Fort Smith & Western3216
Fort Worth & Denver1055525
Georgia Northern11
Georgia Railroad315211
Georgia, Ashburn, Sylvester & Camilla 11
Gilmore & Pittsburgh22
Grand CanyonNo New
Grand Trunk System1001050810178
Great Northern20502584064515101021113264
Green Bay & Western336
Greenbrier & Eastern11
Gulf, Mobile & Northern8412
Hocking Valley5611
Illinois Central7575504555545503331383777777592
Illinois Terminal33
Indiana Harbor Belt152420564
International & Great Northern4610
Interstate RailroadNo New
Kanawha & Michigan2125
Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf426
Kentucky & Tennessee1113
Lake Champlain & Moriah112
Lake Erie & Western1515
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern115869
Laramie, Hahn Peak & Pacific45
LeCoeur, Terrance & Lynville1616
Lehigh & Hudson River448
Lehigh & New EnglandNo New
Lehigh Valley2710102145415535351010254
Litchfield & Madison325
Louisiana & Arkansas222511
Louisville & Nashville16151094127203620402625252124355
Magma ArizonaNo New
Maine Central46646632
McCloud River213
Michigan Central3520101101591
Midland Valley2233212
Minarets & Western22
Minneapolis & St. Louis1551535
Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie102535
Missouri & North Arkansas211127
Missouri Pacific5030252586243610286
Mobile & Ohio54444101075558
Montreal Terminal1212
Mt. Rainer Scenic RailroadNo New
Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis154208451
National Railways of Mexico202545
New Orleans & North Eastern55
New York Central & Hudson River122973046107278962010250696
New York, Chicago & St. Louis351051151525106
New York, New Haven & Hartford3030
Newfoundland Railway223134630
Northern Pacific194269504050204332525386
Oahu Rail & Land Co.224
Pacific Great Eastern224
Peninsular Railway No New
Pennsylvania Railroad311231781686118579
Pere Marquette101020
Philadelphia & Reading15657
Pittsburgh & Lake Erie5155101146
Pittsburgh & Shawmut12618
Pittsburgh & West Virginia33
Pittsburgh McKeesport & Youghiogheny52015545
Rockton, Rion & WesternNo New
Santa Maria Valley11
Seaboard Air Line191015232034401162
Sierra Railroad112
Southern Pacific16642120266135
Southern Railway402028471550252030221280
Spokane Portland & SeattleNo New
St. Louis-San Francisco23351515201231115
Steamtown National Historical SiteNo New
Sumpter Valley Railway325
Sumter & Choctaw11
Temiskaming & Northern Ontario6422317
Tennesee, Alabama & Georgia33
Tennesee Central8412
Texas & Pacific111122
Texas State RailroadNo New
Toledo & Ohio Central1515
Toledo, Peoria & Western44
Tremont and Gulf 11
Tweetsie RailroadNo New
Uintah Railway112
Union Pacific195655024308710362
Valley RailroadNo New
Vicksburg, Schreveport & Pacific4149
Western Pacific5105655541
Western Railway of Alabama22217
Wheeling & Lake Erie2020
White Pass & Yukon2111216
Yreka Western No New

Railroads that used 2-8-2 "Mikado" Locomotives in the USA (data provided by Steve Llanso of Sweat House Media)

Surviving Examples of 2-8-2 "Mikado" Locomotives in the USA

No.ClassF.M. WhyteGaugeRailroad LineLocationStatusBuilder InfoNotes
494K-372-8-236"C&TS (D&RGW) C&TS yard, Antonito, CO
Baldwin (D&RGW Burnham Shops) #20748, 1928
495K-372-8-236"C&TS (D&RGW) C&TS yard, Antonito, CO
Baldwin (D&RGW Burnham Shops) #20522, 1928
212-8-24'-8½"SMV Astoria RR Preservation, Astoria, OR
Baldwin #58368, 1925
302F2-8-24'-8½"GRR Augusta Museum of History, Augusta, GA
Lima #5004, 1915
786Mk-52-8-24'-8½"SP (T&NO) Austin & TX Central, Austin, TX
Alco (Brooks) #55972, 1916 ASTA Restored to operation in December 1991. Previously operated in July 1999. Suffered a cracked cylinder saddle block.
4500Q32-8-24'-8½"B&O B&O Railroad Museum, Baltimore, MD
Baldwin #49153, 1918First USRA locomotive built.
4018 (20030)USRAl2-8-24'-8½"SLSF (PRR) Sloss Furnaces National Historical Landmark, Birmingham, AL
Lima #5872, 1919 From the Alabama State Fairgrounds.
639H-6d2-8-24'-8½"NYC&StL Miller Park, Bloomington, IL
Lima #6642, 1923
190S1182-8-236"Tweetsie Railroad (USATC) Tweetsie Railroad, Blowing Rock, NC
Baldwin #69425, 1943 Named Yukon Queen.
2295MK-92-8-24'-8½"UP Boise Depot, Boise, ID
Alco (Brooks) #61924, 1924Appeared in UP's film Last of the Giants.
8419JS2-8-24'-8½"B&SV (China Railways) Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad, Boone, IA
Datong #8419, 1989 Named Iowan. From China. Dropped from crane and heavily damaged upon arrival to the USA. Taken out of service in late 2017. Returned to operation on September 30, 2023.
352-8-24'-8½"Pacific Lumber Nevada State Railroad Museum, Boulder City, NV
Baldwin #57538, 10/1923 From Heber City, UT. Underwent a cosmetic restoration in 2013.
22712-32 1/4-E2-8-24'-8½"Dierks Lumber & Coal 224 S Park Dr, Broken Bow, OK
Baldwin #60006, 1927
142-8-24'-8½"WTCarter Lumber W. T. Carter Estate, Camden, TXprivate displayBaldwin #56917, 1923
92-8-24'-8½"Albany & Northern park, Camilla, GA
Baldwin #58361, 1925
112-8-2T4'-8½"Coos Bay Lumber Pacific Southwest Railway Museum, Campo, CA
Alco (Schenectady) #68276, 1929
13522-8-24'-8½"SLSF Aberdeen, Carolina & Western, Candor, NC
Alco (Schenectady) #51820, 09/1912From Taylorville, IL. Acquired by the Aberdeen Carolina & Western in 2024.
499K-372-8-236"D&RGW Royal Gorge Park, Canon City, CO
D&RGW (Burnham) #20753, 1930 From the D&S, Durango, CO. Acquired in trade for D&S 486 in May 1999. Uses the tender of sister K-37 locomotive 498 on the D&S. Damaged in a fire in 2013.
497K-372-8-236"C&TS (D&RGW) Cumbres & Toltec, Chama, NM
out of service
Baldwin (D&RGW Burnham Shops) #20521, 1930 Restored to operation by the D&S in 1984. Traded to the C&TS in Oct 1991 for D&S 482. Taken out of service in Oct 2002. The throttle was removed and temporarily installed on sister K-37 locomotive 493 on the D&S. Awaiting possible overhaul in the future.
462K-272-8-236"D&RGW Cumbres & Toltec, Chama, NM
Baldwin #21781, 1903The engine itself was scrapped after retirement in 1950, but the tender still survives today. It is currently in storage at the C&TS in Chama, NM.
463K-272-8-236"C&TS (D&RGW) Cumbres & Toltec, Chama, NM
Baldwin #21788, 1903 Restored to operation in 1994. Taken out of service in October 2002 due to a broken side rod. Restored back to operation in May 2013. Masqueraded as sister K-27 locomotive RGS 455 in 1997, 2017, 2021, and 2022.
483K-362-8-236"C&TS (D&RGW) Cumbres & Toltec, Chama, NM
Baldwin #58584, 1925 Became the first steam locomotive to run on the C&TS. Retired from operation in 1977. Almost traded to the D&S in 2015 for D&S 478, but the swap ultimately never went through. Cosmetic restoration in 2021.
484K-362-8-236"C&TS (D&RGW) Cumbres & Toltec, Chama, NM
Baldwin #58585, 1925 Restored to operation in 1971. Featured in 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade' (1989).
487K-362-8-236"C&TS (D&RGW) Cumbres & Toltec, Chama, NM
out of service
Baldwin #58588, 1925 Restored to operation in 1973. Taken out of service for major maintenance in July 2018. Taken out of service again for mandated 1,472-day inspection and overhaul in October 2021. Returned to operation on August 9, 2024 and converted to burn oil.
488K-362-8-236"C&TS (D&RGW) Cumbres & Toltec, Chama, NM
Baldwin #58589, 1925 Restored to operation in 1979. Taken out of service for its mandated 1,472-day inspection and overhaul in late 2015. Taken out of service again for major boiler work in early 2021. Returned to operation in October 2021.
489K-362-8-236"C&TS (D&RGW) Cumbres & Toltec, Chama, NM
Baldwin #58590, 1925 Restored to operation in 1981. Taken out of service for mandated inspection and overhaul in 2019. Converted to burn oil and returned to operation in Jun 2021. Taken out of service again for firebox maintenance in 2022. Returned to operation in May 2024.
492K-372-8-236"C&TS (D&RGW) Cumbres & Toltec, Chama, NM
Baldwin (D&RGW Burnham Shops) #20749, 1928 One of two K-37 locomotives evaluated for restoration to operating condition by the C&TS along with sister K-37 locomotive 497. Restoration work started on August 9, 2023. Will temporarily use the tender of 497.
6910 (10)2-8-24'-8½"KY&TN TVRM Soule Shops, Chattanooga, TN
Baldwin #53182, 1920Ran one main line trip during ownership at TVRM. will be used in a non operable capacity at the museum in the future.
4501Ms2-8-24'-8½"Southern TVRM Soule Shops, Chattanooga, TN
Baldwin #37085, 1911 Featured in Summer of My German Soldier, October Sky, Fool's Parade, 42, and music video Hurt. Previously operated in 1998. Restored back to operation in September 2014. Masqueraded as L&N 1593 in September and October 2019.
152-8-24'-8½"CC&C Chehalis-Centralia Railroad, Chehalis, WA
Baldwin #44106, 1916 Named Chehalis. Restored to operation in 1989. Taken out of service in early 2019. Was undergoing FRA mandated 1,472-day inspection and overhaul until the Chehalis-Centralia RR closed in March 2022. The railroad has since re-opened.
4070S-3-a2-8-24'-8½"GTW B&O Roundhouse, Cleveland, OH
Alco (Schenectady) #60319, 1918MRPS Restored to operation in 1968. Previously operated in 1990.
13512-8-24'-8½"SLSF Memphis Transportation Museum, Collierville, TN
Alco (Schenectady) #51812, 1912
1042-8-24'-8½"GP NRHS Oregon Coast Chapter, Coos Bay, OR
Baldwin #55911, 1922From North Bend, WA. Cosmetic restoration completed in 2022.
52-8-24'-8½"GP Avery Park, Corvallis, OR
Baldwin #55399, 1922photo & info
5361P2e2-8-24'-8½"CPR Gould Coupler (industrial park), Depew, NY
CLC #1775, 09/1926 May have been sold back in 2019.
14MK-22-8-24'-8½"D&NM Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
Baldwin #39665, 1913Ran at the museum until 1999, appeared in Iron Will.
493K-372-8-236"D&S (D&RGW) Durango & Silverton, Durango, CO
Baldwin (D&RGW Burnham Shops) #20550, 1928From the D&S Freighthouse Museum, Silverton, CO. Restored to operation on January 24, 2020. Converted to burn oil during the restoration. Temporarily used the throttle of sister K-37 locomotive 497 on the C&TS.
473K-282-8-236"D&S (D&RGW) Durango & Silverton, Durango, CO
Alco (Schenectady) #64984, 1923Appeared in Love Those Trains. Damaged by a runaway truck on June 25, 1987. Converted to burn oil in late May 2021. Suffered a piston failure on September 25, 2021.
476K-282-8-236"D&S (D&RGW) Durango & Silverton, Durango, CO
Alco (Schenectady) #64987, 1923Restored to operation in 1981. Previously operated in September 1999. Restored back to operation in February 2018. Taken out of service in late December 2021. Returned to operation on May 25, 2022 and converted to burn oil.
478K-282-8-236"D&S (D&RGW) Durango & Silverton, Durango, CO
out of service
Alco (Schenectady) #64989, 1923 Restored to operation in 1981. Taken out of service in Apr 2016. Previously placed on display in the D&S roundhouse museum from Apr 2016 to Oct 2023. Restoration back to operation and conversion to burn oil are scheduled to begin sometime in 2025.
480K-362-8-236"D&S (D&RGW) Durango & Silverton, Durango, CO
Baldwin #58558, 1925Restored to operation in July 1985. Converted to burn oil in early June 2021. Temporarily used the tender of sister K-36 locomotive 486.
481K-362-8-236"D&S (D&RGW) Durango & Silverton, Durango, CO
out of service
Baldwin #58559, 1925Restored to operation in 1981. Taken out of service for major maintenance in March 2022. Returned to operation in December 2022. Was the last operable coal burner on the D&S until March 23, 2024. Undergoing conversion to burn oil.
482K-362-8-236"D&S (D&RGW) Durango & Silverton, Durango, CO
out of service
Baldwin #58541, 1925 Acquired from the C&TS in trade for 497 in 1991. Restored to operation in 1992. Taken out of service in 2017. Returned to operation in 2018. Converted to burn oil in 2021. Taken out of service in 2023. Undergoing mandated 1,472-day inspection and overhaul.
486K-362-8-236"D&S (D&RGW) Durango & Silverton, Durango, CO
out of service
Baldwin #58587, 1925Acquired from Royal Gorge Park in trade for 499 in 1999. Restored to operation in Aug 2000. Taken out of service in Oct 2019. Temporarily on display in the D&S roundhouse museum. Awaiting overhaul and conversion to burn oil after D&S 478 and 481.
498K-372-8-236"D&S (D&RGW) Durango & Silverton, Durango, CO
Baldwin (D&RGW Burnham Shops) #20640, 1930The tender is being used behind D&RGW sister K-37 locomotive 499 at the Royal Gorge Bridge & Park, Canon City, CO.
402-8-24'-8½"Valley Railroad (A&R) Valley Railroad, Essex, CT
Alco (Brooks) #61858, 1920
3025 (1658)SY2-8-24'-8½"Valley Railroad (NYNH&H) Valley Railroad, Essex, CT
Tangshan #1658, 1989damaged in fire From China, then the Knox, Kane & Kinzua Railroad. Restored to operation in 2011.
22612-32 1/4-E2-8-24'-8½"DFI ES&NA Railway, Eureka Springs, AR
Baldwin #60005, 1927 From Benton, AR. Displayed with tender from 201 (now at Anna, TX). Up for sale as of 2023.
464K-272-8-236"D&RGW Huckleberry Railroad, Flint, MI
out of service
Baldwin #21796, 1903From Knott's Berry Farm. One of only two surviving D&RGW class K-27 locomotives, the other one being D&RGW (C&TS) 463. Restored to operation in 1989. Taken out of service in late 2019. Undergoing mandated 1,472-day inspection and overhaul.
45 (3)12-32 1/4-E2-8-24'-8½"CWR (Owen-Oregon Lumber) CA Western Railroad, Fort Bragg, CA
out of service
Baldwin #58045, 1924 Restored to operation in 1983. Taken out of service in 2009. Undergoing overhaul.
4003 (20008)USRAl2-8-24'-8½"SLSF Fort Smith Trolley Museum, 100 S. 4th St., Fort Smith, AR
Alco (Schenectady) #60946, 1919
22-8-24'-8½"Polson Logging Co. (Saginaw Timber) Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad, Garibaldi, OR
Baldwin #38967, 1912Previously operated at the Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad. Acquired in Aug 2022 by the Albany & Eastern Railroad, Lebanon, OR. On loan to the Oregon Rail Heritage Center, Portland, OR. Taken out of service in Aug 2023. Returned to operation in Nov 2023.
9090 ton2-8-24'-8½"Rayonier (Polson Logging) Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad, Garibaldi, OR
Baldwin #59071, 1926photo & info Moved out of Lumberman's Park for restoration.
765 (1330)N-62-8-24'-8½"EJ&E (DM&IR) Gateway Park, Gary, IN
Baldwin #61080, 1929 Last steam locomotive on the EJ&E.
1412-8-24'-8½"Green Brothers Gravel (Mississippi Central) along SR 28, Georgetown, MS
Alco (Schenectady) #64916, 1923
491K-372-8-236"D&RGW Colorado Railroad Museum, Golden, CO
D&RGW (Burnham) #20829, 1928Restored to operation on August 28, 2014. Largest operating narrow gauge steam locomotive in the Western Hemisphere.
771Mk-52-8-24'-8½"SP (T&NO) Grapevine Vintage Railroad, Grapevine, TX
Baldwin #39726, 1913 From Victoria, TX.
10212-32 1/4-E2-8-24'-8½"Sumter & Choctaw National Railroad Museum, Green Bay, WImoving displayBaldwin #57778, 1924 Diesel engine in tender.
192-8-24'-8½"Rockton-Rion (Woodward Iron) Rockton-Rion Historical Center, Greenwood, SC
Baldwin #29383, 09/1906
1003L-12-8-24'-8½"MSP&SSM Wisconsin Automotive Museum, Hartford, WI
Alco (Schenectady) #52826, 1913 Appeared in "Extreme Steam : Classic North American Steam Locomotives".
30012-34-E2-8-24'-8½"Bonhomie & Hattiesburg Southern Southern Depot, Hattiesburg, MS
Baldwin #58241, 1925 Formerly from the Fred Kepner collection. Purchased by the Valley Railroad Company in Essex, CT on March 01, 2022 for restoration to operation.
18NG-152-8-224"SAR Hempstead & Northern, Hempstead, TX
Henschel & Sohn (Kassel) #21906, 1931
10 (100)Q4b2-8-24'-8½"Elk River Coal & Lumber (Toledo Angola & Western) Heritage Village, Huntington, WV
Alco (Schenectady) #65430, 1924 Was displayed as B&O 4559. Placed on the National Register of Historical Places on September 29, 2006.
587 (5541)H-6o2-8-24'-8½"NYC&StL (LE&W) Kentucky Steam Heritage Corp. Steam Shop, Irvine, KY
Baldwin #49683, 1918From Broad Ripple Park, Indianapolis, IN, then the Indiana Transportation Museum, Noblesville, IN. Appeared in 587 The Great Train Robbery. Previously operated in 2003. Awaiting restoration back to operation. To be sold in February, 2025.
342-8-24'-8½"Sierra Railtown 1897 State Historic Park, Jamestown, CA
Baldwin #58679, 1925 From the Fred Kepner collection at the Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad, Garibaldi, OR.
745Mk-52-8-24'-8½"SP (T&NO) LASTA, Jefferson, LA
out of service
T&NO (Algiers), 1921 Named Spirit of Lousiana. Featured in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Jonah Hex. Restored to operation in December 2004. Taken out of service in 2019. Undergoing mandated 1,472-day inspection and overhaul.
1011L-22-8-24'-8½"MSP&SSM Old Smoky Rail Display, Ladysmith, WI
Alco (Brooks) #61732, 1920
1000 (4)2-8-24'-8½"SMV (HH) Travel Town Museum, Los Angeles, CA
Alco (Schenectady) #61535, 1920
401 (4994)O-1A2-8-24'-8½"FW&D (CB&Q) National Ranching Heritage Center, Lubbock, TX
Baldwin #57113, 1923
1102-8-24'-8½"Angelina Lumber Co Ellen Trout Zoo, Lufkin, TX
Baldwin #58040, 1924
400 (410)E-4-A2-8-24'-8½"T&P (FW&D) Marshall Depot, Marshall, TX
Baldwin #42125, 1915
19 (81)2-8-236"SVRY (WP&Y) Sumpter Valley Railway, McEwen, OR
out of service
Alco (Schenectady) #61981, 1920Restored to operation in 1996. Taken out of service in Late September 2021. Undergoing mandated 1,472-day inspection and overhaul. Currently scheduled to return to operation sometime in the winter of 2023-2024.
20 (80)2-8-236"SVRY (WP&Y) Sumpter Valley Railway, McEwen, OR
Alco (Schenectady) #61980, 1920To eventually be restored to operating condition.
4978O-1A2-8-24'-8½"CB&Q Union Depot Railroad Museum, Mendota, IL
Baldwin #56974, 09/1923
362-8-24'-8½"Sierra Modoc Northern Siding, Merrill, OR
Alco (Schenectady) #68278, 1930 Fred Kepner collection. For sale as of 2022.
5 (55)2-8-24'-8½"Port of Grays Harbor (Carlton & Coast) Mineral Shops, Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad, Mineral, WA
H.K. Porter #6860, 1924Was undergoing an overhaul, but is now placed in storage due to the closure of the Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad in May 2020. Now undergoing restoration back to operation.
7070 ton2-8-24'-8½"Rayonier (Polson Logging) Mineral Shops, Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad, Mineral, WA
Baldwin #55355, 1922 Previously operated in 2019. Placed in storage due to the closure of the Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad from May 2020 to August 2022. Restored back to operation on September 1, 2023.
17 (11)2-8-2T4'-8½"Hammond Lumber (Crossett Western) Mineral Shops, Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad, Mineral, WA
Alco (Schenectady) #68057, 09/1929Was operational, but is now placed in storage due to the closure of the Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad in May 2020.
1052-8-24'-8½"GAN park, Moultrie, GA
Baldwin #60736, 1929
2-8-24'-8½"NC&StL Tennessee Central Railroad Museum, Nashville, TN
Tender only. Donated by the TVRM. To be used as an auxiliary tender on NC&StL 576.
122-8-236"EBT East Broad Top Railroad, Orbisonia, PA
Baldwin #37325, 1911Named Millie. Previously operated in October 2000.
142-8-236"EBT East Broad Top Railroad, Orbisonia, PA
Baldwin #38625, 1912Previously operated in October 2005. Will eventually operate alongside EBT 15 and 16 when the restoration to operation is complete.
152-8-236"EBT East Broad Top Railroad, Orbisonia, PA
Baldwin #41196, 1914Previously operated in December 2011. Will eventually operate alongside EBT 14 and 16 when the restoration to operation is complete.
162-8-236"EBT East Broad Top Railroad, Orbisonia, PA
Baldwin #43562, 1916Named Nick. Previously operated in 1956. Test fired in Jun 2022. Moved under its own power and debuted in excursion service in Feb 2023. Taken out of service in Apr 2024 due to a cracked driving wheel center. Returned to operation on Aug 29, 2024.
172-8-236"EBT East Broad Top Railroad, Orbisonia, PA
Baldwin #48075, 1918Previously operated in October 2001.
182-8-236"EBT East Broad Top Railroad, Orbisonia, PA
Baldwin #53541, 1920Previously operated in April 1956.
1518 (1932)2-8-24'-8½"IC Kentucky Ave and Water St, Paducah, KY
Lima #6524, 1923 Became the last IC steam locomotive in service.
13552-8-24'-8½"SLSF Garden St., Pensacola, FL
Alco (Schenectady) #51817, 1912
2564MK-102-8-24'-8½"UP Orange Empire Railway Museum, Perris, CA
Alco (Brooks) #62881, 1921
142 (1647)SY2-8-24'-8½"NYS&W (Valley Railroad)Belvidere-Delaware Railroad, Phillipsburg, NJ
out of service
Tangshan #1647, 1989From Utica. Once operated at the Valley Railroad (Essex Steam Train) in Connecticut as their 1647. Operates on the Bel-Del line. Taken out of service in late 2017. Undergoing mandated 1,472-day inspection and overhaul.
702-8-236"WP&Y Dollywood, Pigeon Forge, TN
Baldwin #62234, 05/1938Named Cinderella.
712-8-236"WP&Y Dollywood, Pigeon Forge, TN
Baldwin #62257, 01/1939Named Beatrice. Using the tender from SOU 107 and spare parts from WP&Y 72.
722-8-236"WP&Y Dollywood, Pigeon Forge, TN
Baldwin #73351, 1947Running gear only. Used as a spare parts source for WP&Y 70 and 71.
192S1182-8-236"WP&Y (USATC) Dollywood, Pigeon Forge, TN
Baldwin #69427, 1943Named Klondike Katie.
202-8-24'-8½"Temple Lumber Co. Katherine Sage Temple Park, Pineland, TX
Baldwin #21435, 1930
2005MK-12-8-24'-8½"UP Ross Park, Pocatello, ID
Baldwin #36367, 1911Displayed with UP Centennial 6901.
539 (1762)W-32-8-24'-8½"GCY (NP) Interprative Center, Port of Kalama, WA
Alco (Brooks) #57954, 09/1917 From Battle Ground, WA, then the Grand Canyon Railway, Williams, AZ. Previously placed on display in Williams, AZ, but never operated at the Grand Canyon Railway.
624H-6e2-8-24'-8½"NYC&StL Brooks Construction, Rich Valley, IN
Lima #6314, 1922 From the Hammond Park Dept, Hammond, IN. To be cosmetically restored by the Fort Wayne RR Historical Society.
30 (400)87 ton2-8-24'-8½"TSRR (Tremont & Gulf) Texas State Railroad, Rusk, TX
Baldwin #46491, 1917 Sold to the Magma Arizona Railroad in 1954 as their 7 prior to its retirement in 1967 and later acquired by the TSRR in 1974.
15 (4)90 ton2-8-24'-8½"Hammond Lumber (Humbird Lumber) Timber Heritage Association, Samoa, CA
Baldwin #43563, 1916From Eureka, then Timber Heritage Association, Glendale.
794Mk-52-8-24'-8½"SP (T&NO) Sunset (SP/Amtrak) Depot, San Antonio, TX
Alco (Brooks) #55980, 09/1916Planned for a possible restoration to operating condition.
112-8-215"Paradise & Pacific RR McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park, 7301 E Indian Bend Rd, Scottsdale, AZ
3254 (2854)S-1-b2-8-24'-8½"CNR Steamtown National Historic Site, Scranton, PA
CLC #1463, 1917From the Gettysburg RR, Gettysburg, PA. Acquired in trade for CP 1278 in 1987. Uses the tender of CN 3377. Retired from excursion service in December 2012 after "Santa Train" due to a bent frame. Will be replaced by B&M 3713.
3377 (2977)S-1-d2-8-24'-8½"CNR Steamtown National Historic Site, Scranton, PA
CLC #1582, 1919Candidate for restoration to operation. Previously used as a spare parts source for CN 3254. The tender is being used behind CN 3254. Moved into backshop. Had its asbestos removed and is having its boiler evaluated as of February 2023.
1962-8-236"WP&Y (USATC)buried in Skagway River near MP 4.9, Skagway, AK
Baldwin #69431, 1943Was retired in 1951 after serving only 8 years. Lying on left side, portion of boiler and cab above land.
1952-8-236"WP&Y (USATC) Skagway Museum, 7th & Spring St., Skagway, AK
Baldwin #69430, 1943 Can be seen in Google Maps street view.
732-8-236"WP&Y WP&Y enginehouse, Skagway, AK
Baldwin #73352, 1947 Previously placed on display in Bennett, BC, CA. Reacquired by the WP&Y in 1979. Restored to operation in 1982.
551USRAl2-8-24'-8½"C&IM Museum of Transportation, St. Louis, MO
Lima #7330, 1928
520L1s2-8-24'-8½"PRR Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, Strasburg, PA
Baldwin #44565, 1916 Had a boiler explosion on November 14, 1942 near Cresson, PA. To eventually be cosmetically restored.
463K-272-8-215"D&RGW Uhrich Locomotive Works, Strasburg, CO
Uhrich Locomotive Works (Strasburg) Replica. From the Rio Golden Railroad.
19 (105)2-8-24'-8½"MCR (Caddo & Choctaw) Age of Steam Roundhouse, Sugarcreek, OH
Baldwin #42000, 1915Sold to a Mexican railroad in 1920; sold to MRRR in 1924; sold to YWRR in 1953; to OP&ERR in 1973 for tourist train; used in movies Emperor of the North and Stand by Me; back to YWRR in 1988; purchased by Jerry Jacobson in 2016.
372-8-2T4'-8½"Sugar Pine Lumber Age of Steam Roundhouse, Sugarcreek, OH
Alco, 1925From the Wilmington & Western Railroad, Wilmington, DE. Sold to the Timber Heritage Association, Glendale, CA in November 2003. Sold to the Age of Steam Roundhouse in 2023 where it received a cosmetic restoration.
334MK-712-8-24'-8½"WP Western Railway Museum, Suisun City, CA
Alco (Schenectady) #67972, 1929
1002-8-24'-8½"GAS&C Jeffords Park, Sylvester, GA
Baldwin #61291, 1930
112-32 1/4-E2-8-24'-8½"WTCarter Lumber B-RI Railroad Museum, Teague, TX
Baldwin #58413, 1925
1024 (504)L-42-8-24'-8½"MSP&SSM (CI&L) City Hall/Soo Line Depot, Thief River Falls, MN
Alco (Brooks) #50706, 1912 Only surviving Monon steam locomotive.
1 (6)2-8-24'-8½"GP (Manary Logging Co.) Yaquina Pacific Railroad Historical Society, Toledo, OR
Baldwin #55347, 1922photo & info
316731602-8-24'-8½"AT&SFKaw River, Topeka, KS
Baldwin, 1917 Retired in 1949 and placed in a dead line. Moved to the stabilize Kaw River bridge on July 13, 1951 with 9 other retired locomotives. May have been partially salvaged and scrapped during a dry spell in 1956.
407640002-8-24'-8½"AT&SFKaw River, Topeka, KS
Baldwin, 1924 Retired in the early 1950s and placed in a dead line. Moved to the stabilize Kaw River bridge on July 13, 1951 with 9 other retired locomotives. This locomotive has never been found and is probably location downstream from where it went into the river.
4963O-1A2-8-24'-8½"CB&Q Illinois Railway Museum, Union, IL
Baldwin #56812, 1923 Cosmetic restoration in 2018.
30 (100)2-8-24'-8½"V&T (SMV) V&T Railroad, Virginia City, NV
Baldwin #59284, 1926 Formerly part of the Fred Kepner collection, Merrill, OR. The tender is from SMV 205. Undergoing restoration to operating condition. Currently scheduled to start operating in 2024. Will be renumbered to V&T 30 when the restoration to operation is complete.
182-8-24'-8½"V&T (MCR) V&T Railroad, Virginia City, NV
Baldwin #41709, 1914 From McCloud, CA. Originally to be used on a tourist rail line between Carson City and Virginia City, NV. Starred in "Water For Elephants" in 2011. Taken out of service in October 2015. Returned to operation in August 2021.
2537USRA2-8-24'-8½"UP Jefferson Park, Walla Walla, WA
Alco (Schenectady) #60327, 1918
9 (31)2-8-24'-8½"Rockton-Rion (Woodward Iron) Okefenokee Heritage Center, Waycross, GA
Baldwin #38813, 1912 Named Okefenokee Chief.
4960O-1A2-8-24'-8½"Grand Canyon (CB&Q) Grand Canyon Railway, Williams, AZ
Baldwin #56809, 1923 Operated in the CB&Q's steam excursion program. Fitted with the Soo Line tender 4056 from Minneapolis, MN. Converted to burn waste vegetable oil.
3059O-12-8-24'-8½"GN Railroad Park, Williston, ND
Baldwin #39209, 1913
102-8-2T4'-8½"Coos Bay Lumber Williston Crossing RV Resort, Williston, FLscrappedAlco (Schenectady) #68548, 12/1930 From Baldwin City, KS.
10 (16)2-8-2T4'-8½"Crossett Western (Hammond Lumber) Chelatchie Prairie Railroad, Yacolt, WA
Alco (Brooks) #67652, 03/1929 From Shelton. Sister to Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad 2-8-2T 17.
8032-8-2T4'-8½"Long Bell Lumber Chelatchie Prairie Railroad, Yacolt, WA
Alco (Brooks) #66275, 02/1925From Shelton.

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Wes Barris