We know its a Crown Metal Product 4-4-0 and we believe its a 15" gauge
model. This engine has run for last 30 odd years in Pickneyvile, IL and
it was originally know as Little Toot (not to be confused with the one
that runs on the Little Toot Railroad in Flora). It's probably a sister
(same class/build) as the one in Flora though. It was originally located
just west of Marion, IL my father rode many times when he was a kid.
I don't know when exactly they moved it (nor does dad). I do know it had
extensive repairs about three years ago, Something to do with boiler
recertifacation. The people who operate it don't seem to know much on
its history. She runs every year in August and October at the American
Threshermens show. Enclosed are some pics of her we took on Sunday the
22nd of August 2010.
Photo courtesy Joey Tripp email
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Wes Barris