Surviving Roundhouses and Turntables in Kentucky

Select a state for steam locomotives Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana New Jersey New Mexico North Dakota North Carolina Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Dakota South Carolina Tennessee Texas Vermont Utah Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Kansas New Mexico Alabama Florida Arizona Alaska California Texas Wyoming Nevada Oregon Washington Idaho Maine Montana Utah Colorado North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Oklahoma Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Louisiana Mississippi Tennessee Georgia South Carolina North Carolina Wisconsin Michigan Michigan Illinois Hawaii Indiana Kentucky Ohio Pennsylvania New York New York Connecticut Vermont New Hampshire Massachusetts New Jersey Rhode Island West Virginia Virginia Delaware Maryland Washington, D.C.
Blue (Roundhouse and Turntable), Green (Roundhouse Only), Yellow (Turntable only), Red (Visual Remains)
TypeStallsYear BuiltRailroadCurrent UseCityStateCountryNotes
Visual Remains Only12Illinois Central WoodsCentral CityKYUSAFew Pit foundations seen in trees
Turntable OnlyLouisville & Nashville CSX yardCorbinKYUSAstill in use, not original location of turntable
Turntable OnlyLouisville & Nashville Railroad wooded areaCornettsville KYUSAWestern side of pit visible within wye.
Roundhouse Only13Kentucky Central Novolex company warehouseCovingtonKYUSAgood condition, complex includes several large shop buildings all connected with additions
Visual Remains OnlySouthern lawnFergusonKYUSAfaint outline of foundation in grass
Visual Remains OnlyIllinois Central Canadian National yardFultonKYUSAfoundation visible
Visual Remains OnlyLouisville & Nashville CSX yardHazardKYUSAturntable ring outline visible
Roundhouse and Turntable15Kentucky & Indiana Terminal Norfolk & Southern YardLouisvilleKYUSAstill in use
Visual Remains OnlyIllinois Central Paducah and Louisville RR yardLouisvilleKYUSAfoundation of several bays visible
Visual Remains OnlyLouisville & Nashville CSX yardLoyallKYUSAfoundation partially obscured by old crossties and debris
Visual Remains OnlyCincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Rail YardLudlowKYUSAHalf of turntable pit is covered by new construction.
Visual Remains Only36Illinois Central vacant lotPaducahKYUSA2nd roundhouse on site. 1st just to east. 1st demolished by 1901(Sanborn) when IC added next 14 of eventual 36 stalls.
Visual Remains Only8Paducah, Tennessee & Alabama vacant lotPaducahKYUSAfoundation and turntable ring visible
Roundhouse and Turntable6Louisville & Nashville rail yardParisKYUSA
Visual Remains Only6Illinois Central vacant lotPrincetonKYUSAconcrete floor visible
Visual Remains OnlyLouisiana & Nashville Junk yardRavennaKYUSA
Roundhouse Only2Chesapeake & Ohio CSX Russell Locomotive shopRussellKYUSAshop building incorporates 1 or 2 bays from southern roundhouse
Turntable OnlyChesapeake & Ohio CSX YardRussellKYUSA
Turntable Only3Chesapeake & Ohio CSX yardShelbianaKYUSAturntable still in use, roundhouse foundation evident
Turntable OnlyLouisville & Nashville Progress RailTaylor MillKYUSARailroad yard built between 1960 and 1970.

Statistics for Roundhouses in Kentucky

Maps And Lists of Roundhouses

Map Resources

Special thanks to Brian Berthold, Richard Shulby, and Mark Mason who have all worked together to research and locate many of the roundhouse remains shown in this database.

Submit a new roundhouse and/or turntable

Having trouble? Send what you have to me.
  1. In google maps navigate to the roundhouse or turntable.
  2. Use the 'X' in the google maps search area to clear any search terms.
  3. Make sure your map is not rotated or in 3D mode.
  4. Center the google map view on the turntable or roundhouse.
  5. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar.
  6. Paste that URL into the 'mapURL' of this form.
All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris