Surviving Roundhouses and Turntables in California

Select a state for steam locomotives Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana New Jersey New Mexico North Dakota North Carolina Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Dakota South Carolina Tennessee Texas Vermont Utah Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Kansas New Mexico Alabama Florida Arizona Alaska California Texas Wyoming Nevada Oregon Washington Idaho Maine Montana Utah Colorado North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Oklahoma Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Louisiana Mississippi Tennessee Georgia South Carolina North Carolina Wisconsin Michigan Michigan Illinois Hawaii Indiana Kentucky Ohio Pennsylvania New York New York Connecticut Vermont New Hampshire Massachusetts New Jersey Rhode Island West Virginia Virginia Delaware Maryland Washington, D.C.
Blue (Roundhouse and Turntable), Green (Roundhouse Only), Yellow (Turntable only), Red (Visual Remains)
TypeStallsYear BuiltRailroadCurrent UseCityStateCountryNotes
Turntable Only241903Southern Pacific Union Pacific yardBakersfieldCAUSAturntable still in use
Roundhouse Only171910Southern Pacific Bayshore Roundhouse - abandonedBrisbaneCAUSA
Turntable OnlyBART BARTColmaCAUSA
Turntable Only1980Bay Area Rapid Transit BART yardConcordCAUSAEnd of line turning
Visual Remains Only29Southern Pacific Vacant lotCypress ParkCAUSA
Visual Remains OnlySouthern Pacific vacant lot next to UP tracksCypress ParkCAUSAturntable foundation visible
Roundhouse and Turntable7 Swanton PacificDavenportCAUSABurned in August 2020.
Turntable Only261880Southern Pacific in use for helper locomotives in UP yardDunsmuirCAUSARoundhouse destroyed by snowstorm in 1961, foundation still visible
Turntable OnlyYosemite Valley small museumEl PortalCAUSAturntable bridge moved from another location
Turntable Only6Northwestern Pacific former rail yardEurekaCAUSATurntable with tracks and footprint of roundhouse.
Visual Remains OnlyNorthwestern Pacific former rail yardEurekaCAUSATwo turntables in yard.
Turntable Only Fillmore & WesternFillmoreCAUSA
Turntable Only42018Sacramento Valley Folsom Railroad MuseumFolsomCAUSASouthern Pacific turntable used in reconstruction of 1867 turntable on original granite base and ring.
Visual Remains Only21910SP yardGilroyCAUSAPortions of turntable pit visible. Roundhouse was to the north.
Turntable OnlyBART BARTHaywardCAUSA
Turntable Only1930Northwestern Pacific abandonedHealdsburgCAUSATurntable not connected to RR
Roundhouse and Turntable81910Sierra Railtown 1897 State Historic ParkJamestownCAUSAWood frame
Turntable OnlyCarson & Colorado Laws Railroad MuseumLawsCAUSA3 foot narrow gauge, later Southern Pacific
Roundhouse and Turntable Panella PacificLodiCAUSA16 inch gauge
Visual Remains OnlySouthern Pacific River Station Roundhouse siteLos AngelesCAUSA
Visual Remains Only1909Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe BNSF YardNeedlesCAUSAfoundation visible
Turntable OnlyMuseum Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad MuseumNevada CityCAUSAMuseum Turntable.
Visual Remains Only18Western Pacific Union Pacific yardOrovilleCAUSAfloor concrete visible
Turntable Only2001 Orange Empire Railway MuseumPerrisCAUSANarrow gauge
Turntable Only1914Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Amtrak 8th Street YardsRedondo JunctionCAUSA Concrete walls, 120 foot through-plate girder turntable. Roundhouse sold to Amtrak 1977, used into the 1990s, demolished 07/2000.
Turntable OnlyBART BARTRichmondCAUSAAppears to be newly installed at BART maintenance yard.
Turntable OnlyAT&SF BNSF YardRichmondCAUSA
Visual Remains Only281867Central Pacific parkRocklinCAUSARoundhouse foundation is now used as a park
Turntable OnlySouthern Pacific Union Pacific yardRosevilleCAUSAturntable still in use
Roundhouse and Turntable61981 California State Railroad MuseumSacramentoCAUSA
Turntable OnlyCentral Pacific Downtown Railyard Ventures, LLCSacramentoCAUSAturntable no longer connected to RR, part of large historic RR shops complex
Turntable Only6Eureka & Klamath River open grass areaSamoaCAUSAA second turntable pit can be seen just to the north.
Roundhouse Only61890Eureka & Klamath River Timber Heritage AssociationSamoaCAUSA
Turntable OnlySan Diego & Arizona Eastern San Diego & Imperial Valley Railroad yardSan DiegoCAUSAturntable still in use
Roundhouse Only51913State Belt Telegraph LandingSan FranciscoCAUSA Concrete walls, never had a turntable.
Turntable OnlySFMTA Powell & Mason Cable Car Line Turn cable carsSan FranciscoCAUSAActive armstrong type turntable for turning cable cars at end of the line
Turntable OnlySFMTA Hyde & Beach Cable Car Line Turn cable carsSan FranciscoCAUSAActive armstrong type turntable for turning cable cars at end of the line
Visual Remains OnlySouthern Pacific Vacant lotSan Luis ObispoCAUSA
Turntable OnlyWestern Pacific Union Pacific yardStocktonCAUSAturntable still in use
Visual Remains Only4SP empty areaSusanvilleCAUSAPit foundations still visible to the north and south of the fence.
Visual Remains Only191901Southern Pacific former rail yardTracyCAUSAHad 10 stalls in 1901. 9 more stalls added in 1919. Some pit foundations are just barely visible.
Visual Remains OnlyNorthwestern Pacific abandonedWillitsCAUSA Strange Roundhouse. Turntable was on rear of roundhouse.

Statistics for Roundhouses in California

Maps And Lists of Roundhouses

Map Resources

Special thanks to Brian Berthold, Richard Shulby, and Mark Mason who have all worked together to research and locate many of the roundhouse remains shown in this database.

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  2. Use the 'X' in the google maps search area to clear any search terms.
  3. Make sure your map is not rotated or in 3D mode.
  4. Center the google map view on the turntable or roundhouse.
  5. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar.
  6. Paste that URL into the 'mapURL' of this form.
All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris