Surviving Roundhouses and Turntables in Colorado

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Blue (Roundhouse and Turntable), Green (Roundhouse Only), Yellow (Turntable only), Red (Visual Remains)
TypeStallsYear BuiltRailroadCurrent UseCityStateCountryNotes
Visual Remains Only1880Denver & South Park Ghost townAlpine TunnelCOUSATwo turntables are visible. One to the north. One to the south.
Visual Remains Only1904Silverton Northern RR AbandonedAnimas ForksCOUSAThis turntable was instlled at the SE end of the Gold Prince Mill. It came from Marshall Pass.
Visual Remains Only1882DSP&P RR abandonedBreckenridgeCOUSAInside the engine house was a 30 ft turntable that was reinstalled on the Silverton Northern at Animas Forks on the SE end of the Gold Prince Mill during fall, 1904.
Roundhouse Only81888Rock Island Museum and trolley car restorationColorado SpringsCOUSAonly 4 of original 12 stalls exist
Roundhouse Only171888Colorado Midland retailColorado SpringsCOUSAWikipedia
Roundhouse and Turntable61881Denver, South Park & Pacific Como RoundhouseComoCOUSA This Roundhouse was recently restored by the South Park Historical Society and is reported to be the only stone Roundhouse in the Centennial State.
Roundhouse OnlyChicago, Burlington & Quincy BNSF Diesel ShopDenverCOUSAOnly one stall remains.
Visual Remains OnlyDenver & Rio Grande Western unknownDenverCOUSATurntable purchased by IRM, Union, IL April 2016.
Roundhouse and Turntable151990Denver & Rio Grande Western Durango & SilvertonDurangoCOUSARebuild of the 1881 roundhouse that burned
Roundhouse and Turntable52000 Colorado Railroad MuseumGoldenCOUSA Named Cornelius W. Hauck Roundhouse
Visual Remains OnlyDenver & Rio Grande Western Union Pacific yardGrand JunctionCOUSAconcrete floor partially covered with newer installation
Roundhouse Only81909Union Pacific Hugo Union Pacific RoundhouseHugoCOUSAOnly UP roundhouse in CO.
Visual Remains OnlyAtchison, Topeka & Santa Fe BNSF yardLa JuntaCOUSAfoundation faintly visible
Visual Remains Only2 empty lot near UP yardLa SalleCOUSAFoundation outline of two stalls remains.
Visual Remains Only1886Colorado Midland RR AbandonedLeadvilleCOUSAVisual remains of turntable on west side of Hagerman Tunnel. No roundhouse existed at this location.
Roundhouse Only31883Colorado Southern unknownLeadvilleCOUSA
Visual Remains Only10Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific empty lotLimonCOUSAfoundation visible
Visual Remains Only1890 AbandonedMarshall PassCOUSAjust the center piviot stone is visable, uncomfirmed
Roundhouse and Turntable7 Tiny Town Railroad MorrisonCOUSAOnly a model roundhouse, used at a playground for kids
Turntable Only49Denver & Rio Grande BNSF YardPuebloCOUSA Original roundhouse to the east of this one.
Visual Remains OnlyRio Grande Southern abandonedRidgwayCOUSAfaint outline of foundation
Turntable Only61889Colorado & Wyoming abandonedSegundoCOUSAturntable dilapidated, roundhouse foundation visible
Visual Remains Only10Union Pacific Union Pacific yardSterlingCOUSAfoundation visible
Visual Remains OnlyColorado & Southern abandonedTrinidadCOUSAfoundation faintly visible

Statistics for Roundhouses in Colorado

Maps And Lists of Roundhouses

Map Resources

Special thanks to Brian Berthold, Richard Shulby, and Mark Mason who have all worked together to research and locate many of the roundhouse remains shown in this database.

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  1. In google maps navigate to the roundhouse or turntable.
  2. Use the 'X' in the google maps search area to clear any search terms.
  3. Make sure your map is not rotated or in 3D mode.
  4. Center the google map view on the turntable or roundhouse.
  5. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar.
  6. Paste that URL into the 'mapURL' of this form.
All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris