Surviving Roundhouses and Turntables in Indiana

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Blue (Roundhouse and Turntable), Green (Roundhouse Only), Yellow (Turntable only), Red (Visual Remains)
TypeStallsYear BuiltRailroadCurrent UseCityStateCountryNotes
Visual Remains OnlyNew York Central CSX yardAndersonINUSAfoundation and floor visible
Visual Remains Only1893Wabash Carpers Farm SupplyAshleyINUSAA portion of the exterior wall foundation is visible
Visual Remains OnlyMonon vacant lotBloomingtonINUSAfoundation visible
Visual Remains OnlyNew York Central ArcelorMittal steel millEast ChicagoINUSARoundhouse and turntable existed until 2012. It's small size suggests that it's purpose was to service the tank switchers that worked the steel mill and associated docks.
Visual Remains OnlyBaltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal TRANSFLO Terminal Services yardEast ChicagoINUSAconcrete floor visible
Visual Remains Only341917Lake Shore & Michigan Southern vacant lotElkhartINUSAThis is the southern, and larger of two roundhouses. The other was immediately to the north. Brick walls, 80 foot turntable. Razed by 1967.
Visual Remains Only161917Lake Shore & Michigan Southern wooded lotElkhartINUSAThis is the smaller roundhouse north of the full circular. Brick walls. Razed by 1927.
Visual Remains OnlyChicago & Eastern Illinois empty fieldEvanavilleINUSATurntable ring faintly visible. Some aerial views show faint evidence of 4 stalls to the northeast of the ring.
Roundhouse and Turntable7Louisville & Nashville CSX yardEvansvilleINUSAstill in use by railroad
Visual Remains OnlyNew York, Chicago & St Louis Railroad FieldFort WayneINUSAFoundation can be seen along Eastern Tree line google EARTH
Visual Remains OnlyWabash vacant lotFort WayneINUSAconcrete floor visible
Visual Remains OnlyNickel Plate Road Vacant lotFort WayneINUSA
Roundhouse and Turntable281914Toledo, St Louis, & Kansas City None, In RuinsFrankfortINUSA 15 stalls remain. Damaged by fire, August 2020.
Visual Remains OnlyBaltimore & Ohio vacant lotGarrettINUSAoutline in grass
Roundhouse and Turntable40Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Canadian National Kirk yardGaryINUSAin use by RR, very good condition
Roundhouse and Turntable381906Chicago, Indiana & Southern Indiana Harbor Belt yardHammondINUSA25 stalls remain
Visual Remains Only301904Erie grassHuntingtonINUSA15 stall foundations very faintly visible in grass. Note the small transfer table between the two shop buildings immediately to the south of the roundhouse site.
Visual Remains OnlyCleveland, Columbus, & Cincinnati vacant lotIndianapolisINUSAconcrete floor visible
Visual Remains Only26Pennsylvania vacant lotIndianapolisINUSAconcrete floor visible
Turntable OnlyPennsylvania Transco Railway ProductsLogansportINUSAturntable still in use
Turntable OnlyNew York Chicago & Saint Louis Norfolk Southern yardNew HavenINUSAUsed by C&O 2716 in 2008. Still in use.
Visual Remains OnlyLake Erie & Western Grassy AreaPeruINUSA
Visual Remains OnlyChicago, Cincinatti & Louisville vacant lotPeruINUSAfoundation visible through underbrush
Visual Remains Only12Lake Erie & Western vacant lotPeruINUSA
Visual Remains Only25Southern AbandonedPrinceton INUSA
Visual Remains OnlyChicago, St. Louis & Pittsburg grassy areaRichmondINUSACircular area may be pivot point.
Visual Remains OnlyPennsylvania vacant lotRichmondINUSAfoundation visible
Roundhouse Only1906New Jersey, Indiana & Illinois abandonedSouth BendINUSAappears abandoned, overgrown, and decaying. Side shop attached. Update: torn down.
Visual Remains OnlyNew York Central Trucks Inc used parts yardTerre HauteINUSAconcrete floor visible
Visual Remains OnlyPennsylvania vacant lotTerre HauteINUSAconcrete floor partially visible
Visual Remains OnlyChicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific vacant lotTerre HauteINUSAconcrete floor visible
Visual Remains OnlyNew York, Chicago & St Louis Norfolk southernTiptonINUSATurntable ring and exterior wall of roundhouse is visible.
Visual Remains Only32Baltimore & Ohio Vacant lotWashingtonINUSA

Statistics for Roundhouses in Indiana

Maps And Lists of Roundhouses

Map Resources

Special thanks to Brian Berthold, Richard Shulby, and Mark Mason who have all worked together to research and locate many of the roundhouse remains shown in this database.

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  1. In google maps navigate to the roundhouse or turntable.
  2. Use the 'X' in the google maps search area to clear any search terms.
  3. Make sure your map is not rotated or in 3D mode.
  4. Center the google map view on the turntable or roundhouse.
  5. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar.
  6. Paste that URL into the 'mapURL' of this form.
All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris