Surviving Roundhouses and Turntables in Minnesota

Select a state for steam locomotives Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana New Jersey New Mexico North Dakota North Carolina Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Dakota South Carolina Tennessee Texas Vermont Utah Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Kansas New Mexico Alabama Florida Arizona Alaska California Texas Wyoming Nevada Oregon Washington Idaho Maine Montana Utah Colorado North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Oklahoma Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Louisiana Mississippi Tennessee Georgia South Carolina North Carolina Wisconsin Michigan Michigan Illinois Hawaii Indiana Kentucky Ohio Pennsylvania New York New York Connecticut Vermont New Hampshire Massachusetts New Jersey Rhode Island West Virginia Virginia Delaware Maryland Washington, D.C.
Blue (Roundhouse and Turntable), Green (Roundhouse Only), Yellow (Turntable only), Red (Visual Remains)
TypeStallsYear BuiltRailroadCurrent UseCityStateCountryNotes
Visual Remains OnlyChicago, Rock Island & Pacific Union Pacific yardAlbert LeaMNUSAconcrete floor visible
Roundhouse Only4Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range Locomotive maintenance in Biwabik yardBiwabikMNUSANo turntable, track laid to 1 bay, still in use
Visual Remains Only441882Northern Pacific open space in commercial areaBrainerdMNUSA316 feet diameter with 56 foot TT, reduced to 42 stalls 1907 after rebuild, north side demolished about 1958, south half demolished 1960. Full concrete floor and turntable ring were visible until 2022 when they were mostly covered with a parking lot.
Roundhouse Only28Great Northern ag products warehouseBreckenridgeMNUSABuilding intact but no turntable. Smoke vents and tracks are still inside building.
Visual Remains Only30Great Northern lot next to unoccupied warehouseCrookstonMNUSAfull concrete floor visible
Turntable OnlyChicago & Northwestern End-O-Line Railroad Park and MuseumCurrieMNUSAUsed for end of CNW line turning.
Visual Remains OnlyGreat Northern BNSF YardDilworthMNUSA
Visual Remains OnlyNorthern Pacific vacant lotDuluthMNUSAfaint outline of roundhouse
Roundhouse Only4Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range Leustek equipment repair shopElyMNUSAtracks removed from roundhouse, turntable gone
Turntable OnlyMinneapolis, Saint Paul & Sault Saint Marie Canadian Pacific yardGlenwoodMNUSAturntable still in use, roundhouse foundation visible
Visual Remains Only10Great Northern open fieldIhlenMNUSARemains visible
Visual Remains Only201872Great Northern wooded areaMelroseMNUSATurntable ring is still visible.
Visual Remains Only24Great Northern BNSF Minneapolis JunctionMinneapolisMNUSA Roundhouse burned in 1992.
Turntable OnlyNorthern Pacific BNSF Northtown YardMinneapolisMNUSA
Visual Remains Only461887Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Canadian Pacific Shoreham YardsMinneapolisMNUSA Torn down in 2019 to make way for storage space.
Visual Remains OnlyNorthern Pacific Parking lotMinneapolisMNUSAPit outlines can be seen in Parking lot between building and road
Turntable Only261913Milwaukee Road Milwaukee Road Heritage CenterMontevideoMNUSAPassenger cars on roundhouse tracks suggest the turntable is operational. Various historical railroad equipment is in the area.
Visual Remains OnlyMinneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie private propertyOnamiaMNUSAPart of turntable ring is visible.
Roundhouse and Turntable371918Duluth, Missabe & Northern CN yard northProctorMNUSA30 stalls remain
Roundhouse Only20Duluth, Missabe & Northern rail yard southProctorMNUSA14 stalls remain
Roundhouse and Turntable51990Museum Loop Western Minnesota Steam Threshers ReunionRollagMNUSAbuilt for steam park and museum, standard gauge track loop around large pond
Visual Remains OnlyGreat Northern empty lot next to BNSF yardSaint CloudMNUSAoutline visible
Visual Remains Only251880St. Paul & Souix City vacant lotSaint JamesMNUSAfaint outline of foundation
Visual Remains Only14Chicago & Northwestern on lot with storage buildingsSleepy EyeMNUSAoutline of foundation partially covered by building
Roundhouse and Turntable16Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Canadian Pacific yardSt. PaulMNUSA
Roundhouse and Turntable251907Great Northern Jackson Streen Roundhouse, Minnesota Transportation MuseumSt. PaulMNUSA20 stalls remain. The original turntable had been removed. This turntable is from the GN Minneapolis Junction roundhouse.
Roundhouse and Turntable121885Minnesota Transfer Minnesota Commercial RailroadSt. PaulMNUSAStill in use with operating turntable.
Visual Remains Only30Northern Pacific vacant lotStaplesMNUSAEastern of two adjacent roundhouses
Visual Remains Only20Northern Pacific vacant lotStaplesMNUSAWestern of two adjacent roundhouses
Roundhouse and Turntable12Minneapolis, Saint Paul & Sault Saint Marie Canadian Pacific yardThief River FallsMNUSA6 stalls remain, in use by CPRR
Visual Remains OnlyChicago & Northwestern Canadian Pacific yardTracyMNUSAoutline of foundation faintly visible
Visual Remains Only261888Duluth & Iron Range demolishedTwo HarborsMNUSA
Roundhouse Only12Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Jim & Mary RoemerWabashaMNUSAThe Roemers bought the property from the CMStP&P then restored the roundhouse and siding. The roundhouse has now been converted to residences.
Turntable OnlyGreat Northern BNSF yardWillmarMNUSAturntable still in use
Visual Remains OnlyChicago & Northwestern vacant lotWinonaMNUSAfoundation faintly visible
Visual Remains Only2Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Rail yardWorthingtonMNUSAFaint outline of turntable pit and foundation can be seen

Statistics for Roundhouses in Minnesota

Maps And Lists of Roundhouses

Map Resources

Special thanks to Brian Berthold, Richard Shulby, and Mark Mason who have all worked together to research and locate many of the roundhouse remains shown in this database.

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  3. Make sure your map is not rotated or in 3D mode.
  4. Center the google map view on the turntable or roundhouse.
  5. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar.
  6. Paste that URL into the 'mapURL' of this form.
All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris