Surviving Roundhouses and Turntables in Ohio

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Blue (Roundhouse and Turntable), Green (Roundhouse Only), Yellow (Turntable only), Red (Visual Remains)
TypeStallsYear BuiltRailroadCurrent UseCityStateCountryNotes
Visual Remains OnlyBaltimore & Ohio BusinessAkronOHUSA
Visual Remains OnlyPennsylvania Cement Business ParkinglotAkronOHUSAFoundation outline paved over for parking lot. North side foundation and east side perimeter barely visable .
Turntable OnlyAkron, Canton & Youngstown Wheeling and Lake Erie yardAkronOHUSAturntable still in use
Visual Remains Only8Pennsylvania Storage YardAlliance OHUSAFoundation ever so slightly visible in road
Visual Remains Only6New York Central Railroad PropertyAnsonia OHUSAThere is a small portion of the wall and floor still in place.
Visual Remains Only40New York Central storage yardAshtabulaOHUSA
Roundhouse Only5Pennsylvania VacantAshtabulaOHUSAOriginally, 10 stalls. Razed in 2023.
Visual Remains Only36Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis WoodsBellefontaineOHUSA
Roundhouse and Turntable181947New York, Chicago & St. Louis Norfolk Southern yardBellevueOHUSA Steel frame.
Visual Remains OnlyPennsylvania empty yardBradfordOHUSA Turntable ring fainly visible plus a hint of some stall foundations
Turntable OnlyWheeling & Lake Erie rail yardBrewsterOHUSA
Visual Remains Only18Toledo & Ohio Central Bucyrus Railcar RepairBucyrusOHUSAconcrete floor visible half obscured by trees
Visual Remains OnlyCleveland & Marietta TRANSFLO terminal truck parking areaCambridgeOHUSAfoundation visible
Visual Remains OnlyPittsburgh & Lake Erie AbandonedCampbellOHUSAturntable gone, pit in ruins
Visual Remains OnlyPennsylvania Norfolk Southern yardCantonOHUSAfoundation evidence almost gone, outline in grass
Visual Remains OnlyWheeling & Lake Erie Wheeling and Lake Erie Gambrinus yardCantonOHUSAfoundation visible
Visual Remains Only20Baltimore & Ohio CSX yardChillicotheOHUSAConcrete floor is visible and in use for rail storage.
Turntable OnlyBaltimore & Ohio rail yardCincinnatiOHUSA
Visual Remains OnlyCleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis unknownCincinnatiOHUSABlacksmith shop is all that remains
Visual Remains Only8River Terminal DemolishedClevelandOHUSARepublic Steel
Roundhouse and Turntable151905Baltimore & Ohio Midwest Railway Preservation SocietyClevelandOHUSA9 stalls remain
Roundhouse and Turntable61904Newburg & South Shore yardClevelandOHUSA
Roundhouse and Turntable271917Hocking Valley CSX yardColumbusOHUSA15 stalls remain. Still in use, good condition.
Visual Remains Only Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis vacant lotColumbusOHUSAconcrete floor visible
Visual Remains OnlyNew York, Chicago & St. Louis WoodsConneautOHUSAThis is the larger of the 2 Roundhouses at this location. The smaller one is just to the south .
Visual Remains OnlyNew York, Chicago & St. Louis yardConneautOHUSAThis is the smaller of the 2 Roundhouses at this location. The smaller one is just to the north.
Visual Remains Only301918Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago demolishedCrestlineOHUSA Demolished in 2007 although some attached backshop structures remain.
Visual Remains Only351887Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago woodsCrestlineOHUSAHint of turntable ring in trees
Visual Remains OnlyBaltimore & Ohio vacant lotDaytonOHUSAfoundation visible through undergrowth
Visual Remains Only341900Pittsburg Cincinnati Chicago & St. Louis WastegroundDennisonOHUSA30 stalls is a guess as is date and RR. Used as PRR's Panhandle Division roundhouse and shops, the PRR having acquired the PCC&StL in 1921.
Visual Remains OnlyWheeling & Lake Erie fieldDillionvaleOHUSATurntable pit ring barely visible
Visual Remains Only221905Baltimore & Ohio WoodsHollowayOHUSA99 percent show foundation in woods
Visual Remains Only15New York Central wooded lotHubbardOHUSAfoundation visible, partially overgrown
Roundhouse Only101907Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern BusinessJacksonOHUSA
Visual Remains Only10Cleveland & Mahoning Valley Business lotLancasterOHUSAStall seen in parking lot
Visual Remains Only211911Erie & Western Norfolk Southern yardLimaOHUSAoutline of roundhouse faint, turntable ring more visible
Visual Remains Only5Baltimore & Ohio Vacant lotLimaOHUSA2nd roundhouse at this location. Dayton & Michigan (Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton) was first.
Visual Remains Only14Baltimore & Ohio vacant lotLorainOHUSAconcrete floor visible
Visual Remains OnlyErie CSX K1 Marion yard and Union Tank CarMarionOHUSAconcrete floor visible
Roundhouse Only12New York Central Energy Transfer - Finned Tube factoryMinervaOHUSAroundhouse building incorporated into larger factory building
Visual Remains Only24Pennsylvania Vacant lot overgrownMingo JctOHUSA
Visual Remains Only20Wabash vacant lotMontpelierOHUSAfaint outline of foundation
Visual Remains OnlyPennsylvania wooded lotNorthwoodOHUSAfoundation visible through trees
Visual Remains Only10Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Vancant NorwalkOHUSABurned Fall 2002
Visual Remains Only20Norfolk & Western Norfolk Southern yardPortsmouthOHUSAfoundation visible, 1 tree
Turntable Only24New York Central Norfolk Southern Sharon yardSharonvilleOHUSA Stall foundations still visible. Trees starting to grow around turntable ring.
Roundhouse and Turntable182010 Age of Steam RoundhouseSugarcreekOHUSANew construction for Age of Steam Museum.
Turntable Only18Detroit, Toledo and Ironton CN yardToledoOHUSA
Visual Remains Only8Toledo Terminal RR industrial parkToledoOHUSAfoundation outline visible
Visual Remains OnlyWheeling & Lake Erie Norfolk Southern yardToledoOHUSAturntable pit and some foundation visible
Visual Remains OnlyNew York Central Parking LotToledoOHUSANorthern Roundhouse of the Air Line Junction Shops
Visual Remains OnlyBaltimore & Ohio TRANSFLO yardToledoOHUSAfoundation outline very faint
Visual Remains OnlyNew York Central vacant lotToledoOHUSASouthern Roundhouse of the Air Line Junction Shops
Visual Remains Only21Cincinnati Northern Railroad woods and Private PropertyVan WertOHUSA
Visual Remains OnlyChesapeake & Ohio CSX Walbridge yardWalbridgeOHUSAfoundation outline visible
Turntable Only25Baltimore & Ohio CSX Willard YardWillardOHUSA
Turntable OnlyErie Youngstown Belt RR yardYoungstownOHUSAturntable in disrepair, no track access
Visual Remains OnlyBaltimore & Ohio lawn in commercial areaZanesvilleOHUSAoutline of foundation faintly visible

Statistics for Roundhouses in Ohio

Maps And Lists of Roundhouses

Map Resources

Special thanks to Brian Berthold, Richard Shulby, and Mark Mason who have all worked together to research and locate many of the roundhouse remains shown in this database.

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  1. In google maps navigate to the roundhouse or turntable.
  2. Use the 'X' in the google maps search area to clear any search terms.
  3. Make sure your map is not rotated or in 3D mode.
  4. Center the google map view on the turntable or roundhouse.
  5. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar.
  6. Paste that URL into the 'mapURL' of this form.
All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris