Surviving Roundhouses and Turntables in Pennsylvania

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Blue (Roundhouse and Turntable), Green (Roundhouse Only), Yellow (Turntable only), Red (Visual Remains)
TypeStallsYear BuiltRailroadCurrent UseCityStateCountryNotes
Visual Remains OnlyBessemer & Lake Erie empty lotAlbion PAUSA foundation barely visibisible was built next to repair shops
Turntable OnlyPennsylvania Norfolk Southern Juniata heavy repair shopsAltoonaPAUSA Turntable provides access to each bay of large square shop building. No roundhouse existed at this location.
Visual Remains Only52Pennsylvania Norfolk Southern YardAltoonaPAUSA East Altoona Roundhouse
Roundhouse and Turntable72010Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum Railroaders Memorial MuseumAltoonaPAUSA
Visual Remains Only37Pennsylvania Union Tank CarAltoonaPAUSA Altoona Car Shops locomotive finishing shop
Visual Remains Only30New York Central Jersey Shore Steel company yardAvisPAUSAconcrete floor visible
Roundhouse Only81870Reading Crushcrete Inc.BethlehemPAUSA6 stalls remain
Visual Remains Only181927Central RR Of New Jersey Norfolk Southern yardBethlehemPAUSAconcrete floor used as hard storage pad
Visual Remains Only71924Pennsylvania vacant lotBlairsvillePAUSAvery faint outline of foundation in grass
Visual Remains Only8Tioga FieldBlossburgPAUSAShadow of turntable pit and back wall can be seen in grass
Roundhouse and Turntable2011Brookville Equipment Corporation Brookville Equipment CorpBrookvillePAUSARoundhouse is new, not historic
Visual Remains Only22Monongahela Pennsylvania Water Co.BrownsvillePAUSAPortions of foundation are still visible. Two sheds have been constructed over two of the stalls.
Visual Remains Only411912Delaware & Hudson unknownCarbondalePAUSA Almost a full circle.
Roundhouse Only6Pennsylvania Jim's Farmers MarketChambersburgPAUSAFoundation outline visible in grass to the northeast.
Visual Remains Only4New York Central vacant lotCherry TreePAUSAfoundation visible
Visual Remains Only22New York Central R J Corman RR yard, Pennsylvania LinesClearfieldPAUSAconcrete floor visible
Turntable OnlyBaltimore & Ohio CSX yardConnellsvillePAUSAturntable in disrepair, no tracks, roundhouse floor visible
Turntable OnlyPennsylvania Norfolk Southern YardConwayPAUSA
Visual Remains Only6Reading RBM&N yardCressonaPAUSATurntable moved to Bridgeport, PA in 1946 then to the RR Museum of PA.
Roundhouse Only32Lehigh Valley Reading Blue Mountain and Northern yardDuryeaPAUSAturntable and track gone, roof falling in, attached backshop in better condition
Visual Remains Only20Pennsylvania Norfolk Southern yardEast ConemaughPAUSAfoundation and turntable ring visible
Visual Remains Only6Pennsylvania wooded lotEmporiumPAUSAouter wall foundation can be seen between trees and road
Turntable Only40Pennsylvania Norfolk Southern YardEnolaPAUSA
Visual Remains Only22Pennsylvania CSX yardEriePAUSAconcrete floor visible
Visual Remains OnlyH&BTM woodsEverettPAUSA
Visual Remains OnlyPittsburgh & West Virginia Wheeling and Lake Erie yardGreen TreePAUSAseveral trackway outlines can be seen between storage piles
Roundhouse and Turntable171893Bessemer & Lake Erie VacantGreenvillePAUSA Former home to B&LE 2-8-0 154 and 2-10-4 643
Visual Remains Only20Reading Norfolk Southern Rutherford yardHarrisburgPAUSAsouthern most part of foundation visible, remainder obscured by underbrush
Visual Remains Only20Baltimore & Ohio CSX Glenwood yardHazelwoodPAUSAFoundation outline of four stalls barely visible.
Roundhouse and Turntable10Monongahela River Tartan Racing team test facilityHazelwoodPAUSA Nicknamed the Robot City Roundhouse. Serviced both standard and 3 foot gauge. Owned by the Carnegie Mellon University and RIDC.
Turntable OnlyCentral Of New Jersy Reading and NorthernJim ThorpePAUSA Turntable is used to turn BM&R 425.
Turntable OnlyBucksgahuda & Western Bucksgahuda & WesternKerseyPAUSANarrow gauge
Visual Remains Only10Delaware, Lackawanna & Western vacant lotKingstonPAUSAoutline of foundation visible
Turntable OnlyPennsylvania Juniata Valley RR yardLewistownPAUSAstill in use
Roundhouse Only41985Knox & Kane VacantMarienvillePAUSA
Roundhouse Only81906McKeensport future Industrial Center of McKeesportMcKeesportPAUSA Connected B&O with P&LE. Intact, no tracks.
Roundhouse and Turntable15Union Railroad Hall RoundhouseMonroevillePAUSATurntable and roundhouse are both still active and in daily use.
Visual Remains OnlyPennsylvania wooded lotMonroevillePAUSAconcrete floor visible through trees
Visual Remains OnlyPennsylvania Railroad woodsMonroevillePAUSACement slab is right where Roundhouse was
Visual Remains Only22Pittsburgh, Chartiers & Youghiogheny Scully Yard (trees now)Moon RunPAUSAFoundation of second, PRR roundhouse in trees.
Visual Remains OnlyBaltimore & Ohio CSX yardNew CastlePAUSAfoundation of several stalls visible below parking lot
Roundhouse Only51894Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Kasgro specialty rail car solutions shopNew CastlePAUSAseveral additions to building, part of railcar building complex
Visual Remains OnlyPennsylvania wooded lotNew CastlePAUSAoutline of foundation visible
Roundhouse Only151918Pittsburgh & Lake Erie VacantNewellPAUSA5 stalls remain
Roundhouse Only121915Unity Railway abandonedNorth BessemerPAUSA Owned by the Bessemer &Lake Erie and leased to the Unity Railroad. Four stalls remain. Roof intact, all tracks gone.
Visual Remains OnlyPennsylvania yardNorthumberlandPAUSAFormer home of Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania collection.
Visual Remains Only11Pennsylvania Vacant lotOil CityPAUSA
Roundhouse Only151915Lehigh & New England NAPA Development Corp. excavating contractor shopsPen ArgylPAUSAno tracks, good condition
Turntable Only22Baltimore & Ohio CSX YardPhiladelphiaPAUSARoundhouse demolished
Visual Remains Only5Pennsylvania Private PropertyPhiladelphiaPAUSATrack ends at turntable location
Visual Remains OnlyPennsylvania vacant lotPhiladelphiaPAUSAtrees growing out of turntable pit
Turntable Only1877Allegheny Valley Armstrong Rails to TrailsPhillipstonPAUSAHas been completely restored
Turntable Only2Reading RBM&N headquartersPort ClintonPAUSAEngine house is not really a roundhouse
Visual Remains OnlyBaltimore & Ohio Buffalo and Pittsburgh yardPunxsutawneyPAUSAfoundation visible
Visual Remains Only28Reading TransloadingReadingPAUSA
Visual Remains Only15Pennsylvania Heritage ParkRenovoPAUSA
Roundhouse and Turntable81882East Broad Top East Broad TopRockhillPAUSA 3 foot narrow gauge historic railroad
Visual Remains OnlyLehigh Valley Guthrie AirSayrePAUSA
Roundhouse and Turntable31Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Steamtown National Historic SiteScrantonPAUSA
Visual Remains OnlyEire woodsSharpsvillePAUSAturntable reported to be in the woods
Visual Remains OnlyBaltimore & Ohio Scrap YardSomersetPAUSAFoundation walls and pit lines
Turntable OnlyRailroad Museum of Pennsylvania Railroad Museum of PennsylvaniaStrasburgPAUSA Turntable from Cressona, PA. Roundhouse to be built.
Roundhouse Only111925Lehigh & New England Magnesium Elektron Powders PA factoryTamaquaPAUSAno tracks nor turntable, roundhouse part of factory complex
Visual Remains Only17Pittsburgh & Lake Erie vacant lotVanderbiltPAUSAconcrete floor visible, turntable pit partially open
Visual Remains Only34Pennsylvania Private LandWallPAUSAPit lines seen in dirty parking lot north of tree line.
Visual Remains Only1869Lehigh Valley WoodsWeatherlyPAUSAReports of Roundhouse Foundation in woods
Visual Remains Only11Pennsylvania football fieldWilliamsportPAUSAturntable outline and some trackways visible in grass

Statistics for Roundhouses in Pennsylvania

Maps And Lists of Roundhouses

Map Resources

Special thanks to Brian Berthold, Richard Shulby, and Mark Mason who have all worked together to research and locate many of the roundhouse remains shown in this database.

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  6. Paste that URL into the 'mapURL' of this form.
All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris