Surviving Steam Locomotives in Kentucky, United States

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List of Steam Locomotives in Kentucky, United States

No.ClassF.M. WhyteGaugeRailroad LineLocationStatusBuilder InfoNotes
2132C-10-8-04'-8½"L&N Corbin Tourism and Convention Commission, Corbin, KY
L&N #396, 1922 From Bainbridge, GA.
122-6-024"Richwood Tahoe Railroad Richwood Tahoe Railroad, Crestview Hills, KY
Mammoth Locomotive Works, 2009 This locomotive was sold and moved to Arizona. It was converted to a diesel-hydraulic steam outline. As of 2023, it is for sale on Discover Live Steam.
10-4-0ST4'-8½"Potomac Edison (W.E. Callihan Construction) Kentucky Steam Heritage Corp. Steam Shop, Irvine, KY
Vulcan Iron Works #2886, 12/1918 Was displayed near the Dreamland Pool, in Kenova, WV.
587 (5541)H-6o2-8-24'-8½"NYC&StL (LE&W) Kentucky Steam Heritage Corp. Steam Shop, Irvine, KY
Baldwin #49683, 1918From Broad Ripple Park, Indianapolis, IN, then the Indiana Transportation Museum, Noblesville, IN. Appeared in 587 The Great Train Robbery. Previously operated in 2003. Awaiting restoration back to operation. To be sold in February, 2025.
2716K-42-8-44'-8½"C&O Kentucky Steam Heritage Corp. Steam Shop, Irvine, KY
Alco (Schenectady) #70865, 1943 Owned by the Kentucky Railway Museum, New Haven, KY. Operated for the Norfolk Southern steam program from 1981 to 1982. Leased by the Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society from 1995 to 1996 as a running mate for NKP 765. Restoration to be completed 2030.
7745 (2)0-6-0T4'-8½"Medford Power Station Ohio Valley RR Historical Foundation Inc., LaGrange, KY
Robert Stephenson & Hawthorne #7745, 1952Named Flying Duchess. Operated on the Boyne Valley RR, MI in the 1970s.
2008 (7040)QJ2-10-24'-8½"Central Kentucky Lines RJ Corman's Buchanan St yard, Lexington, KY
Datong, 1985 RJ Corman From China.
40-4-2T4'-8½"Mammoth Cave RY Mammoth Cave National Park, Mammoth Cave, KY
Baldwin #9442, 1888 Named Hercules. Restored at the Kentucky Railway Museum, New Haven, KY.
110-4-0T+T39½"Louisville Cement Kentucky Railway Museum, New Haven, KY
Vulcan Iron Works (Wilkes-Barre) #3334, 1923Cosmetic restoration completed in 2020.
285 (2152)USRA0-8-04'-8½"Republic Steel (L&N) Kentucky Railway Museum, New Haven, KY
Alco (Richmond) #66190, 03/1925 Being painted in 2019.
152K-2A4-6-24'-8½"L&N Kentucky Railway Museum, New Haven, KY
Rogers #6256, 1905Official state steam locomotive of Kentucky. On the National Register of Historic Places. Previously operated in September 2011. Restoration work started in April 2023 in Ravenna, KY.
112-6-24'-8½"Reader (Caddo & Choctaw) Riney-B Park, Nicholasville, KY
Baldwin #58194, 01/1925 Operated until 1993.
1518 (1932)2-8-24'-8½"IC Kentucky Ave and Water St, Paducah, KY
Lima #6524, 1923 Became the last IC steam locomotive in service.
14 (77)0-6-04'-8½"Union (M&NF) Big South Fork Scenic Railway, Stearns, KY
Alco (Schenectady) #71323, 1944From the Tombstone Junction RR, McCreary County, KY, then the Kentucky & Tennessee Railway, Hemlock, KY.

Resources for Steam Locomotives in Kentucky, United States

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris