Surviving Steam Locomotives in Minnesota, United States

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List of Steam Locomotives in Minnesota, United States

No.ClassF.M. WhyteGaugeRailroad LineLocationStatusBuilder InfoNotes
1004 (2604)G84-6-04'-8½"CMStP&P Mower County Fairgrounds, Austin, MN
Baldwin (Burnham) #19543, 10/1901 Vauclain Compound. Donated to the city of Austin in 1957.
27 (348)C-32-8-04'-8½"D&NE (DM&IR) Carlton County Fairgrounds, Barnum, MN
Alco (Pittsburg) #42286, 1907 Acquired by the Wisconsin Great Northern in 2024.
80-4-0F30"NP Crow Wing Co Fairgrounds, Brainerd, MN
H.K. Porter #7979, 1945Previously used at tie treatment plant.
10-4-0T4'-8½"DTR Ironhorse Central Railroad Museum, Chisago City, MN
H.K. Porter #5580, 1914
40-4-0T-T4'-8½"DTR Ironhorse Central Railroad Museum, Chisago City, MN
H.K. Porter #6768, 1923The only surviving and only operational 0-4-0T-T in the USA.
927 (10)L-40-6-04'-8½"NP (StP&D) Ironhorse Central Railroad Museum, Chisago City, MN
Baldwin (Burnham) #14796, 1896From Lum Park, Brainerd, MN.
347C-32-8-04'-8½"DM&IR Museum of Mining, Chisholm, MN
Alco (Pittsburg) #42285, 1907
162-8-04'-8½"D&NE Fauley Park, Cloquet, MN
Baldwin #40874, 1913 Operated until the early 1960s.
13 (6)2-6-036"DSP&P (Ferro-carril de Salaverry A. Trujillo) End-O-Line Railroad Park, Currie, MN
Baldwin #3781, 1875 Named Frisco. From Peru, then Frisco, CO, then the Prairie Expo Museum, Worthington, MN.
1024-6-04'-8½"GAN End-O-Line Railroad Park, Currie, MN
Alco (Richmond) #64280, 1923
20-4-0T24"Dalton Decauville (F. Albert Bau) Lake Region Pioneer Threshermen's Association, Dalton, MN
Decauville (Paris) #5398, 1914From France.
1068L-90-6-04'-8½"NP Dilworth City Park, Dilworth, MN
Alco (Manchester) #41877, 1907 Cosmetically restored between 1987 and 1989. Asbestos removed and some sheet metal are replaced. Under a roof and currently needing further restoration efforts.
10-4-04'-8½"NP Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
Smith & Porter #84, 1870 Named Minnetonka.
70-4-0T4'-8½"MN Steel Co Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
H.K. Porter #5737, 10/1915
2435T2-6-24'-8½"NP Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
Alco (Brooks) #42250, 1907Cosmetic restoration only.
28 (332)C-32-8-04'-8½"D&NE (DM&IR) Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
Alco (Pittsburg) #39587, 1906Restored to operation in June 2017. Temporarily replaced Soo Line 2719 while it is out of service.
14MK-22-8-24'-8½"D&NM Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
Baldwin #39665, 1913Ran at the museum until 1999, appeared in Iron Will.
227M-32-8-8-44'-8½"DM&IR Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
Baldwin #62533, 1941
14-4-04'-8½"GN (M&P) Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
New Jersey Locomotive, 1861 Named William Crooks.
2719H-234-6-24'-8½"MSP&SSM Lake Superior Railroad Museum, Duluth, MN
out of service
Alco (Schenectady) #64314, 1923 From the Chippewa Valley Railroad, Eau Claire, WI. Restored to operation in 1998 at CNW roundhouse, Altoona, WI. Taken out of service in late 2013. Awaiting mandated 1,472-day inspection and overhaul.
471H6-382-8-04'-8½"M&StL south of downtown, Janesville, MN
Baldwin #35702, 1910 From Chaska, MN, then Annandale, MN.
261S-34-8-44'-8½"CMStP&P GN Shops/Minneapolis Junction, Minneapolis, MN
Alco (Schenectady) #71974, 07/1944 Restored to operation in 1993. Taken out of service in 2008. Returned to operation on December 12, 2012. Considering a possible conversion to burn oil, according to a March 2021 feasibility study.
4254-6-224"Florida Southwesternunknown, Minneapolis, MN
From St. Augustine, FL.
806 (64)S-40-8-04'-8½"Oliver Iron Mining Co. (DM&N) park, Mountain Iron, MN
Baldwin #34756, 1910
80-4-030"Raritan Copper Lund Machine Works, New Ulm, MN
H.K. Porter #6917, 1924 From Edaville, then restored by Harry Stebbins, Navarre, OH.
0-4-0T30"Butler Consolidated Coal Lund Machine Works, New Ulm, MN
H.K. Porter #5452, 1914
225M-32-8-8-44'-8½"DM&IR US 2, Proctor, MN
Baldwin #62531, 1941
30-4-0T4'-8½"DTR Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion, Rollag, MN
H.K. Porter
50-4-0T4'-8½"DTR Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion, Rollag, MN
H.K. PorterUsed as a source of spare parts for sister DTR locomotive 3.
353B-40-6-04'-8½"MSP&SSM Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion, Rollag, MN
Alco (Brooks) #61760, 1920
8327P-5-c0-8-04'-8½"GTW Bandana Square, St. Paul, MN
Lima #7222, 1927
328S-104-6-04'-8½"NP Minnesota Transportation Museum, St. Paul, MN
Rogers #37583, 1907 Once displayed in Stillwater, MN. Operated until 2000. Undergoing slow restoration.
2153Q-34-6-24'-8½"NP Minnesota Transportation Museum, St. Paul, MN
Baldwin #33278, 03/1909From East Grand Forks. Acquired by the MTM after the 1997 Grand Forks flood.
2156Q-34-6-24'-8½"NP Minnesota Transportation Museum, St. Paul, MN
Baldwin (Burnham) #33281, 1909
1024 (504)L-42-8-24'-8½"MSP&SSM (CI&L) City Hall/Soo Line Depot, Thief River Falls, MN
Alco (Brooks) #50706, 1912 Only surviving Monon steam locomotive.
1218 (218)K-12-8-04'-8½"DM&IR (D&IR) Tower Train Museum, Tower, MN
Baldwin #34745, 06/1919
9 (346)B-40-6-04'-8½"MSP&SSM Wheels Across the Prairie Museum, Tracy, MN
Alco #55570, 1915
32-6-04'-8½"D&IR D&IR Depot, Two Harbors, MN
Baldwin (Burnham) #6649, 1883
229M-42-8-8-44'-8½"DM&IR D&IR Depot, Two Harbors, MN
Baldwin #64708, 1943
2523P-24-8-24'-8½"GN Kandiyohi County Historic Park, Willmar, MN
Baldwin #57343, 1923

Resources for Steam Locomotives in Minnesota, United States

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris