Surviving Steam Locomotives in Montana, United States

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List of Steam Locomotives in Montana, United States

No.ClassF.M. WhyteGaugeRailroad LineLocationStatusBuilder InfoNotes
1031L-70-6-04'-8½"NP Yellowstone County Museum, Billings, MT
Alco (Schenectady) #27362, 1903
1230-4-0T30"Anaconda Copperprivate, Bozeman, MT
Davenport Locomotive Works #1572, 1915From Silver Star.
1210-4-0T30"Anaconda Copperprivate, Bozeman, MT
Davenport Locomotive Works #1534, 1915From Silver Star.
25Y-12-8-04'-8½"NP Civic Center, Butte, MT
Alco (Schenectady) #5129, 1899
0-4-0CA24" World Museum of Mining, Butte, MT
H.K. Porter
1220-4-0ST30"Anaconda Copper World Museum of Mining, Butte, MT
Davenport Locomotive Works #1555, 02/1916
30-6-0ST4'-8½"Great Wester Sugar (Keystone Steel & Wire) World Museum of Mining, Butte, MT
H.K. Porter #7059, 1928 From the Neversweat & Washoe, Butte, then the Anselmo Mine.
1Shay2Tr4'-8½"F.H. Stoltz Land & Lumber (Somers Lumber) Depot Park, Columbia Falls, MT
Lima #2769, 1914
0-4-0STng Mehmke Steam Museum, Fife, MT
1240-4-0ST30"Anaconda Copper Montana Museum of Railroad History, Great Falls, MT
Davenport Locomotive Works #2059, 02/1926 Previously mis-identified as 126.
2584S-24-8-44'-8½"GN Havre depot, Havre, MT
Baldwin #61238, 1930
1382S-44-6-04'-8½"NP Beattie Park, Helena, MT
Baldwin (Burnham) #20596, 1902
S-24-8-44'-8½"CMStP&P open area, Ingomar, MT
Tender only. Was used as an auxiliary water tender.
4 (11)Shay2Tr4'-8½"J Neils Lumber (Thompson, Greer & Co.) Heritage Museum, Libby, MT
Lima #1643, 03/1906 Named Ole Four Spot.
7 (3)70 tonWillamette3Tr4'-8½"Anaconda Copper Ft. Missoula Historical Museum, Missoula, MT
Willamette Iron & Steel #7, 1923 Restoration to limited operation is planned.
1704 (11)0-4-0T36"Helena Mining Phil Richardson, Missoula, MT
private operational
H.K. Porter #1704, 12/1896
1356S-44-6-04'-8½"NP Railroad Street East, Missoula, MT
Baldwin (Burnham) #20309, 1902
12E-22-8-030"FCM-Mexico Alder Gulch Shortline, Nevada City, MT
Baldwin #34313, 1910From Edaville. Last operated in 2010. Was to be put on display. Plans to purchase and place back in service.
10-4-0T4'-8½"Ideal CementSteam Railroad Museum, Nevada City, MT
S-10-4-0F4'-8½"Somers Lumber (GN) Miracle of America Museum, Polson, MT
From Kalispell, MT.
100 (1057)J-2A0-4-0T4'-8½"Holly Sugar (CMStP&P) Central Park, Sidney, MT
CMStP&P (Milwaukee), 1885
S-20-4-0F4'-8½"Somers Lumber (GN)across from post office, Somers, MT
From Columbia Falls.
ShaySwan Lake, MT
Only rumored to exist. Contact Aaron

Resources for Steam Locomotives in Montana, United States

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris