Surviving Steam Locomotives in New Hampshire, United States

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List of Steam Locomotives in New Hampshire, United States

No.ClassF.M. WhyteGaugeRailroad LineLocationStatusBuilder InfoNotes
100-2-2-0cog4'-8"MWC Fabyan's Station, Bretton Woods, NH
Mt. Washington Cog Railway, 1969 Named Col. Teague (Kroflite).
10-2-2-0cog4'-8½"MWC Mt Washington Cog Railway, Bretton Woods, NH
Manchester Locomotive Works, 1883Named Mount Washington.
20-2-2-0cog4'-8"MWC Mt Washington Cog Railway, Bretton Woods, NH
Alco (Manchester), 1875 Named Ammonoosuc.
3 (2)0-2-2-0cog4'-8"MWC (Green Mountain Cog) Mt Washington Cog Railway, Bretton Woods, NH
Alco (Manchester), 1883Named Agiocochook.
60-2-2-0cog4'-8"MWC Mt Washington Cog Railway, Bretton Woods, NH
Alco (Manchester), 1878Named Kancamagus.
90-2-2-0cog4'-8"MWC Mt Washington Cog Railway, Bretton Woods, NH
Alco (Manchester) #45091, 1908Named Waumbek.
80-2-2-0cog4'-8"MWC Mt Washington Cog Railway, Bretton Woods, NH
Alco (Manchester), 1892Named Moosilauke, cab and tender displayed with 4 in Twin Mountain.
10-2-2cog4'-8½"MWC Mt Washington Cog Railway, Bretton Woods, NH
Campbell & Whittier, 1866 Named Old Peppersass. Originally retired and sold in 1878. Repurchased in 1929 for its 50th anniversary and restored to operation. Suffered a run-away accident, killing the engineer. Cosmetically restored and placed on display.
0-4-024"Edgar T Mead, Etna, NH
Henschel & Sohn (Kassel)From White River Junction, VT. Sold and moved to Frankfurter Fieldbahn Museum, Germany.
7531 (4)0-6-04'-8½"NE Gas & Coke Gorham Depot, Gorham, NH
Baldwin #35821, 1911 Former Steamtown (Bellows Falls) locomotive.
50-4-0T4'-8½"Groveton Paper Covered Bridge Park, Groveton, NH
Alco (Cooke) #59385, 1918
30-4-0T4'-8½"EB&L Loon Mountain, Lincoln, NH
H.K. Porter #6052, 1918
420-4-0WT-T600mmPeter Buescher & Sohn Loon Mountain, Lincoln, NH
Orenstein & Koppel (Berlin) #12481, 1934
630 ton0-4-0T4'-8½"Simon Wreckingprivate residence, Lincoln, NH
Alco (Cooke) #1915 From Steamtown.
1 (3)0-4-0T4'-8½"Koppers Co WMCRR, Clark's Trading Post, Lincoln, NH
H.K. Porter #7171, 1930
52-4-2ST4'-8½"EB&L WMCRR, Clark's Trading Post, Lincoln, NH
Baldwin #29575, 1906The only operational 2-4-2ST steam-powered locomotive in the USA.
6Climax2Tr4'-8½"Beebe River WMCRR, Clark's Trading Post, Lincoln, NH
Climax #1603, 1921
432 tonHeisler2Tr4'-8½"Intl Shoe Co WMCRR, Clark's Trading Post, Lincoln, NH
Heisler #1594, 1929Required staybold replacments, boiler not worth the repair.
5Shay2Tr4'-8½"EB&L WMCRR, Clark's Trading Post, Lincoln, NH
Lima #3066, 1919
30-4-0T24" Beaver Brook Farm & Transportation Museum (defunct), Mont Vernon, NHunknown No cab. May have moved elsewhere.
80-4-0T24" Beaver Brook Farm & Transportation Museum (defunct), Mont Vernon, NH
Baldwin Boiler only.
10-4-2T24"Beaver Brook Beaver Brook Farm & Transportation Museum (defunct), Mont Vernon, NH
Gasoline powered disguised as a steam locomotive.
7470 (47)O-18a0-6-04'-8½"CSRR (CNR) Conway Scenic Railroad, North Conway, NH
GTR, 1921 Received tubes from MEC 501.
501W2-8-04'-8½"MEC Conway Scenic Railroad, North Conway, NH
Alco (Schenectady) #47732, 1910 Tubes being transferred to 7470. Possible restoration candidate.
3666P-24-6-24'-8½"B&M Piscataqua River, Portsmouth, NH
Alco (Schenectady), 1913
4-4-024" Canobie Lake Park, Salem, NH
Crown Metal Products (Elizabeth) #4-88-24
30-4-0T4'-8½"Deer Island Granite Silver Lake Railroad, Silver Lake, NH
Vulcan Iron Works (Wilkes-Barre) #4156, 11/1931
20-4-0T4'-8½"Crotch Island Silver Lake Railroad, Silver Lake, NH
H.K. Porter, 1917It is unclear if this locomotive is still located at Silver Lake.
4 (1)0-2-2-0cog4'-8"MWC (Green Mountain Cog) gazebo, Twin Mountain, NH
Alco (Manchester), 1883 Named Chocorua. Carries cab and tender of 8 Moosilauke.

Resources for Steam Locomotives in New Hampshire, United States

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris