Surviving Steam Locomotives in South Dakota, United States

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List of Steam Locomotives in South Dakota, United States

No.ClassF.M. WhyteGaugeRailroad LineLocationStatusBuilder InfoNotes
10-4-0T36"Branch Mint Chief Crazy Horse Memorial Center, Custer, SD
H.K. Porter #3418, 1906 Named Natalie.
14/8 C0-4-0T22"Homestake Mining Adams Memorial Museum, Deadwood, SD
Baldwin #4669, 1879 Named J.B. Haggin. Displayed at the museum since 1932.
300-6-04'-8½"D&NE Black Hills Central Railroad, Hill City, SD
Alco #62894Tender only.
72-6-24'-8½"Prescott & Northwestern (Caddo & Choctaw) Black Hills Central Railroad, Hill City, SD
Baldwin #51771, 1919 Named The General Custer.
1032-6-2T4'-8½"PT Black Hills Central Railroad, Hill City, SD
Baldwin #55482, 1922 Used as a spare parts source for sister PT locomotive 104.
1042-6-2T4'-8½"PT Black Hills Central Railroad, Hill City, SD
Baldwin #59137, 1926
1102-6-6-2T4'-8½"Rayonier (Weyerhaeuser) Black Hills Central Railroad, Hill City, SD
Baldwin #60561, 1928 This locomotive employs a unique, split water tank which is unlike most saddle-tanks that entirely straddle the boiler.
1082-6-6-2T4'-8½"Weyerhaeuser Black Hills Central Railroad, Hill City, SD
Baldwin #59087, 1926Restoration From Snoqualmie, WA. Restored to operation in March 2020. Debuted in excursion service in June 2020.
30B-P-O0-4-0CA18"Homestake Mining Wade's Gold Mill, Hill City, SD
H.K. Porter #5673, 07/1915
29B-P-O0-4-0CA18"Homestake Mining Dakotaland Museum, Huron, SD
H.K. Porter #5472, 11/1913
0-4-0T36"South Dakota State Cement Dakotaland Museum, Huron, SD
H.K. Porter #6807, 1924
7B-P-O0-4-0CA18"Homestake Mining Black Hills Mining Museum, Lead, SD
H.K. Porter #3292, 12/1905
14B-P-O0-4-0CA18"Homestake Mining Black Hills Mining Museum, Lead, SD
H.K. Porter #4163, 08/1908
9B-P-O0-4-0CA22"Homestake Mining Black Hills Mining Museum, Lead, SD
H.K. Porter #3847, 04/1907
27B-P-O0-4-0CA18"Homestake Mining Gold Run Park, Lead, SD
H.K. Porter #4764, 12/1910
2B-P-O0-4-0CA18"Homestake Mining Mine Headframe, Lead, SD
H.K. Porter #2968, 12/1903Not accessible to the public.
35B-P-O0-4-0CA18"Homestake Mining park, Lead, SD
H.K. Porter #7201, 04/1931
1AB-PP-I0-4-0CA22"Homestake Mining Visitor's Center, Lead, SD
H.K. Porter #7090, 04/1928 3 (two tandem on right-hand side) cylinders.
24B-P-O0-4-0CA18"Homestake MiningWalt Green Park / Mickelson Trail Trailhead, Lead, SD
H.K. Porter #4324, 04/1909 Previously displayed at Storybook Island, Rapid City.
50-4-0T24"Hibernia Ag Prairie Village, Madison, SD
Orenstein & Koppel (Berlin) #11345, 1927
110-4-0T4'-8½"NMIM Prairie Village, Madison, SD
Alco (Cooke) #65274, 1924
29S0-6-04'-8½"D&NE (US Army) Prairie Village, Madison, SD
Lima #8381, 1944Operates one weekend per month during the summer.
7 (2267)25 ton0-4-0T4'-8½"GWSCX (Grand Rapids Gravel) 1880's Town, Murdo, SD
Davenport Locomotive Works #1871, 1921 From Bayard, NE.
0-4-0CA18"Homestake Mining Western Dakota Antique Club, Sturgis, SD
H.K. Porter
0-4-0T4'-8½"SD Cement Plant Western Dakota Antique Club, Sturgis, SD
H.K. Porter #4979, 1911 From Storybook Island, Rapid City, SD. Now located east of WDAC. Restoration to operating condition is being considered.

Resources for Steam Locomotives in South Dakota, United States

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris