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No.ClassF.M. WhyteGaugeRailroad LineLocationStatusBuilder InfoNotes
50-4-2ST30"St. Kitts Sugar Manufacturing sugar factory, Basseterre, KITderelictKerr, Stuart & Co. (Stoke on Trent) #1314, 1916
26-16-1/3C-680-4-2ST39½"Hacienda Dolores (South PR Sugar) Plaza del Recreo (near a church), Penuelas, PRI
Baldwin #53959, 1920 Named La Negra Cocola.
0-4-2ST600mm Finca El Baul, Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, GUATE
FP0010-4-2ST36" Finca Pantaleon, Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, GUATE
outside main factory building.
4 (2)0-4-2ST30"Antigua Sugar Museum of Antigua & Barbuda, St. John's, ANT
Kerr, Stuart & Co. (Stoke on Trent) #1178, 1911 Named Marion, from Bettys Hope Plantation.
50-4-2ST30"Antigua SugarBendalls Valley Quarry, unknown, ANTscrappedHunslet Engine Co. #1989, 1938Named George. Was used on tourist train 1968-73, then as stationary boiler at High Point Dock, then buried at Government Dump in 2001.
3 (4)0-4-2ST30"Antigua Sugarmilitary base, unknown, ANTscrappedKerr, Stuart & Co. (Stoke on Trent) #4209, 1920Named Judie. Derilict in 2001. Was stored at U.S. Navy Base (now American Univ. of Antigua).
All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris