4-4-0 Locomotives in New_Zealand

Railroads that used 4-4-0 Locomotives in New_Zealand (data provided by Steve Llanso of Sweat House Media)

Surviving Examples of 4-4-0 Locomotives in New_Zealand

No.ClassF.M. WhyteGaugeRailroad LineLocationStatusBuilder InfoNotes
17304-4-0T42"Wilson's Portland Cement Co. Bay of Islands Vintage Railway, Kawakawa, NTL
Peckett & Sons #1730, 1927Named Gabriel. Construction started in 1915 but not completed until 1927.
312La4-4-0TNew Zealand Midlandunknown, unknown, CANprivate storedNasmyth Wilson & Co #322, 1887recovered from river 2005.
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Wes Barris