Surviving Roundhouses and Turntables in Michigan

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Blue (Roundhouse and Turntable), Green (Roundhouse Only), Yellow (Turntable only), Red (Visual Remains)
TypeStallsYear BuiltRailroadCurrent UseCityStateCountryNotes
Roundhouse Only81900Lake Shore & Michigan Southern unknownAdrianMIUSA14 stalls in original 1866 roundhouse. 60-foot turntable pit still visible.
Roundhouse Only111895Detroit & Mackinac Lake State yardAlpenaMIUSA5 stalls remain
Turntable Only1916Ann Arbor abandonedAnn ArborMIUSAHidden under trees
Visual Remains Only451925Grand Trunk Canadian National yardBattle CreekMIUSAconcrete floor used for hard outdoor storage pad
Roundhouse Only301911Michigan Central Dobson Industrial Inc. shopsBay CityMIUSA 10 stalls remain, no tracks or turntable.
Visual Remains Only30Michigan Central vacant lotBay CityMIUSAfoundation outline
Roundhouse Only171888Calumet & Hecla commercialCalumetMIUSABuilt between 1888 and 1928
Roundhouse Only2Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Boat Storage Building ChampionMIUSAEnd of line Roundhouse. Turntable pit is fainly visible.
Roundhouse and Turntable62000Detroit, Toleda & Milwaukee Road Greenfield VillageDearbornMIUSA Henry Ford acquired the 1884 Marshall roundhouse in 1991. It was reconstructed here in 2000.
Visual Remains OnlyMichigan Central Bakerson and Collinson companyDetroitMIUSAOuter foundation ring and trackways of roundhouse visible
Visual Remains OnlyGrand Trunk Canadian National yardDetroitMIUSAoutline of foundation and back shop partially visible
Visual Remains OnlyGrand Trunk Huron and Eastern RR yardDurandMIUSAfoundation outline visible
Visual Remains Only51912Ann Arbor Waterfront ParkElbertaMIUSA
Turntable Only341860Chicago & Northwestern marina yardEscanabaMIUSABuilt between 1860 - 1890, turntable in disrepair, no tracks, roundhouse foundation visible
Turntable Only30Detroit, Toledo and Ironton CN yardFlatrockMIUSARoundhouse demolished but turntable is intact. Roundhouse foundation is still visible.
Roundhouse and Turntable20Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Canadian National yardGladstoneMIUSA4 stalls remain
Turntable OnlyMichigan Central Grand Elk RR yardGrand RapidsMIUSA75 foot turntable relocated from roundhouse which was north of this location
Visual Remains Only42Pere Marquette Rail yardGrand RapidsMIUSAAround 21 stalls visible
Roundhouse Only41889Quincy & Torch Lake Quincy Mine MuseumHancockMIUSA Restoration work happened around 2010
Visual Remains Only3Pere Marquete CSX yardHollandMIUSAFoundation of two stalls visible
Visual Remains OnlyChicago & Northwestern Vacant lotIron MountainMIUSAoutline of foundation faintly visible
Visual Remains OnlyChicago & Northwestern gas station propertyIshpemingMIUSATurntable pit visible
Visual Remains Only6Lake Superior & Ishpeming public trailIshpemingMIUSATurntable pit visible next to public path
Visual Remains Only291911Michigan Central Norfolk Southern yardJacksonMIUSA
Visual Remains Only101920Michigan Central Grand Elk RR yardKalamazooMIUSA hard storage pad
Visual Remains Only3Kalamazoo & South Haven Railroad ParkKalamazooMIUSAOutline of turntable pit can be seen.
Visual Remains Only12Pere Marquette vacant lotLudingtonMIUSAturntable ring and foundation outline visible
Roundhouse Only4Manistee & Northeastern Marquette RailManisteeMIUSA Original 12-stall wood Manistee & Northeastern roundhouse with this 4-stall PM roundhouse.
Visual Remains Only12Lake Superior & Ishpeming railroad propertyMarquetteMIUSATurntable pit ring visible
Visual Remains OnlyDetroit, Toleda & Milwaukee Road Marshall Welding & FabricationMarshallMIUSARH floor visable west of building. Back shop still standing.
Roundhouse Only161919Pere Marquette abandonedNew BuffaloMIUSA 3 stalls remain. Turntable moved to Owosso, MI. Formerly used as a Golds Gym.
Roundhouse and Turntable301903Michigan Central Roundhouse SupplyNilesMIUSA
Turntable Only12Ann Arbor Great Lakes Central RROwossoMIUSATurntable from Pere Marquette roundhouse, New Buffalo, MI. In use, engine house is modern.
Visual Remains Only15Pere Marquette CSX yardPlymouthMIUSAouter foundation ring visible, trackways faint, backshop building originally connected
Turntable OnlyGrand Trunk Western Canadian National yardPontiacMIUSAturntable still in use
Visual Remains Only30Grand Trunk Canadian National yardPort HuronMIUSAturntable pit and foundation visible
Roundhouse Only61922Port Huron & Detroit CSX ownedPort HuronMIUSAbuilding in ruins
Visual Remains Only4Michigan Central Railroad Business River RougeMIUSARut along driveway matches up perfectly with turntable. Might be the filled in bridge.
Visual Remains Only10Flint & Pere Marquette grass landSaginawMIUSA
Roundhouse and Turntable30Pere Marquette Lake State RailroadSaginawMIUSA10 stalls remain
Visual Remains Only15Flint & Pere Marquette Lake State RailwaySiginawMIUSATurntable pit ring visible
Roundhouse Only7Escanaba & Lake Superior locomotive maintenanceWellsMIUSAno turntable, track switches used to access stalls

Statistics for Roundhouses in Michigan

Maps And Lists of Roundhouses

Map Resources

Special thanks to Brian Berthold, Richard Shulby, and Mark Mason who have all worked together to research and locate many of the roundhouse remains shown in this database.

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  1. In google maps navigate to the roundhouse or turntable.
  2. Use the 'X' in the google maps search area to clear any search terms.
  3. Make sure your map is not rotated or in 3D mode.
  4. Center the google map view on the turntable or roundhouse.
  5. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar.
  6. Paste that URL into the 'mapURL' of this form.
All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris