Surviving Steam Locomotives in Alaska, United States

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List of Steam Locomotives in Alaska, United States

No.ClassF.M. WhyteGaugeRailroad LineLocationStatusBuilder InfoNotes
1 (802)0-4-0ST4'-8½"Alaska RR (ICC) Alaska RR Depot, Anchorage, AK
Davenport Locomotive Works #764, 1907 Originally built as narrow gauge, then later converted to standard gauge.
30-4-0ST4'-8½"HELCBob Yost, Anchorage, AKprivate restorationH.K. Porter #5939, 1916From Craig Adams farm, Medford, OR.
556 (2627)S-1602-8-04'-8½"Alaska RR (USATC) Delaney Park Strip, 9th Ave. & E St., Anchorage, AK
Baldwin #69855, 1943
12 ton36"Pacific Coast Gypsum Iyoukeen Cove, Chichagof Island, AKderelictH.K. Porter
0-4-2T4'-8½"Yakutat & Southernold canery, Dry Bay, AKderelectH.K. Porter First locomotive on the Y&S. Was bought from the NYC elevated lines in 1904. Retired after 3 years due to being in bad shape. Replaced with the small Lima Prairie #2.
10-4-0T36"Alaska RR Tanana Valley Railroad, Pioneer Park, Fairbanks, AK
H.K. Porter #1972, 1899
201-03 or 201-040-4-0T36"Berners Bay Mining & Milling Last Chance Mining Museum, Juneau, AK
H.K. Porter, 1895 Discovered in Kensington Mine by Coeur, AK and Echo Bay mining companies.
30-4-0T-T4'-8½"AK Anthracitetundra, Katalla, AK
Alco (Dickson) #41751, 1907Named Ole. Was to be moved to railroad park near the Cordova hospital.
AClimax2Tr36"Pioneer Mining & Ditch (Wild Goose)Nome, AKabandoned partsClimax #399?, 1903To the Friends of the Tanana Valley Railroad?
50-4-0T36"Premier Coal Mine (Alaska Engineering) Palmer Train Depot, Palmer, AK
Baldwin (Burnham) #34958, 07/1910
0-4-024"Silver Queen Mine Silver Queen Mine, Sheep Creek, AKderelictRisdon Iron Works Geared. Smallest domestic locomotive to survive, though the boiler, firebox, and cab are gone. Was too small for the company that ordered it. Also very possibly only worked for 2 years before being destroyed in an accident.
1962-8-236"WP&Y (USATC)buried in Skagway River near MP 4.9, Skagway, AK
Baldwin #69431, 1943Was retired in 1951 after serving only 8 years. Lying on left side, portion of boiler and cab above land.
604-6-036"WP&Y near old roundhouse, Skagway, AK
Baldwin #17750, 1900 Recovered from the Skagway River in 1988.
1952-8-236"WP&Y (USATC) Skagway Museum, 7th & Spring St., Skagway, AK
Baldwin #69430, 1943 Can be seen in Google Maps street view.
52 (2)2-6-036"WP&Y (Atlin & Southern) WP&Y Depot, Skagway, AK
Brooks, 1881 Displayed without tender next to the Cooke Rotary Snowplow number 1.
692-8-036"WP&Y (NM) WP&Y enginehouse, Skagway, AK
out of service
Baldwin #32762, 1908From the Black Hills Central Railroad, Hill City, SD, then the Stuhr Museum, Grand Island, NE, then Fort Lupton, CO, then the Kettle Moraine Railway. Taken out of service in 2013. Undergoing mandated 1,472-day inspection and overhaul.
732-8-236"WP&Y WP&Y enginehouse, Skagway, AK
Baldwin #73352, 1947 Previously placed on display in Bennett, BC, CA. Reacquired by the WP&Y in 1979. Restored to operation in 1982.
624-6-036"WP&YMP 2.3, riprap, Skagway River, AK
Baldwin #17895, 1900Buried in Skagway River.
664-6-036"WP&YMP 4.9, riprap, Skagway River, AK
Baldwin #18964, 1901Buried in Skagway River.
674-6-036"WP&Yriprap, Skagway River, AK
Baldwin #18965, 1901Buried in Skagway River near the cemetery.
21F0-4-4T4'-8½"NYE (WACC) tundra near mouth of Soloman River between Council and Nome, Solomon, AK
New York Locomotive Works #137, 1886
159F0-4-4T4'-8½"NYE (WACC) tundra near mouth of Soloman River between Council and Nome, Solomon, AK
New York Locomotive Works #149, 1886
303E0-4-4T4'-8½"NYE (WACC) tundra near mouth of Soloman River between Council and Nome, Solomon, AK
Baldwin #5622, 1881
557 (3523)S-1602-8-04'-8½"Alaska RR (USATC) Engine House (old Kenai building supply building), Wasilla, AK
Baldwin #70480, 12/1944 From Moses Lake, WA, then Anchorage, AK. Currently scheduled to start operating sometime in 2025.
22-6-24'-8½"Yakutat & Southern Y&S RoW near school, Yakutat, AK
Lima #1057, 1907 Only successful locomotive to work for the Y&S Railroad. Worked there until 1949, before attempts to modernize motive power failed. Awaiting future cosmetic restoration.
128 tonHeisler2Tr4'-8½"Yakutat & Southern (Minard Lumber) Y&S RoW near school, Yakutat, AK
Heisler #1092, 08/1906 Diesel mechanical rebuild. Third locomotive for the Y&S after the Lima Prairie proved to be too costly. Next a Plymouth critter frame with a traction motor was tried. Finally, pickup trucks with boxes in the beds for the fish was used.

Resources for Steam Locomotives in Alaska, United States

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris