Surviving Steam Locomotives in the District of Columbia, United States

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List of Steam Locomotives in the District of Columbia, United States

No.ClassF.M. WhyteGaugeRailroad LineLocationStatusBuilder InfoNotes
12-4-04'-8½"PRR (C&A) National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Museum, Washington, DC
Robert Stephenson & Co. (Darlington Works) #25, 1831Named John Bull, built as an 0-4-0, converted to a 2-4-0 with tender and cowcatcher, last operated in 1981, oldest steam locomotive in the USA.
34-4-036"Santa Cruz National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Museum, Washington, DC
Baldwin (Burnham) #3972, 1876 Named Jupiter.
1401Ps-44-6-24'-8½"Southern National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Museum, Washington, DC
Alco (Richmond) #66888, 1926 Served on the Charlotte division of the SR. Only surviving Ps-4 pacific.

Resources for Steam Locomotives in the District of Columbia, United States

All material Copyright ©
Wes Barris